A Tale of Two Yakuzas, Three Demons, and One Girl Ningen

By: Inuyasha4ev

Chapter 13: Call me when you need me

"Hey, dad?" Mamoru, now seemingly 8, sat at the dinner table with Inuyasha, a bowl of ramen sitting before him. He was quite handsome, taller than the average eight year old demon. His hair was a little longer, coming to rest in the middle of his back. His eyes were still qide and eager. The only true difference was his height.

"Yeah, Moru?" He asked, looking up from his bowl.

He looked at his father with sad eyes. "M-momma said that whenever we needed her, we could call. Me, Takara, and Kazumi haven't tried yet, but...if I called now, do you think she'd come?"

Inuyasha smiled and nodded. "She promised, didn't she?"

"Mm-hm." Seeing his father smile, he felt that maybe she would come. And they could have a family dinner. Closing his eyes, he whispered, "Mommy, I need you."

Kagome walked into the room and smirked. "I've been waiting four years for you to say that. What took you so long and why haven't Kara and Kaz tried?"

"Mommy, you came!" he ran to her, wrapping his arms around her. "We thought you wouldn't come, so Kaz and Kara didn't try either. I'm so happy you're here!"

Squating, Kagome gave him an eskimo. "Mommy promised, Moru. I couldn't lie to my little babies. Liek I said, whenever you call me, I'll be there in a heart beat." She jumped when she felt a hand on her back. "Inuyasha!" She smacked his arm. "Don't scare me like that, you dolt." Wrapping her arms around him, she asked, "Did you miss me too?"

"I did, Kagome. I missed you so much." He took her lips in his, careful to be gentle and not too forced. A smile on his face, he backed away when Kagome giggled.

"Baka." She nudged him away, her cheeks heavy with blush. "Moru, what did you need?"

He grabbed her hand and led her to the table. "Eat dinner with me and dad, please."

Stroking his head, she said, "I ate already dear." After seeing his frown, she added quickly, "but I can wait for you to finish then I can sit with you before you go to sleep."

"Okay." He ate quickly, watching as his parents talked about things he couldn't understand, each blushing ever so often. "Momma, I'm gonna take a bath now! Come watch how good I am at doing it myself!" He dragged his giggling mother and his father along to the bathroom.

Kagome sat on the edge of the tub, watching the water fiil it up before he got in. A soft smile crept onto her face as she watched him scrub his little body which was already showing signs of the muscles he'd get from his father. "Can I wash your hair?" She asked him, smiling when he eagerly handed her his shampoo. She lathered the soft, silver hair on his head. "When was the last time your father washed your hair?" She asked, glaring at Inuyasha playfully.

"Feh." Inuyasha shrugged, scratching his head.

Kagome sighed. "And you're scratching your own head. Am I going to have to wash yours too?"

He gave her a fang beared smirk and a peck on the lips, "You could."

"Pervert." She smiled, rinsing her sons hair as he yawned. "You're tired, aren't you?" Waiting until he had put on his clothes, she followed him to his room. It was a cute, boys room. His comforter was blue and so were all of the little accessories in his room, even his laptop. "You bought him a laptop? What will an 8 year old do with that, Inuyasha?" When all she got was a feh, she sat beside her son in his bed and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, Mamoru."

"Night, mommy." He frowned and grabbed her hand when she stood to leave. "Will you be here when I wake up?"

Kagome opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Seeing this, Inuyasha stepped up, "Mamoru, I'm sure your mom is pretty busy with Midoriko."

Mamoru whimpered, his lip quivering. "You said you'd never be too busy for me."

"Moru, I'll be here when you wake up. I promise. Now, go to sleep." She tweaked his nose before cutting off the light and leaving with Inuyasha. She shook he rhead at him when he headed off toward his bedroom, dragging her along.

"What do you mean, no?"

"I told you. I'm washing your hair. Grab some clothes and meet me in the bathroom." She ordered, heading to the bathroom and turning on the shower. She stepped in, allowing the warm water to hit her with a smile.

Inuyasha walked into the bathroom, two boxers and a t-shirt in his arms. "Kagome?" He saw her sillouette in the shower curtain and smirked before undressing and climbing in quietly. He stood behnd her, watching as she washed her body before wrapping his arms around her. "Boo."

Kagome jumped and squealed. "Don't scare me like that." She snapped with a glare, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close. When she felt him harden, she sighed and pulled away. "We're not having sex, Inuyasha."

