Wedding Day Mayhem

Wedding Day Mayhem

Author: Kanata Saionji

Genre: Romance/comedy

Summary: Finally! Let the wedding bells ring… It the much awaited wedding of our most favorite couple, Kanata Saionji and Miyu Kouzuki. Miyu is all tensed up about the marriage and she has everything she need from her parents to her friends by her side. But where on Earth is KANATA?

Disclaimer: 'Daa!Daa!Daa!' is the sole property of Mikan Kawamura and both Kanata and Miyu don't belong to me. This idea was inspired by a wedding I saw in one of my favorite series.

Author's note: This will probably be a two or a three shot and I'll surely update as soon as I can… please tune in and read till the end and don't forget to leave a review. That applies to you too Miyu! :-)

The Flight of the Bride Groom

'I'm so happy for you Miyu,' said a girl with short purple hair grabbing hold of the hands of a blonde standing in front of her, her emerald green eyes glowing with happiness.

'I'm so happy for me too!' exclaimed Miyu and hugged her athletic friend. The latter hugged her back and through the cried of happiness said, 'It feels like only yesterday you came to Heiomachi and now you're getting married to one of the handsome boys in it…'

Breaking the hug, with the still cheery happiness in her eyes Miyu said, 'I can't believe it either Nanami… I'm goanna get married tomorrow…' and in a mournful tone added, 'How I wish Ruu and Wanya were here…'

Nanami just smiled and said, 'stop worrying… it's your wedding tomorrow and nothing should make you sad…'

Miyu nodded lightly and looking around asked curiously, 'where's Aya and Christine?'

'Well… Aya is still in the middle of the movie she's shooting,' said Nanami shrugging her shoulders and added, 'But she'll be here in a few hours… so will Christine… Christine's flight kinda delayed… she should be here in a few hours too…'

'Yeah… I completely forgot that Christine was out on a business tour…' said Miyu slapping her forehead lightly.

'You're supposed to,' said Nanami cheerily, 'you're getting married after all…'

'Don't say it too much…' said Miyu blushing, 'it's a little embarrassing you know…'

'Miyu,' exclaimed Nanami pushing her forehead with her index-finger, 'you're twenty-one… why are you still blushing like a teenager?'

Miyu pouted her lips and said smiling, 'thanks for letting me stay at your house...'

'Anytime…' said Nanami pushing it aside, 'I still find it hard to believe that Mr. Saionji didn't want you and Kanata to be in the same house before the wedding…'

Miyu shrugged her shoulders and said, 'I don't know either… Uncle Hosho is almost always filled with silly tales…'

Suddenly Nanami's phone rang. Seeing Aya's number flash on the screen, she picked it up and said grinning, 'what's taking you Aya? We have to see to the decorations in the wedding hall, remember?'

Miyu beamed. Then she suddenly saw Nanami's expression change. She narrowed her eyes in confusion as Nanami muttered in a serious tone, 'you gotta be kidding me…'

Then, after a few minutes, she said, 'I'll be right there… yeah, ok… see ya!'

'What's wrong Nanami?' asked Miyu suddenly worry decorating her enticing orbs. Nanami looked into her friend's eyes and turning away so that she won't say anything out bluntly, 'um… the china… it's not at the dining hall yet… I have to see to it Miyu…'

'Ok… I'll come too,' said Miyu but stopped when Nanami exclaimed, 'NO!'

Miyu raised her eyebrow in confusion and Nanami stuttered, 'I mean... you're the bride… you shouldn't worry about stuff like this… go to bed… it's… it's…'

'It's 7.30 Nanami,' said Miyu her eyebrows raised.

'You need sleep… just take a bath and go to sleep… I'll take care of all these problems, I promise…' said Nanami and then said, 'yes.. ayour parents will be here any time… you should be here to greet them…'

'But I thought Kanata was going to pick them up from the airport…' said Miyu thoughtfully.

'Kanata… yeah… he's at a… at a… at a bachelor's party… organized by Nozomu… it turns out the boys will be a little late…' said Nanami stuttering, 'he won't be able to get them…'

'Oh,' said Miyu and added with a smile, 'I'll go get them myself…'

'Ok…' said Nanami and giving the to-be bride a short hug said, 'don't mind waiting for me… and tell your parents to feel at home…'

With that the athlete left the house at top-speed.

Miyu looked at the door for a while and then smiled and blushed a little and muttered under her breath, 'I'm goanna be Miyu Saionji in a few hours…'

At the Saionji Temple, two boys in their early twenties one with raven-hair and the other with handsome blonde hair were pacing back and forth at the entrance to the Temple. A girl of about the same age was writing was writing vigorously into a small notepad, with occasional, 'this is going to be a great story… how I wish it wasn't really happening…'

'That Kanata is such an idiot!' exclaimed the raven-haired with his fist in the air.

'You said it Santa…' said the blonde with his eyes glittering, 'how could he even think about breaking a damsel's heart by doing such unmanly things… I'd never forgive him if he doesn't turn up…'

Just then, Nanami appeared at the entrance in the darkness puffing and panting for breath. The other three rushed to her and waited until she had caught her breath. But she tried to speak between her muffled breaths, 'Kanata… is it… is it true?'

'Yes Nanami…' said Aya shaking her head sadly.

'That idiot,' accused Santa crying like a baby.

'I'd never forgive him…' said Nozomu looking up at the night sky.

'You mean he's really run away at the eve of their wedding?' exclaimed Nanami.