I'm Yours

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Harry Potter and its characters belong to the amazing JK Rowling and I could never be as great as her. The songs belong to their respective artists. Thank you and enjoy.

Summery: Draco Malfoy had fallen away, away from everything he had ever loved. But when fate hands him the key to redemption at the one thing he lost will he take it? Or will he be left once more cold hearted and alone.

Chapter One: Love remains the same

Draco Lucius Malfoy was screwed.

Screwed to the depths of the burning core of the earth and all the way back again.

The blonde man lifted his menu higher, in order to cover his face, as he indiscreetly sunk lower into his push chair.

It was all his best friend, Blaise's, fault. The dark eyed man had popped in on him earlier that day, just as Draco had sat down on his old couch with a bag of chips and the remote to turn on the telly.

"Draco mate, get up and get out…and put some pants on first," His best friend had swirled back into the green flames quickly, because his girlfriend of six years, Luna Lovegood, wanted to go to a Indian restaurant for their date that week.

The grey eyed man had dragged himself from the comfortable worn in couch, before pulling on some black slacks and a grey button down shirt with a black jacket. He had run his hand through his fair hair before spinning away to the new restaurant in the heart of wizardarding London.

The restaurant was warm with red brick walls, elegant red and black tapestries and curtains as accessories. Large windows looked out over the busy wizarding street, the eating place consisted of a large grand room with small intimate little tables littered across the expanse of the restaurant, the ceiling was high and small chandlers hung over every table.

Draco had been escorted to his table and given a menu; he stared at it for a few seconds before he heard it, the noise that had him currently hiding behind his menu.

A laugh.

Her laugh.

His throat had clogged up, his brow had broken into an sweat and his mouth had dropped into a undignified "Oh" of surprise. He had promptly thrown up the menu to hide his head and had slouched into his seat, she was here, and being seated at the table directly in front of him.

He couldn't leave because she would see him.

He couldn't stay because she would see him.

Draco Malfoy was screwed.

"May I take your drink order sir?" a waiter materialized next to him, the man's noise pointed in the air, his greasy hair slicked back unpleasantly.

"Um, yes, the strongest alcohol you have and a glass of water, thank you," Draco replied without looking at the sleek waiter.

"As you wish, Mr. Malfoy" the attendant said as he stalked away to get the frustrated mans order.

Draco groaned and peeked around the side of his menu to make sure that the two at the table in front of him hadn't heard the waiter say his name. Thankfully they hadn't noticed him, but the blonde man's breath caught in his throat when he actually saw her for the first time in five years.

She looked even more beautiful if possible.

He dark curls were falling freely around her shoulders the mass of curls were soft and framed her heart shaped face elegantly. Her wide chocolate eyes were just as deep and soulful as he remembered, but seemed to lack that golden flame that had drawn people naturally to them. Her lashes were dark, long and fell against her cheek as she blushed and looked down modestly; her eye-shadow was of the faintest gold. Her small sloping nose splattered with light freckles, and her high cheekbones blushed a light pink, her beauty astounding. Her plump bow shaped lips were painted a faint pink and were stretched into a bright smile that seemed to light the entire restaurant.

She was wearing a light lace pink camisole under an elegant off white cardigan; a grey wool pencil skirt hugged her hips to the top of her knees showing off the womanly bow of her hips and the obviously evident inward taper of her waist and the curve of her full breasts. Draco once again found himself wanting to run his fingertips along the soft skin of her bare calf, leading to her small elegant foot enclosed in classic round toe grey heels. He found himself mesmerized by the way her small had was wrapped around her wine glass, her fingers artistic and ladylike. He tore his eyes away from her beautiful form glancing briefly at her date.

Still tall and lanky, although a little more filled out in his adult hood, his hair was long and pulled back into a small ponytail at the base of his neck just like older brother once wore his. The classic Weasley red of his hair a shock to his pale freckled skin, and wide smile and easy blue eyes, he was wearing a nice suit, and Draco snidely wondered where he bought it and how he afforded it.

