A/N: Heres a lickle angsty idea thatt popped into my head on night.  If enough people like it I'll continue it, if not, it will drift into the oblivion of memory . . .

I'd say enjoy, but I'm not sure that's possible.  Oh and I know Heero's ooc, if the fic gets continued it will explain why he's so different later.

Warnings – Yaoi, angst, ooc Heero

Disclaimer – I, Faith, hereby declarethat I do not in any way shape or form own GW, or am making any money of this fic . . .clear enough 4 ya?!

You said you were afraid to trust

So sorry for yourself it must be hard

Living inside your head

          "Heero, I, I don't know what to say . . ." Duo stammered, for once he was lost for words.  Heero's open blue eyes immediately dulled, his expression of yearning instantaneously reverting to the usual blank mask that he so often wore.  Noticing that the Japanese youth had taken Duo's lack of eloquency as rejection the braided boy shook his head.  "No, Heero don't," he spoke as the Perfect Soldier began to turn away.

          "I understand," Heero said, his monotonous voice hiding emotion, but Duo could detect the slight flicker of desolation in those intense prussian blue eyes.  "You don't feel the same way," he once again tried to walk away but was stopped by Duo's hand tightly gripping his shoulder.

          "It's not that," Duo replied softly, a small smile ghosted around his lips as he saw that fragile hope return to those intense orbs.  /A shame I have to destroy it, / he thought sadly.

          "Then what is it?" Heero asked, flawlessly disguising the nervousness that was devouring him inside. 

          "I don't want to hurt you Heero," Duo murmured lifting a pale hand to gently caress the ZERO pilots' cheek, marvelling at its softness.

          "You won't hurt me," Heero whispered, the last remnants of his mask shattering, as he turned his cheek into Duo's hand like the love-starved boy he was.  He let his eyes drift shut, allowing himself to savour the rare moment of comfort, missing the sad smile that rose on Shinigami's lips.

          "Ah, but I will," he replied bitterly.  "I can't let myself love you Heero, if I do . . .It's like a disease you see, anyone I love is dead within a month . . .You deserve more than that, you're Perfect, ne?"

I'm no angel in disguise

I've had my share of alibis

But I was true to you

I meant every word I said

          "Duo. . ." Heero began, his voice losing its monotonous veil, an unbidden hint of distress creeping into it as Duo interrupted him.

          "I didn't think the Perfect Soldier could feel emotion," Duo mused aloud, then immediately regretted the words even as they left his mouth, /I never did learn to think before I speak!/.  Hearing the harsh words caused Heero to recoil, pulling away from Duo's hand, hurt washing over him.  Seeing Heero's reaction stilled the apology on the American's tongue.  Duo knew that he couldn't allow himself to get close to the Japanese boy, couldn't put himself through that kind of pain again.  He couldn't violate his own code of honour and tell Heero a lie.  He had to find another means to drive him away.  This could be it.

You can run, you can hide

Love will still come to find you

You turn it away

Keep romancing your pain

You're the best at self-defence

I say you've mastered the art

But baby mine was a harmless heart.

          "I don't think you really do love me," Duo state mercilessly, The Great Destroyer now bent on completing his mission.  No lies left Duo's mouth, instead he flung the doubts that plagued him at his fellow pilot.  "You're just a killing machine, machines aren't capable of love!"

          "I'm not a machine!" Heero denied vehemently, feeling raw and exposed without his Perfect Soldier guise. His heart clenched in pain, why was Duo saying these things?

          "You could have fooled me!" Duo scoffed, losing himself to his alter ego.  "You're a cold-blooded killer Yuy!  Me and the others fight 'cus we have no choice, but it's all you're good for!  How could I ever bring myself to love a thing like you?" Duo blinked as the words he uttered brought himself back to himself /What am I doing?/, he wondered in horrified confusion.  He looked up at the man he loved against his will and felt a twinge of guilt raced through him.  Heero's head was bowed forward, messy moss-brown bangs obscuring his eyes.  "Heero?" Duo called timidly.

In your eyes I'm like the rest

You set me up to fail the test

And prove that you were right

Everyone lets you down

          Duo stretched out a delicate hand once more but this time, instead of welcoming his touch, Heero stepped away from it. 

          "Don't," the voice was so quiet and full of feeling that it took the American a second to register that it actually Heero spoke. 

          Heero burned with anguish; he had thought that he knew Duo, that the other boy would understand him, comfort him, love him.  Instead of the lovable baka he had fallen for, he was met with the full force of Shinigami . . .and the impact had scattered the few precious remaining pieces of his soul.

You can run, you can hide

Love will still come to find you

You turn it away

Keep romancing your pain

You're the best at self-defence

I say you've mastered the art

But baby mine was a harmless heart.