"Why not?" He whispered in her ear huskily, making her shiver.

"Because I said so. Besides, I'm not even sure how pleasurable it will be." She kissed him hungrily. "Now, turn around so I can wash your hair." Turning away to get the shampoo, she tried to ignore the memory of how good he felt inside her. "Kami, I need help."

"Help with what?" Inuyasha's voice sang as he jerked her behind again his hard on.

Kagome gasp, standing up right. "Please, don't do that." She pled in a whimper, squirming when he churned against her. "Inuyasha, please, don't tempt me." She panted, clawing his hands while they massaged her breasts. "Okay, maybe sex wouldn't be so bad. " She concluded, whipping around and pushing him against the wall. "Why aren't you doing anything?" She pouted.

Inuyasha leaned down, whispering in her ear, "Tell me how you want it, Kagome."

"I want it as hard and fast as you can make it, Inuyasha." She begged seductively, moaning when he pushed her against the far wall and grinded against her. Shaking her head when he began foreplay, she pled, "Please no. I just want you."

"Come on. What do I look to you? Easy? I want to make you wait, baby." He ground against her again, suckling the base of her neck. He caught a firm grip on her wrists when she struggled to take things faster, holding them at her side. He chuckled against her skin each time she struggled against him. "Alright. Alright, my impatient Kagome. I will give you what you want." Nibbling on her ear, he thrusted enter her, moaning in reply to her groan.

"Harder!" She begged, driving her nails into his shoulders when he comlied. "Oh, Kami, Inuyasha, more."

Pleased to do as asked, Inuyasha strengthened his thrusts, holding both hands on the wall behind Kagome to help in his pounding. "Oh, Kagome." He hissed with pleasure as her nails raked down his back. With occasional purrs, moans, and groans, he continued until both he and Kagome came. "See, baby. Just as pleasurable as if you were truly alive."

Nodding, Kagome finished helping him wash his hair and body, sparking another session. Before they finally got out of the shower. "Arigato." She thanked him as she slid into the t-shirt and boxers he had given her. She followed him to his bedroom and laid down with him, snuggling closer. "Thank you, Inu. You made me feel alive despite the fact that I'm not. I'm surprised you even still want to make love to me."

Inuyasha growled, forcing her to look at him by grabbing her chin. "Listen to me, Kagome. I love you. Whether you are living or not. I will always love you."

"I'll always love you too." She nuzzled him before drifting off to sleep.

"Mommy! You're still here like you promised!" Mamoru yelled happily, launching himself onto his mother. "Mommy, wake up! It's time for breakfast!"

Kagome groaned, rolling over. "Two more minutes, daddy."

Inuyasha entered the room with a chuckle. "You've never called me that before, but I like it."

Glaring, Kagome threw a pillow at him and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Alright. But after breakfast, I have to go, okay?"

"Okay." Mamoru agreed sadly, taking her hand. "But I'm gonna call you in a few days 'cause we're having a family reunion." He added with an eager smile.

"A family reunion. Goody." -Kami, if Kikyo is there...-

"She might be." Inuyasha told her, seeing the look on her face. "And you need to atleast try to be civil if she is, Kag."

She frowned, sticking her tongue out at him. "Since when do you sound like your brother?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "I don't sound a thing like the twit."

Kagome giggled. "You do. I guess now that you get along, or at least try to, he's rubbing off on you." She forked the eggs Inuyasha had cooked. "When did you start cooking so American?"

"They're stuff is quick and easy. Waffles are like the greatest breakfast food known to man."

"Where are the waffles? You drowned them in so much syrup I can't find, nor can I taste them."

He chuckled. "Hey, our son and I like things sweet."

"You're so lucky demons can't get diabetes." She mock glared then turned to Mamoru who was just happy to finally have his mom and dad together. "So, how's school?"

"Oh school's great!"

Kagome smirked. "So, I guess he didn't get your genes, Inuyasha."

"Ha ha. He's only eager to go because of his girlfriend."

Eyes widening, she turned to her son who was blushing. "G-girlfriend?"

He nodded. "Her name's Rin. She's a human and looks alot like you."

"Oh, you have so got invite her to family reunion." She gushed, hugging him. "Does Takara have a boyfriend? Or Kazumi?"

He snorted. "No. I beat up all the guys that come near my sister's. Especially daddy's friend's son, Rin's brother."


