Without Masks

X-men: Evolution fanfic, sequel to "Triangle," and Lover100 fanfic challenge

Disclaimer – Rosaline, Madison, Adryen, and all other original characters are mine. The world of X-men, and its characters, belong to Marvel Comics though. I'm just borrowing the place to give them somewhere to live :)

Notes – This is a couple of things. 1) my contribution to the Lover100 fanfic challenge over on Livejournal. Of course, I picked Rosaline/Madison as my pairing. 2) A sort-of sequel to "Triangle." All the prompts for the challenge are different, and as such, this will be a very…abstract story, time-wise. It's really going to be a bunch of short stories strung together. There's no real chronological order, but all stories will take place during Rosaline and Madison's time away from Bayville, or during the future events I listed in the Extras. I think that pretty much covers it. Enjoy!

Would Have

"Maybe things would have been okay if I had stayed in Salem after what almost happened to me....."

"Huh?" Adryen eloquently replied. He and Rosaline sat drinking at his nearly empty bar, three days before the seven-year anniversary of Day's death.

She took another long sip of her margarita. "Well, what if I had pressed charges against those stupid boys and stood my ground and all of that? Day might still be here."

"Maybe," he said, taking another drink from his own glass. "But you met Madison because you came here, and isn't that worth it?"

"More than worth it," she sighed. "But saying that feels so selfish of me."

"He'd understand, you know."

"I do know. And that makes me feel even guiltier about it."

Smiling sympathetically, her blue-haired friend wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed gently. "Its okay, hun. We're all human like that."