Disclaimer: I do not own The World Ends With You/Subarashiki Kono Sekai.

"Move one inch at a time. You're gonna get the hang of it."

Beat crossed his arms, fighting back a smile as Joshua attempted to steer himself on the board. A frown fixated itself on Joshua's face, framed by tawny hair and too-pale skin. All the normal Shibuyan would see is two youths, one large one attempting to teach the other the art of the CAT deck; but of course, you should never take things at face value.

"I don't see what the point of all of this is. I can move just fine without the help of this infernal device." Joshua pouted, stopping himself from falling flat on his face. Beat held back his laughter.

"Thas' not the point, Prissy. You feel the soul through the board. Let it take ya to… anywhere. It'll save your life one day, y'know." Beat explained, sounding as sage-like as he could. Joshua twitched slightly, sighing.

"I don't get the point of this, honestly." He stepped off the board, going over to the blonde. "I could break you just as easily as this board, make you bend towards my will with a simple snap-"

"You can't." Beat said triumphantly. Joshua stopped, wide-eyed.

"Wh-What? I don't-"

"You can't break what's already broken, Priss." A sad smile crossed the boy's features. "I'm fine the way I am, broken and all. So you're gonna shut the hell up or I'll break you."

Joshua stepped back, momentarily appalled, before putting on his usual nonchalant demeanor. "You know what I am. I don't see how you could stand a chance, really-"

"You're all 'bout those mindgames, yo. I don't do that shit. I play dirty. And unlike you, I don't got much to lose." He cracked his knuckles. "Like I said, yo, I'm broken. Ain't you or Phones or all a 'dis Shibuya gon' change that."

Joshua looked over at the boy before putting a hand on his shoulder. "Daisukenojo Bito… you're more interesting than I gave you credit for." And he did the giggle again.

"I told you, yo, don't call me by my full name." Beat grunted, picking up the thin Composer and putting him on the board again. "Now, let's try this again."