Inuyasha smirked. "My friend, Miroku. We work together at the hospital."

"You're a doctor?"

"No. Sess is a doctor. Miroku and I are training. We're certified to be nurses, but that's women work." He jumped when Kagome glared at him. "I...I mean."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Well, I should get going, Moru." She kissed her son's forehead. "Tell Takara and Kaz that I do come."

He shook his head. "I'll surprise them at the family reunion."

"Okay." She kissed Inuyasha tenderly. "I'll see you both then."

"You don't want to change?"

"Nope. I'll keep this to remind me of you two while I'm away." She smiled before disappearing.

Mamoru smiled at his dazed father. "Come on, dad! Stop drooling so I can go to school!"

Inuyasha snapped out of it, wiping his mouth. "I wasn't drooling!" When his son laughed, he chuckled and ruffled his hair before grabbing his keys. "Come on."

"Father." Takara, now seemingly 7, tugged Sesshomaru's sleeve, "Father."

He looked up with a small smile, pulling he rinto his lap as he sat at his desk. "Yes, dear?"

She pointed out the window. "The guests are arriving. We should greet them, right?" When he nodded a reply, she dragged him along. She was a beautiful little girl. Her long hair already to her thighs. She was highly intelligent, obviously as a spawn of Sesshomaru and Kagome. She too was tall for her age, as was Kazumi. Opening the door, she smiled softly. "Hello, Uncle Naraku and Kaz-imoto. Welcome to my humble abode. Was that right, father?" She asked after hugging her little sister.

"Perfect." Sesshomaru stroked her head, scooping her up into his arms and stepping aside for the guests to enter. "Naraku. Kazumi."

"Hi, Uncle Sesshomaru!" Kazumi smiled, closing her eyes when he ran a clawed hand through her long, obsidian hair. "Yoru hand feels nice. Come on, daddy." She snagged Naraku's hand and dragged him into the house. Hardly a second later, Inuyasha arrived with Mamoru.

Sesshomaru nodded. "Brother. Mamoru."

"Hey, Uncle Sess." He smiled. "Imoto, hey."

"Hello, aniki." Takara asked her father to put her down so that she could hug her brother. "Come. Kaz is waiting in the backyard." She pulled her brother out with her eagerly.

Inuyasha closed the door behind himself and leaned against the wall. "Sup, Sess? How things going?"

"Hn. Things are fine." He shrugged his right arm, feeling his tense muscles loosen a little.

Chuckling, his brother said, "Looks like you could use a vacation. And you ain't the only one. I hope you don't mind, but I invited Miroku and his wife. Mamoru wanted to invite Rin, so I went ahead and told the lecher to bring the family."

Sesshomaru shhok his head. "There's nothing wrong with that. It isn't as though there will not be enough food." he opened the door when the doorbell rang. "Sota. Isao. Father." he greeted the three men, smiling softly before adding, "Shippo."

"Hi, Sesshomaru-oji! Hi, Inuyasha-oji!" Shippo was now nine, the eldest of Kagome's children.

Sesshomaru led them all to the back where the party began. The adults spoke and ate while the children ran around playing without a care in the world.

Mamoru slowed down, allowing his sisters and Shippo to pounce on him, and they fell to the ground in a heap. After a minute of laughing, he said, "Hey, guys! You know how mommy said she'd come back if we called her?" This caught his siblings' attention. They scrambled off of him, sitting attentively and nodding. "Okay, it works. I tried the other day and she came. See, I'll do it again." He took a deep breath, whispering, "Mommy, I need you." He opened his eyes, expecting to see his mother, but he didn't. "What happened? She came last time."

"it was probably a dream." Shippo sighed sadly.

"No! You can ask my dad." He rushed over. "Dad!"

Inuyasha frowned, looking down at him. "What's wrong?"

"It's mom! I called her this time, and she didn't come."

"She probably has a good reason, Moru." Inuyasha tried to reason with him.'

Sesshomaru cocked a brow. "You mean to say she has come before?"

Inuyasha blushed slightly, looking away with a shrug. "Yeah. Once."

Before anyone could say anything, they heard a feminine scream, "Damn hentai!" Rushing to the front yard, everyone was met with the sight of Kagome chasing Miroku, while Sango, Rin, and Kohaku, their son, laughed. "I'll teach you to grab my ass!" She stuggled against Sesshomaru's arms when he grabbed her. "No! Let go!"

