Author's Note: Ok, so take yourself to 2012? ish? lol. I can't really say to much, the story will unfold it's self. thank you Calie for being amazing even when I bug you. :D Lauren and Dana also for putting up with my insanity. ok, so I think you will all really enjoy this! read and review!

"What were you two thinking? Dad you can't tell me you willingly agreed to this. Who the hell do you two think you are? Brad and Angie? Do you even know where this kid came from? Has she had her rabies shots? I don't need the thing biting me."

Chuck scoffed in the direction of the two year old child who was sitting very dejectedly on the couch looking around at all of the expensive things. Anyone could tell just by looking at the child that she felt terrified and out of place. Every time someone's voice would get a little bit louder her deep navy eyes would cast downward at her hands. She looked so timid, fragile, and alone, afraid to be in the new pace with all of the 'adults' speaking so loudly.

"Charles Bass cut it out or we'll see who fairs better when it comes to their inheritance."

Bartholomew Bass sneered at his son in a warning tone as the little girl looked up across the room at them. Turning into a much softer side of Bart Bass that was next to never seen he smiled thoughtfully at the two year old and gave her a little wave.

"You and Serena are both twenty two, Eric's twenty, we needed something to keep us young. Besides when we were shopping in the Los Angeles super market Lily fell in love with the child's eyes."

Bart looked over at lily who was bringing the little girl a sippy cup full of juice the sight brought a smile to his face. Of course things were hard but Chuck's childhood wasn't one that was very memorable. He'd vowed soon as the papers were filled out that this child's childhood would be completely different. He'd actually be involved this time.

"You two bought her on the black market? Well father, I must say that is priceless."

Chuck mocked as he lifted the glass of champagne to his lips and took a long swallow. He hadn't expected to be the first one at the house, Serena should have been. It seemed as though Dan and their child had held her up. That's what happened when you got knocked up at nineteen after revenge sex.

"No we didn't buy her on the black market, Chuck really, where do you get these silly ideas of yours?"

Lily was standing beside Bart now, her voice hushed as though the little girl would hear what they were saying and understand it. Chuck couldn't get over the irony of it all, for two people who hadn't been expected to last more then six months together it'd been almost six years.

"Father told me you found her in a super marke… Sis how lovely for you and Humphrey to join us, Lily was just about to tell us how she and Dad bought this kid off the black market."

With clattering and banging Serena finally walked into the Palace home, her hands full of Christmas presents as Dan followed behind. In his arms a hyper and over anxious blonde haired little girl who was already kicking to be put down on the floor to play.

"Clover Sadiah Humphrey, keep kicking daddy and Santa's gonna come back and take all of your presents away, and that includes taking Jewels back also."

All four of the other people in the room could see the hesitance in Dan's face as he said her full name. They'd all sworn that Serena had been on way to many different types of pain killers when she'd decided upon it. Yet somehow Serena still swore it was just because it was unique and different, because no one else would ever have the same name.

"Chuck stop being such an as… mean head."

Serena said as she censored the words in front of her daughter and brand new sister. That was her complete intention of how she was going to treat the little girl. That's what she was, her little sister. Taking her own four year old daughter out of her boyfriend's arms she carried Clover to the couch and sat down beside the little girl.

"Clove, I want you to meet your… um…aunt? This is Zeylee. Zeylee Natalya. Zeylee meet your niece Clover Sadiah and I'm your sister, Serena"

Zeylee had a completely expressionless face as she looked back and forth from mother to daughter then back down at her perfectly shined Mary Janes. The scared look on the little girl's face was clearly visible.

"So back to your story Lily, how did you find this one anyways."

Chuck asked focusing his attention back on the nosy story as he received a glare from Dan who made his way to the couch to sit with his girls and new family member. It took a lot to be around the Bass's on holidays, but being the father to a child in the family he had no other choice.

