Dirty Promises.

Chapter 2: Such Wicked Games We Play.

Now I can feel the needle break, deep inside of my veins.
They try to tell me I'm insane, but they make me that way.
So come and take me away.
From this monster that you've made of me.
I feel like dying, erasing all of these memories.


I returned home. The warm blanket of time shifting was familiar but not comforting. Nothing felt quite safe anymore.

I didn't really have a plan further then this. All I knew was I still didn't forgive him.

Maybe I was just that cruel a person on the inside, but I wanted to hurt him more then this. He probably thought I was just doing this to make him want me.

Perhaps I was, but I wanted him to hurt.

I wanted him to want to die.

I wanted him to break.

He was a dog, after all.

You have to housebreak them sometime.

I returned the next day, still without a plan, but with new clothes.

Black booty shorts left little to the imagination, and a halter top hugged my breasts in a way that made it hard to focus on anything else. It was short enough that it didn't even cover my bellybutton. Black below the knee boots adorned my feet, with small bells tied on the sides. They tinkled with every step.

Inuyasha refused to look at me, while Miroku offered to carry my bag for me. I smiled, and agreed, asking him to rub sunscreen on my shoulders and back.

Miroku wasn't stupid. He knew I wasn't the naïve little miko anymore. Sango knew it too, and her eyes were less then friendly to me now. I thought we were better friends then that, but you can usually only count on yourself anyway.

His hands were softer then I expected. The hand with the wind tunnel held my hair out of the way, while the other then made slow circles against my skin. Inuyasha cursed and stormed off somewhere. In the distance, a tree crashed to the ground.

I smiled to myself. How predictable.

I thanked Miroku and packed the sunscreen away in the bag. Sango asked Miroku to go fetch an extra water container, and he regretfully disappeared.

She regarded me with cold brown eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" Her voice was emotionless. I've never had that voice directed at me before.

I shrugged, "Because I don't have a reason not to."

I was bored. Walking for hours and hours on end tended to get boring after 5 minutes. There's only so much scenery a city girl can take. I let my eyes scan the road. Trees, trees and more trees.

A good tour guide I was not. And I couldn't fake it either. The only thing keeping me from collapsing on the nearest rock and taking a nap was the distant pulse of power somewhere up ahead.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but I was heading no warnings these days.

Plus, I was looking for things to do to piss off Inuyasha.

And I was bored.

So, like a good soldier, I marched on.

For now.

As soon as I saw Sesshoumaru, I had a plan.

Inuyasha was tense before we even got into seeing distance of the taller demon, his sword drawn.

He looked at me briefly before facing his half brother. I think he was wondering if I was planning to do anything stupid. I was, of course.

"Stay behind me, Kagome." He growled. He fought to decide who to focus on, me or Sesshoumaru. I made his decision for him.

"Hello, Sesshoumaru-same!" I bounced in front of Inuyasha, and even did a little bow that flashed even more cleavage.

Yes, I was feeling slightly psychotic. But the worst he could do was kill me, and I wasn't fearing too much for my safety these days. I mean, half of my traveling group wanted to kill me by now.

"Miko." He eyed me cautiously. His eyes, bright gold, so close to Inuyasha's, but then again, so different.

"How are you today?" I asked, because that is the way of us nice girls. I had 18 years of experience in being a nice girl. Its nice that it came in useful for something, other then letting me break my own heart.

"Fine." He said. His eyes flickered to Inuyasha and back to me. I could feel Inuyasha cursing me in his head. It was almost a physical force. I didn't care. "And you miko?"

"Bored, my lord." I smiled brightly, bouncing lightly on my feet. "Inuyasha doesn't provide for very good entertainment." I was waiting for him to pounce on me, and drag me off by my hair, or something like that. He growled. Loudly.

"No, I don't suppose he would." I could almost see him smile.

Good lord, Ice Prince had a sense of humour. Well, whaddoyouknow.

I tilted my head to the side, twirled a piece of hair. "May I ask where you are going, my Lord?" I sounded lightly curious, when in fact, I didn't care. I just wanted to go with him.

If I stayed around Inuyasha any longer, I would've smacked him.

Plus, I've always been fascinated by Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru was carrying my bag.

Yes, it's so strange it seems impossible, but he was.