"Calm down." He chuckled, holding her tighter to him.

Growling, Inuyasha grabbed the back of Miroku's neck. "Did you touch Kagome?"

"That's Kagome? The woman who..." Miroku began.


"And she gave birth to..." He pointed out Mamoru, Takara, and Kazumi.


"And she's..."


He nodded, processing the information. "Can she still have children?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "Kag, can you still have kids?"

Kagome sighed, setting on the ground to catch her breath. "Yeah. It'll be rare, but yeah." In an instant, she was snatched to her feet, her hands in Miroku's, "What are you..."

"My beautiful maiden, will you bear my children?'

"..." Kagome blinked a few times, cocking her head to the side and staring at him quizzically. "Um...no." She punched him in teh head, smirking as he fell to the ground unconcious. Then turning to Mamoru, she smiled. "You called, right?"

"I thought you weren't coming!" He hugged her, his siblings' gathering around as well.

Kagome grinned, "I told you a few days ago, I'll always come when you guys call."

Naraku smiled at her. "Does the same go for us?"

"Well...I won't promise you guys that I'll come everytime you call. But I'll definitely be here when my babies call. So Mamoru, where's your girlfriend?"

Blushing, he nodded in Rin's direction. "That's her."

"Oh." She smiled sheepishly. "I'm so sorry for knocking out your daddy, Rin." She shook the little girl's hand.

"It's okay. Mommy and other ladies do it all the time." She giggled. "He always grabs them."

Kagome smirked. "I realized." She said, stroking her butt. She looked up when she heard someone speaking to her.

"I am so sorry. My husband, Miroku, is a lecherous moron." The brown haired, brown eyed woman apologized.

"Oh, it's nothing." Kagome assured her, scratching her head. "I probably shouldn't have knocked him out though." She knelt beside Miroku, grabbing him and shaking him. "Miroku. Miroku." She squealed, looking down to find his hand cupping her breast. Punching him again, she rose to her feet and straightened her shirt. "Scratch that. I should've hit him harder." She glided to her father, wrapping her aroms around him. "I take it you missed me daddy?"

He nodded. "Of course I did. Ow." He stroked his head. "Why was I harmed?"

She glared. "Why didn't you call me then? None of you called me." She bit.

Sesshomaru shrugged. "I did not think you would return." He noticed the others nodding in agreement.

"Do you all take me for a liar?" She rolled her eyes. "I swear, sometimes I wonder. And Sota..."


"I spied on you once and noticed you were practicing your sparring. So have I. I expect a battle by the time I win. Loser, i.e. you, buys me as much chocolate as I like so that I can take it with me."

He smirked. "How can you be so confident. You've seen what I can do."

She nodded. "Hence the reason I am so confident." She taunted.

"Hey, I'm getting good, wench!"

Her eyes flashed. "Wench, you say?"

"I, uh, I meant..." He took off running, Kagome close behind. "You provoked me."

"You idiot! You have yet to learn that I hate being called a wench." She materialized before him, making him stumble and fall on top of her. Flipping him, she sat on his stomach and smiled. "I hope you have a lot of money, because I want a lot of chocolate."

He glared. "No fair. You cheated."

She shook her head. "I used by abilities to my advantage. Since when is that cheating? Because if it always has been, you've been a cheater since I was born." She glared. "Now, go fetch my chocolate."

"I'm not buying you any chocolate."

She straddled his waist, choking him. "I want my chocolate, Sota."

"No!" He pushed her.

"..." She pouted, looking at him with wide, teary eyes.

"Don't look at me like that!"

She let a tear slide down her face. "Onegai."

He frowned. "Fine."

"Yay! Thank you, aniki!" She kissed his cheek. "I knew you were good for something."

"Whatever. Get off me wretch." He flinched and shielded his face when she glared at him. "I meant little sister, imoto!"

She nodded, standing up. "That's exactly what I thought. Now, chocolate or I'm going to cry."

Sighing, he handed her a twenty. "Buy your own."

"Sure." She skipped to Inutaisho. "Hi, Tai."

"My little Kagome, I see you are still as strong and feisty as ever." He embraced her warmly.

She scoffed. "When will I not me." Pulling away, she gave the fathers of her children brief glances. "Naraku, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha." She was about to walk past when Naraku wrapped his arms around her.

He elevated a brow. "Tell me, were you simply going to sashay past without so much as a hug?"

