Right, I've just taken a look at this and I have realised that this should only be as long as it currently is. I know it's a silly place to end a story, but not if there's going to be a sequel which I hope should be up soon, but it won't be right now as I currently have several other stories that require to be finished.

I will begin with Series 2 and put Andy into the episodes and add some demons of my own in between each episode so as to bulk it out, but that won't happen until I have completed most of my current stories; and that will most likely be Evolution of a Relationship, Series 3 with Rose and most of my Doctor Who fics, when they are completed I will add stories in alphabetical order of TV show/ Book. The order will be as follows:

C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigation
C.S.I: Miami
Charmed: The Title will be Saving Andy Part Two
Doctor Who
Harry Potter
Robin Hood (BBC)
Stargate SG1

There will also be a few cross overs, but I don't think any of them will involve Charmed. I will continue to follow this order one story at a time so that I'm not working on the same TV show or book over and over again, 'cause I know I'll get bored if I do the same thing over and over again.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who's reviewed this and I hope that you will continue to read the series when I begin again.