I ditched Inuyasha for his evil half brother. The only thing that might top this would be screwing Naraku, and I wasn't sure I was that brave. Or insane. He might try to kill me next time he sees me, but I could probably fix that. Must stick to the original plan.

I wondered, briefly, if I was going too far. Was this still revenge, or had I completely lost it?

I waited for some angel to pop up on my shoulder and encourage me to start being good again, but there was nothing.

Outside, I was cheerful and perhaps a little mean, but inside, I was hollow.

There was nothing.

Maybe I should find Naraku after all.

He'd probably love the idea too.

The sun has set and I'm lying on a blanket.

Sesshoumaru's leaning up against the tree, watching the moon like it'll tell him secrets. Maybe it will.

I get up slowly and take the blanket with me. Without looking at him, I spread it out next to him. I sit down, then lie against him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I'm cold." I say, closing my eyes and leaning my head against his chest.

For a few second, nothing moves, then his arm snakes around my waist, and pulls me closer.

I can feel his heart beat, under his skin, and realise, almost amazedly, that Sesshoumaru is alive.

He's been untouchable for so long, I don't think he knows how to be human. But he's alive, and like everything alive, he needs comfort.

I almost want to pull away, because I don't want to have to fix him, if he's broken.

I almost feel cursed.

Is everything I touch doomed to break?

By morning, I am completely in his arms. He holds me so close I'm just barely breathing, but I don't move.

My leg is hooked over his hips, my arms wound around his neck.

He is sleeping.

I run my hands through silky silver hair and wonder how long it's been since he let someone touch him. He moves his face, tucking it into the crook of my neck.

He's warm, like I didn't think he would be.

I though he would be cold as ice, cold as his words, his eyes.

I press my lips to his temple, and close my eyes.

We are all human, still.

Even if we're broken.

There are things I don't want to understand. Like the fact that other people hurt.

I like living in my cold, icy prison. It blinds me, makes me unfeeling.

I need that. I need it to keep me going, to let me do what I want to, need to. It keeps me going.

I push my hair back, and look up at the sky.

The wood of the well feels smooth, softer then wood should.

I left Sesshoumaru. I didn't sleep with him. I couldn't, because he felt like me.

I never expected someone so strong to be able to break. And I didn't want to be the one to break him.

In the distance, I heard shouting, see a familiar flash of red.

With a deep breath, I let a happy smile grace my lips and wait for him to bounce into the clearing.

"Kagome!" He yells before I can see him. A red blur and he's in front of me. He looks mad, but it doesn't matter. I jump up and throw myself into his arms.

"Inuyasha! I missed you!!" I wrap my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist, pressing myself into him completely. He is frozen for only a moment before his arms wrap around me too.

I pull back and look into his face, letting him see whatever he wants to in my eyes.

He smiles too, and his arms tighten around me.

His eyes are still cautious, so I press my lips to his and let him believe he has me again.

No, I will not hurt Sesshoumaru if I can help it.

But I will break Inuyasha, if it's the last thing I do.

Inuyasha stayed wrapped around me for the rest of the night. His head on my shoulder, occasionally planting soft kisses on my bare shoulders.

No one asked about Sesshoumaru and I didn't offer.

We laughed and smiled and Sango seemed more friendly then she did before. Maybe she thought everything would be okay now.

Inuyasha's hands played under the hem of my shirt, and I guess he thought so too.

It almost made me sad.


I think I wanted to be sad, wanted to be something.

But no, I was just frozen, underwater, looking out.

I didn't let myself think too far ahead.

Despite my efforts, I knew there was a flaw with my plan.

Even if I broke Inuyasha, there was still no one who would fix me.

"Do not believe in fairy tales." My mother warned, when I was still a child. "Such things do not come true."

"But if I do not believe, the prince will not come." I say, childishly. Because only children can hope so blindly.

"No, he will not." She repeats, because her prince never came, and her fairy tale has long gone.

Some people don't dare dream of princes' at all.

As I lay curled on my side, arms wrapped around me, I had another of those moments where I wondered if I should just let things go.

I had him. I won him. Kikyou had no power over him now.

I closed my eyes and let myself pretend this is how it was supposed to be.

But no. I could not forgive and forget again.

This life wouldn't make me happy anymore.

I can't forget that.