"Well your father and I were in Whole Foods to pick up a few things before the plane ride and we're standing in line at the salad bar in back of this women who's taking up far to much room when I notice this child in her cart. She's just sitting there sucking her thumb and looking at me with these big sapphire eyes. I mean look at her you two, she's absolutely precious, so, I complemented the women on her child's eyes and the women turned around and said, 'oh this one? She isn't mine. She's just a return to the orphanage. Adoptive parents couldn't handle her. They said she had a fierce temper but so far we haven't seen any of that. All she does is sit around and stare.' So after speaking with her something told me that this little girl was a very special little girl."

Lily finished speaking and Chuck rolled his eyes in a very un amused way as he turned again to face the child, Serena and the Humphrey two on the white couch.

"Well, welcome to the family brat."

Chuck ended with a shrug and Serena couldn't do anymore then send him a death glare. They hadn't gotten any better at getting along, rather they'd seemed to have only gotten worse with it all, it was sibling rivalry. Not that Chuck would ever admit that of course.

Rustling at the door seemed to break everyone's train of thought again as a miserable looking Nate walked in with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his Marc Jacobs jacket. His sapphire eyes were filled with fallen hope and emptiness, the way they'd been since she'd left him.

"Nathaniel! You're right in time to join the circus. My father and Lily decided that one rug rat wasn't enough. They've added another to the mix."

Serena had jumped up from the couch to run to him and throw her arms around his neck in a bumble of happy energy as she kissed his cheek never once saying the words merry Christmas. Everyone in the room knew how Nate felt about Christmas time.

"Natie, this is Zeylee, mine and Chuck's new little sister"

With a glowing smile on her face she introduced the little girl to Nate. Eric wasn't there yet so he didn't get to be a part of her introduction. When he got there he'd be in the bewildered surprise of meeting her also.

Nate moved away from Serena and knelt down in front of the child. Her appearance made an impossible smile came to his face. She had gleaming sapphire eyes, very light mocha skin from growing up in the Cali sun, that would soon fade even lighter with being in New York city. Her hair was a mess of dark chocolate corkscrew curls that hung loose around her face yet part was tied back with just a simple orange bow.

"Hey Angel"

Wincing as soon as the nickname came out of his mouth he shut his eyes, there were so many lingering things that went along with that word. However, there was something in the child's eyes that made it fit so perfectly.

"So they've told me that your name is Zeylee, I have to say that name is quite beautiful sweetheart and your middle name's Natalya? Well then, maybe you can remember mine then, I'm Nate."

For the first time everyone in the room witnessed as the young girl's face spread into a real full smile showing her dimples as she did so. Everyone besides Nate in the room stood surprised and taken back, Nate had been good for the first year of Clover's life, always there to help Dan and Serena with everything. After Christmas however his whole demeanor to life had abruptly changed.

"Zaylee, that's what Clover's name should have related to if SOMEONE had consulted me first. Funny you found a little girl with the name, whenever Vanessa and I talked about having children –not with each other- she always said if she had a girl she wanted to name her Zay-"

Serena, who was up from the couch and had handed her daughter to her Nana dug her nails into her boyfriend's side causing him to shut his mouth and stop talking right away. Christmas was a bad enough for memories Dan didn't need to make it anymore painful, even if he hadn't meant to. She still had such a strong presence in each of their lives everyday regardless if she was around or not.

"Dan, how about we go see if they need any help in um… the kitchen?"

She added quickly as she persisted to shut him up with a kiss as her hands grabbed full fists on his shirt as she walked backwards dragging him to the stairs up to her old suit leaving four pairs of eyes to follow them and try to figure out what the hell they were doing with the kitchen was down floors in the elevator.

"Your mommy and daddy are silly Clove"

Lily said as she closed her eyes and shook her head, her daughter had turned out better then Lily had ever expected her to. The little blond haired, brown eyed princess in her arms had brought a disastrous break up in an elevator, to a broom closet, to living with one another, a daughter, and a puppy. Everything seemed to be pretty well in the second Humphrey home.

All four sets of eyes stayed locked on the stairs never noticing the bright smile or little laughs that were coming from Zaylee on the couch as she now sit in Nate's lap as he whispered her stories and made her feel a little more comfortable being a part of the UES lifestyle.