No Tag Backs

A/N: Another CR drabble-y ficlet. This one I think is cute. It's just some Smitchie fluff. Enjoy! R&R! Thanks! –Mac

Disclaimer: I don't own CR.

No Tag Backs

"Tag, you're it!" Shane yelled, as he tapped her shoulder and darted away.

Mitchie sighed and picked herself up off the steps of her cabin. Shane had turned around and was grinning widely at her. Since they had arrived back at Camp Rock two hours earlier, he had been acting like a kid at Christmas. He said he was just happy to see her again, but this was too silly. She faced him, her hands on her hips. She had no intention of chasing him.

"Mitch-ie! Catch me if you can!" Shane sing songed.

Now that sounded like a challenge, and she couldn't refuse a challenge.

She propelled herself forward and Shane turned on his heel and ran from her. She chased him around the trees, down toward the lake, past the canoes, and onto the dock. She smirked as he inched back toward the edge of the dock. She had him cornered. Slowly, she stalked forward. Shane had reached the very end of the dock and she was only a few feet away.

"I think I've caught you," Mitchie said.

Shane shrugged, "You haven't tagged me yet."

"Have it your way," Mitchie responded.

She took the last few steps to close the distance. Sh reached out a hand as if to tag him. But when she touched him, she put more force into it than a tag. She pushed Shane right in the chest and he toppled backward into the water. He surfaced sputtering and shaking water from his hair. Mitchie clutched her stomach as she laughed.

"No tag backs," Mitchie called out to him.