Laughing, she embraced him. "I've missed you, Raku-kun." Hearing Sesshomaru and Inuyasha growl, she hugged them and added, "And of course you two, Sess-kun and Inu-kun."

"Goodbye." Sesshomaru waved out the last of the guests before closing the door and heading to the living room where Takara sat chatting away with Kagome. "Takara, dear, it is well past your bedtime."

"But, Father, mom's here. I want to spend time with her before she has to leave." She begged. "Please, a little longer."

Sesshomaru turned to gaze at Kagome before smirking. "Your mother will still be here when you awaken."

Takara smiled broadly, hugging her mom. "You will! Yay! Okay, I'll see you in the morning, mommy!" She kissed her parents goodnight before running upstairs to brush her teeth and go to bed.

Kagome sent Sesshomaru a death glare. "I don't recall agreeing to that."

"You may go tell her otherwise, my dear." He said smugly, sitting beside her on the couch, his arm around her.

"You know I can't. Precisely the reason you said it without asking me." She snapped, snuggling into his embrace. "You annoy me." After taking a deep breath, she concluded, 'And you smell far too good for such a mean taiyoukai."

"Daiyoukai." He corrected proudly.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Whatever. Stupid titles." She continued to mumble incoherently about the uselessness of titles. "You're just plain old Sesshy to me."

He smiled, caressing her face. "I am glad that you feel that way, my Kagome." Tilting her face, he locked their lips, kissing gently as though they had all the time in the world. When he felt Kagome trying to urge him to kiss harder, he smirked and whispered, "I wish to take it slow, Kagome. So that you may feel every shiver of pleasure that we send through each other." Pressing their foreheads together, he closed his eyes again and proceeded on the path while lifting her into his lap then standing. Happy that she had not interupted the kiss by asking what he was doing, Sesshomaru carried her up to his room, closing the door behind them. He threw back the sheets on his bed with one arm, the other arm holding Kagome tight against him. "My heat has ached for you, Kagome. I will enjoy this. And I wish for you to."

Sesshomaru laid her onto the bed, sliding on top of her easily. Rubbing against her lightly, he began to lick her pulse. "The slower you take things, the more perceptive you have a chance to be." He murmured huskily. "When going to fast, your mind may miss something. Yet this way, you catch the smallest of pleasures." He brushed his fingers over her stomach, noting the way her breath hitched in her throat. As he left a few love bites on her neck, he slid his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.

Kagome leaned her head back, allowing him more access to her neck. A groan escaped her lips when he reached the spot where her jaw bone met her neck. She raised her arms abover her head, letting him slip off the tank top she had worn. She had never been touched the way he touched her. As he said, ever spark rivoted through her spinal cord. Him merely undressing her had nearly caused an orgasm. Now that they were both fully unclothed, she felt it even more. "Sesshomaru." She moaned out softly, biting her lip as he ground against her. Each grind was like it's own burst of paradise. She bit back a loud moan when he finally entered her after what felt to her like an eternity.

He lifted her off the bed slightly, spreading her legs further apart so that he had more room to thrust his whole self within her. Lying her back down, he tossed the covers over their bodies just in case and began to rock against her. He kept his eyes on her and a small smile on his face, thrusting slowly and gently into her. Each face she made further aroused him. He quickened ever so slightly, but kept his promise to her, taking it slow so that she felt every bump. When they finished, he wanted to know every nook and cranny of her body and for her to know the same of his. He kissed her full on the mouth when she began to raise her hips to meet his thrusts. "Kagome." He grunted softly, his body slick with the sweat he and Kagome were producing despite the slow speed.

"Sesshomaru." She whimpered, her voice rising slightly as she felt the upcoming of the first of her many orgasms that night.

Rolling over, Kagome wrapped her arms around Sesshomaru. "Hm, Sesshy." She buried her face in his broad chest, inhaling deeply. "I've never had sex that way before."

Sesshomaru smiled weakly, kissing her forehead. "There would be more to come, if only you could stay with me. I do not wish to let you go."

"I don't want to have to go." She whispered back, tears leaking from her eyes. "But I know I have to. I just wish I didn't."

Wiping her tears away, Sesshomaru comforted her. "Do not worry. I will always be waiting."

"Thank you." She sighed contently. "Why didn't you wake me when you sent Kara off to school?"

"You seemed tired. We were up late. She can call for you when she returns."