WARNINGS - Angst (by the shovel full!), shounen ai (Guyxguy), OOC Heero (Make that OOC everyone!), Heero torture, abuse of Wufei's name, foul language (*Gasps* Oo, shocking!), bastardised Dr. J, violence, fluffiness, darkness, paranormalness (Is that a word?), extreme mushiness, a lickle bit of Quatre torture for added spice, WAFFiness (All together now…awwww!) blatant referance to NCS (non-consensual sex, rape) and limeiness.

WELCOME TO THE DISCLAIMER, THAT'S RIGHT, THE DISCLAIMER!  Ok, enough of the Offspring referance…I don't own Gundam Wing or its characters, or the song "The End" by the Beatles, or the computer I'm typing this on, or the English Language . . .there ya go . . .

Thank yous – Tenshi Eleison, Karasuko (No..anything but the chibi eyes!!!),  sapphire (aw, ya made me blush! Lol!), Dinara, purrfect679 ((x7?!) ^_^ I'm glad to find someone picked up on all the lickle bits of humour I dropped in…I think the fic would be too dark without them), Darkstar02, Princess Lightina (I thought ppl would have found the conversation boring, y'know Solo, Helen, Dr. J and torture, same old, same old…I'm sorry!) and Cobalt Princess (In about 5-6 paragraphs! ^_^;;) . . .thank you all so much! *glomps*  thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Note – To all of my English readers who aren't anarchists happy Golden Jubilee and #All you need is love!  All together now!#

Harmless Heart – Chapter 18

"The End"

# Oh yeah!

Alright! #

          "Are you both ready?" Wufei asked seriously, looking at Heero and Quatre in turn.  Both pilots were looking pale and strained but nodded their heads in agreement.  Although the method they were about to try was obviously the safest and most likely to work there was still a risk, as there was when anything involving the astral planes took place.  The blonde wrapped his arms around Trowa's waist for a moment before releasing him and turning to face Wufei.  Duo moved to echo Quatre's action but seeing the slight flinch on Heero's face he backed off, realising that one night of talking had done little to completely heal their problems.  "Physical contact must be maintained," Wufei continued, reciting instructions he had memorised perfectly.  "Once you sink into a trance and reach the astral plane, things should work themselves out automatically."

          "Meaning?" Heero demanded, regaining a hint of his former steel in his words and attitude.  Duo and Trowa, who were watching the proceeds from the background in silence, were glad he asked because they weren't following Wufei either.

          "A part of your spirit is trapped within me," Quatre attempted to explain, seeing that Wufei was beginning to lose what little temperance he possessed.  "But that part of your spirit wants to return to you, when we reach to the astral plane it will be free to do so.  And visa versa.  Understand?"  Heero nodded slowly, suddenly glad for the part of his training, which had involved falling into a trance at, will.  Duo and Trowa shared a significant glance, which clearly stated 'Not really!' 

          "Lets get started," Wufei commanded.  "We'll need absolute silence." He stated, arching an eyebrow in Duo's direction.  The braided boy merely looked back with an innocent expression and mouthed the word 'Me?'  Wufei snorted and then focused on the task at hand.  Quatre and Heero both sat down on the floor and crossed their legs before reaching forwards and grasping the others hand palm to palm.  Blue eyes drifted shut as the two pilots raced towards ascended consciousness.  Quatre fought against the almost overwhelming temptation to shake off Heero's grip and bury himself in the arms of his lover as he descended into darkness.  Heero's decent meant that his meagre walls crashed down once more and for a split second he was paralysed by pure emotion, but before the paralysis could wear off the feelings disappeared.  They had arrived. 

          Heero Yuy opened his eyes and knew instantly that he was no longer on Earth.  In retrospect he never saw the landscape he stood in, his focus was solely on the shimmering figure he was linking hands with.  The figure was defiantly Quatre, it had the same build and features but was blurred around the edges.  Quatre's figure was flooded with amazing, vibrant and yet almost gentle colours, a deep cornflower blue pulsed within him, blending with smaller wisps of emerald green centring around a core of blinding whiteness.

          Quatre Rabera Winner gazed straight back at Heero with equal fascination.  This was the first time he had seen one of his comrades' actual Astral Body.  Gazing at Heero's form the fist coherent thought that came into Quatre's mind was lightning.  Luminous prussian blue flashed and fought with a vibrant violet.  But beneath the showy beauty lay an ominous blackness at Heero's core which made the Arabian nauseous.  However hope lay there too, small white sparks which were struggling to hold off the darkness. 

          Time resumed its course.  A feeling of premonition hit both boys before they were hit head on by the proverbial train and knocked out and out of the Astral Plane.

*        *        *

          Quatre moaned in his sleep and rubbed at his chest in an attempt to relieve some of the worry he felt streaming from his lover.  That sleep-muddled feeling was enough to jar Quatre to full consciousness.  Lying perfectly still Quatre reached out and couldn't stop the deliriously happy laugh which escaped him when he felt his loves emotions as clear as day.  Trowa, who was sitting in the window seat of Quatre's room, found himself well and truly glomped by a blonde blur.  A quiet chuckle escaped Trowa's lips as the smaller boy proceeded to plaster him in butterfly kisses.  The Arabian grinned madly as he felt Trowa's joy magnify his own.  No words were required to explain that Wufei's plan had delivered the goods, it was all to obvious by the unbound love and happiness which filled the room as Trowa pressed Quatre back onto the window seat, completely forgetting about the bed.

