This story is dedicated to all those people I went over the idea with, you all know who you are and I thank you very much. Anyway this story is a Ranma/digimon crossover.... well I don't own the characters but I do own the story since I wrote it... and thank you again everyone.

Digital Destinies

Draft #2

By Firehedgehog


A young blue haired boy walked slowly down a street, his blue bangs fell softly onto his face and over his glasses. In his arms he held his school books, he was relieved that school was over for the day.

'Why did I hit Ken, Ken of all people' Sam thought angerly to himself, his real name was Osamu but someone had called him Sam once and it had stuck. He sighed at his thoughts for he knew why, he envied his little brother... Ken was able to go out and have fun.

Sam looked at the sky sadly with his dark blue eyes, sweet little Ken who showed kindness to everyone had what he wanted in life. He himself was the resident genius, but he didn't want to be. He wanted to be out with other kids his age playing having fun, but no he always had to study to be his parents perfect child... stuck to a textbook or computer screen.

"What I wouldn't give to be a normal kid," he whispered, he smiled as he saw Ken waiting for him across the street to walk him home.

"Sam!" Ken called happily, Sam seeing that there were no cars on the road at all he started walking across.


Sam spun to face his left and gasped and quickly paled, he didn't even have time to run as a car barreled towards him. He wished that Ken wasn't there but at home, then he wouldn't see this. He turned to look at Ken who now realized what was happening, the small boys eyes were wide in fear.

"Good-bye Kenny boy," he whispered to his brother and Ken began to cry hearing it but unable to stop it, the next thing Sam knew was something hard and metal slamming into him.

"SAM!" he heard Ken scream, then all went black.


Sam knew he was in a hospital, he could hear a doctor speaking to his parents in a hushed voice. His whole body felt terrible and his limbs felt too heavy to move, he tried to move but nothing happened and it caused pain to flare up everywhere in his body.

"I'm sorry but your son is dead, there was nothing we could do to save him," the doctor said and Sam screamed in his mind that it wasn't true, he could hear his heart beat so softly it was almost unheard. He wanted to yell out loud but he was not able, his parents cried and Sam cried silently also for he knew he wasn't dead.

'Ken, I'll never be able see your smiling eyes ever again' he thought, then blackness engulfed him once more.


Once again Sam was awake, he knew he was in a casket being buried, tears slipped slowly down his face. More dirt was piled above the casket, soon was all quite and he was alone.


Gennai slipped quietly to the grave once everyone was gone, this child had been destined to be one of the most powerful digidestined and now it would never happen. He placed a yellow flower from the digital world on the grave, with wrinkled fingers he traced the name on the gravestone.

"Sam, how you would of loved the digital world," Gennai whispered closing his eyes, then he gasped as he felt the flickering of life still in Sam's body.

"Digital, he's still alive," Gennai said in shock, then using his small powers he sent Sam's body to his home in the digital world and followed.


Gennai slaved to save Sam's life, the boy was at the brink of falling into death and nothing he was doing was stopping it. Thankfully his parents had made sure nothing had been done to Sam's body, but still Sam was becoming weaker and weaker.

Finally it came to the point that he could do nothing more for Sam, the only way to save the boy now was by some mericle.

"Forgive me Sam, I am unable to save you," Gennai whispered tears flowing down his face, he looked at the pale boys face... it looked as if he wasn't even breathing but he was.

It was then that a beautiful golden light filled the air, Gennai's head snapped up and gasped. To his shock there floated the Crest of miracles glowing brightly, he watched wide eyed as it floated over to Sam's head and stayed there.

"Ahhhh!" Gennai screamed as it flashed so brightly he had to shield his eyes, finally the glow faded enough for him to see. Sam's body was covered by the golden glow, the boys hair swayed in a wind that truly wasn't there. As he watched the golden glow changed to a silver one and so did the one around Sam, then he gasped again as Sam began to change.

Sam became smaller and smaller till he was so small Gennai could easily pick him up, then the glow faded away and Gennai looked at the changed Sam. A small baby lay on the bed, he knew it was Sam but there had been some side effects from the crests power. Other then being turned into a baby Sam now had raven black hair, Gennai gently picked Sam up.

'What do I do with you Sam, I need you to be raised by a loving family... you can't stay in the digital world," Gennai said and then he smiled as he thought of an idea, he knew of another dimension Sam could be raised in. This dimension time went faster then Sam's home one, when Sam turned sixteen Ken would be twelve years old.


Nodoka gasped as she opened the front door, there in a basket was an adorable baby boy. Being barren she left nothing to chance, she quickly picked the basket up and brought the baby inside. A while later while playing with the baby she opened the letter that had been inside, she quickly read it.

Dear Nodoka, This child's name is Osamu but he will respond to the name Sam also, I would ask for you to raise him as your own child with love and respect. He has a special destiny and to get ready for that destiny he needs a loving family, take good care of him. Please give him this letter on his sixteenth birthday. Gennai

Nodoka looked at the baby and ripped the letter, the child was hers now and she wouldn't do anything a letter told her to. While she knew that ripping up the letter was wrong.... she wanted this child all to herself, while her body was barren her heart made this child her own and no one would take him away.

"Ranma... yes Ranma is a good name for you," she said to the baby, Ranma smiled at Nodoka and giggled happily at her. Soon Genma arrived home, he to began to plan the babies future and it included a certain ten year long training trip.

Ta dah it is done, please tell me what you think people and I will improve my writing skills (Firehedgehog and others who helped with story ideas cheer as the last words are written). This is the second draft and i thank the people who pointed out my mistakes, mind you there are still some spelling mistakes but ignor them. Ja ne