Gaara is curled up in a ball in the corner of the room.
Gaara Murder… death… rape… kill… destroy… rape… die… rape…
Kankuro I think Gaara needs a therapist.
Temari That's why I got one.
The therapist walks over to Gaara.
Therapist Hi there Gaara.
Gaara kills the therapist with Desert Funeral (Sand Burial).
Kankuro Why is Gaara always like this?
Temari Because he watches too much Barney.
Kankuro Makes sense, that show is evil.
Gaara tries cutting his hand, but the sand prevents self injury.
Gaara WHAT THE HELL! I like cutting my self, but this sand won't let me!
Kankuro What are you, Elmo? I mean emo! Are you emo?
Gaara (singing) I kill you… You kill me… I will kill my family…
Temario Just walk away… just walk away…