# Are you gonna be in my dreams . . .

Tonight? #

          Heero was dreaming again.  This time it was solely focused on his last battle.  However this time something was different.  This time he had hope.  He didn't know why.  He continued to fight against the pain, knowing that he just had to wait for something . . .someone to pull him from his own personal hell.  Then he was falling and there was a moment of darkness before the hatch opened and a slender hand pulled him out into the light.  /Duo./ 

          "Duo," the man in question snapped to attention when he heard the sleeping boy murmur his name and moved to perch on the end of Heero's bed.  Prussian blue eyes snapped open, clouded with fear and suspicion for one perilous moment before recognition set in.  The Japanese boy could see concern in violet eyes but couldn't feel it inside.  A stupid and unreasonable feeling of loss set in at that thought.  "It's gone," Heero stated and it took an incredible amount of self-control to keep his voice from breaking.  Duo simply looked at him, knowing when to keep quiet and opened his arms.  He didn't move forwards or speak, simply gave Heero and invitation and more importantly, the choice to refuse or accept.  There was a tense moment in which neither moved a muscle.  And then Heero was in Duo's arms.

# And in the end . . .#

          "05, where's 01?" Duo yelled frantically from Death scythe's cockpit, executing a spin with his scythe and cleaving a MS in two.  Wufei took a moment after crushing the head of a Suit with his dragon fang to yell  "No idea!"

          "03?  04?" Duo questioned his voice bordering on panicked.   Before either of the two in question could answer there was an almighty explosion from the MS factory that destroyed a fair number of suits and pushed the Gundams back a few metres.  Then Wing ZERO was above them, catching the sun as it transformed from bird-mode.  A relieved smile lit Duo's face as Heero established a vid link with him and gave his lover a sharp nod.

"Don't worry!  We saved ya a piece of the action!" Duo quipped, throwing Heero a wink for good measure.  Wings' beam cannon dropped to the ground and the beam sabre flared into life as Heero joined the fray.  Trowa recommended battle strategies to his enemies even as his riddled them with bullets and missiles.  Wufei released a savage battle cry as he swung his glaive in a complex pattern dance to keep his enemy occupied before blasting them to smithereens with a well-timed burst of flame.  Quatre was silent apart from the odd apology which escaped him as he carved a path through the battlefield.  With his worries for Heero put to one side Duo allowed himself to sink into that familiar battle haze and let his sinister alter-ego take control of Deathscythe.  Heero allowed himself the smallest of smiles as the familiar obscenities filled the airwaves, announcing that Shinigami was out to play.  The Japanese youth pressed down on a well-used button on Wings console and braced himself as a golden haze flared into life.  Well in control Heero used the ZERO system to its full extent as he and his beam sabre traversed the skies above the battlefield, taking down Oz air suits almost effortlessly.

#…The love you take…#

Thirty-seven and a half minutes later the Gundam pilots had well and truly won the battle.  Fifty-three and a quarter minutes after that they touched down at their safe house.  The five young men dropped to the concrete and headed as one towards the kitchen.  After five appetites and two fires, courtesy of Duo Maxwell, had been extinguish the five spilt to gain a well-deserved bit of R&R.  Wufei was fine-tuning his motorbike after Duo's earlier exploits.  Trowa had rescued his flute and Quatre's violin from the basement and the two were currently converting Wufei's study into a music room. 

Heero Yuy was typing up a mission report on his laptop in the room he shared with Duo.  Said boy was lying on his bed munching on an Oreo cookie while reading a manga.  To the untrained eye it would appear that nothing had changed in the world of the five fighters.  But anyone who was looking for it would notice that Heero's eyes weren't focused on the text that he was touch-typing automatically but on the reflection of the boy lying on the bed.  Prussian blue eyes still possessed the power to send anyone who wasn't Duo, or a certain pink obsessed female who shall remain nameless, running for cover.  However if you could withstand the 'death glare' you could see that the previous ice which had always been present was no longer present.

"Hee-chan!  Come and keep me company! Duo called, violet eyes sparking with mischief.  Annoying the stotic boy when he was attempting to write mission report was one of Duo's absolute favourite pastimes.  The Deathscythe pilot's eyebrows shot up in an expression of disbelief as Heero shut his laptop and left his seat to sit by Duo's side.

"Problem?" Heero asked, monotonous voice coloured by a hint of humour at Duo's shocked expression.

"Not at all!" Duo laughed and pulled Heero in for a quick kiss.  "Not at all . . ."

# . . .Is equal to the love you make. #

A/N – Well folks this really is "The End".  There will be no epilogues or sequels to this fic, I feel it has fulfilled its potential.  I want to thank everyone who has reviewed and an extra special thank you to all those reviewers who have followed this fic through.  I would list specific ppl, but I'd miss someone out and then I'd feel bad.  Thanks again everyone!  Please review on your way out . . .it's your last chance!

Lots of luv,