I came back early, climbed out of the well, and found Sesshoumaru.

It seems he found me this time.

I tried to plaster my fake nice girl smile on but I think he saw me before that. Saw the emptiness, the hollowness, the pieces of a person who once was, pieces and nothing else.

He says nothing at all. He only comes to me, and we sit on the ground by the well, not saying anything at all.

Sometimes, silence means everything.

His hand is warm, and strong, and his eyes are still golden and the same.

But something else has changed.

I think it might have been me.

Its raining when I leave in the night, and Inuyasha is in his tree. He's been glaring at me ever since he sniffed out Sesshoumaru's scent on me.

He can growl all he wants cuz I'm leaving now.

He is human, but tired, and he sleeps, brows furrowed, eyes closed, heart on the edge of breaking.

Sesshoumaru meets me at the well, takes my bag, and with the rain pouring down over us, we walk away from the one who broke me.

Eventually the rain stops, as do we.

Under a giant old tree, I place one blanket, and the ground is almost not wet at all. But I'm soaked through to the bone.

Chilled, I pray that I do not get sick. I did not think I could still hope for things anymore.

Sesshoumaru slips off his shirt, and his skin is warmer then mine. I press my body to his, and he lays us on the blanket. I take another one from my bag to cover us. Curled up against him, I watch the sky glitter with stars, with my head over his heart, as it beats, the same as mine.

It still beats, even if we do not still feel alive.

He watches me wake up. The first thing I see is his eyes, and I think even if I forget everything else, I will remember them.

They are what the sun looks like, in the winter.

We have yet to speak, but no words come. There should be a million things to say but I can think of nothing at all, and maybe it's better that way.

Some things will remain unsaid between us, but we will know anyway.

Inuyasha is back, sword drawn, ugly words thrown in every direction. I watch him act like an insolent child who does not get his way.

How sad. How… predictable.

I go with him, because he will do foolish things if left to his own devices, and as much as I do not love him anymore, I'd rather not have to clean up his mess afterwards.

He is so like a child. Some people never grow up.

I almost wish I never did either.

But I know better then to wish. Wasted effort, kind of like breathing.

It is Naraku who finds me, not the other way around.

I was even going to try to hurt him, but he seemed to have other ideas.

Before I could find my arrows, he is before me and his lips are on mine. I am even too shocked to pull away, and I can feel him smile or smirk, and Inuyasha howls in the background, as his cloak wraps around us, and we are gone.

His castle is cleaner then I expected.

I wake up in bed, with crimson red eyes upon me. He watches me like I'm something to study, and I vaguely wonder if he's into dissecting his subjects.

"You are different, miko." his voice is silkier then I remember. Or maybe it's because he isn't laughing like a madman just now.

"And you are the same." I answer.

I do not bother with the nice girl mask anymore, it's flawed now. We watch each other half curiously.

"Why did you take me?" I ask once I am bored of memorizing his face.

"Fascination, perhaps."

Oh goody, I've attracted the attention of the Grim Reaper.

He leaves and comes back. Sometimes he does not say anything at all, just stares at me, in amusement, sometimes as though he is perplexed.

He is truly fascinated by what has become of me.

Does he see himself in me, or is it something new?

Maybe, I'm fascinated in return.

Or maybe his crimson eyes have made me mad.

I watch the ceiling as the door to my room swings open and he flows in.

I do not turn my gaze to him, because I expect he will just watch me again.

The ceiling is cracking and I focus on the spider web of imperfections as his face blocks my vision, and for the second time his lips are on mine. I am, for the second time, too shocked to do anything.

My eyes are wide, and he seems almost surprised himself. I do not move, do not breathe, and do not understand.

He leaves as abruptly, slamming the door closed on the way out, and I am once again watching the spider web of cracks, except it's lost my interest now, and I am fascinated by the monster.

Because I am a twisted child, and maybe I want to suffer this way, so I will fall in love with the devil just to see if I can get away.

Update! Hope you like it! Cuz it's just gonna keep getting more twisted. XD

Yes, Kagome's a bitch. And possibly on the verge of insanity, but if she was normal this story wouldn't work. Revenge isn't revenge if everyone is happy.

Feel free to tell me what you think, I need feedback.

Still haven't decided on a pairing.

Hope you love itttt, cuz I loved writting it! XD