Oh yes, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger were on a date at the table in front of him and he was stuck. He quickly re-hid behind his menu as Ron put his hand over Hermione's as they sat talking and laughing. Draco took a long sip from his whiskey that the waiter had brought silently while he was staring at the woman at the next table.

The stuck up server came once more a small smirk pulling at his thin lips, "So Mr. Malfoy, are you ready to order," Draco sucked in a deep breath sneering out his order of chicken pasta and hastily telling the waiter not to say his name.

"As you wish Mr. Malfoy, will that be all Mr. Malfoy," the waiter said much too loudly for normal circumstances.

Draco sat up straighter in his seat putting on a cool indifferent front before sniping out, "yes that will be all. Oh and tell your manager that you're fired."

"You can't to that sir," the servers tone slipped slightly and his small black eyes widened.

"Oh yes I can, I own this restaurant, now go away," the waiter disappeared his back hunched in defeat and with sniffle from his retreating from.

Draco sunk back down in his seat taking another peek to the other table, just to ensure they hadn't seen him scolding the tall dark haired server; they hadn't.

The two were laughing at Hermione's head was thrown back exposing the long expanse of her soft neck, and Draco felt the intense urge to kiss her defined jaw and creamy neck. He was watching as her lips pulled into an easy smile when he briefly looked over at Ron, who was nervously tapping his foot on the floor and whose smile was slightly forced.

Draco groaned in horror as Ron put both hands over Hermione's own small hands and the blonde mans stomach flipped upside down and stayed there, as he couldn't help but over hear the conversation from the table in front of him.

"Hermione we've been dating for six years and I love you," Draco watched in terror, like a train wreck he couldn't tear his eyes away from the hurtful scene.

Ron got down on one knee and pulled a black velvet box from his pocket and popped it open silently, the red-heads eyes never wavering from his girlfriends frozen face.

The ring was a modest silver band with a diamond placed on top, elegant and simple.

Totally and utterly…Weasley.

"Hermione Granger, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Ron's voice shook slightly as tears fell down his girlfriends face, and she opened her mouth to answer.

Draco let the menu drop, about to get up and leave, not caring if she saw him, but his eyes were pulled to hers in that undeniable magnetic attraction they seemed to share.

Grey and Brown collided and time seemed to stop, the world seemed to tilt on is axis and fall with a large crash back into its rightful place once again. The two were jolted out of their moment when Hermione looked down at her boyfriend who was sweating obviously now.

"Ron, get up." She said calmly tears still falling, but her voice did not shake. "Ronald I can not marry you, so please get up."

The blue eyed man scurried from the ground in embarrassment and his voice was harsh as he snapped at her, "What in the bloody hell are you talking about?"

Her voice lowered slightly and you could hear her stress laced in her words when she replied, "I don't love you like I used to anymore."

"When, when did you stop loving me?" he asked his blue eyes hard with repressed anger.

"After graduation," her voice broke and her eyes strayed to grey once more but Draco merely stared on with abandon, his face frozen in a practiced blank and passive.

"I wasted years of my life with a woman who was never going to marry me," he hissed at her, standing up to leave in a furry.

"I was scared I was going to ruin our friendship," she cried in desperation pulling at his sleeve.

He jerked away from her touch as though she had burnt him, "Congratulations, now you have," and with that he stalked out of the restaurant leaving in ex in tears staring after him.

Hermione's tear filled eyes strayed to Draco who watched as she seemed to hunch under her sadness.

With a final look he stood and walked out passed her without a backwards glance, leaving her alone and brokenhearted crying in the middle of his own restaurant.

Half the time the world is ending
Truth is I am done pretending

I never thought that I
Had anymore to give
You're pushing me so far
Here I am without you
Drink to all that we have lost
Mistakes we have made
Everything will change
But love remains the same

-Gavin Rossdale