I know it's been a while. I'm sorry. Just hope you like this one.

Disclaimer: Don't own Camp Rock.

New Camper

The next morning Mitchie was rudely awakened by her alarm clock playing another Lady Gaga tune. The flashing red numbers on the clock read 10:30 a.m. She muttered a quiet "shit" and instantly jumped out of bed, getting ready for her day. Mitchie had a meeting with a new camper today at 11:00 and was running extremely late. After taking a quick shower she got dressed and ran her way out of the room. Continuing in a fast manner across camp a group of familiar faces called after her.

"Hey Mitch!" Caitlyn yelled.

"Oh, hey guys." Mitchie said to the group consisting of Caitlyn, Nate, and unfortunately Rebbeca and Shane. "Uhm, I'm sort of in a hurry, but I'll catch up with you all later kay?" She said hoping their replies would be quick

"Where you headin?" Shane asked, sincerely curious. All the others nodded in agreement wondering the same thing.

"I'm running late for a tour…Brown asked me to show the camp to a newbie and yeah. Here I am totally late." Mitchie said quickly.

"Who is it?" Shane asked, continuing his curiosity.

"Mark. From L.A." She said, reading from the piece of paper Brown had given her.

"Well better not keep Mark from L.A. waiting." Caitlyn said with a wink.

"Yeah, better not." Shane added in sarcastically.

Mitchie chuckled a bit. "Okay, guys. I'll see you."

When Mitchie was finally our of the groups sight she continued her journey at a jogging pace. She came to a quick stop as she reached the dock where the figure she assumed was Mark was standing.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm extremely late." Mitchie said, slightly out of breathe.

Mark quickly turned around and met Mitchie's eyes. In her head her jaw fell quickly to the ground. Mark was gorgeous. Blue eyes and brown hair kind of gorgeous.

"Oh, it's cool. It was only a couple minutes. Plus, I got to appreciate the view for a bit." He said with a smile, extending his hand. "I'm Mark."

Mitchie accepted the handshake. "From L.A. so my paper says." She said with a laugh. "I'm Mitchie." Adding her award winning smile. "Well, it's good you enjoyed the view, because here is where your tour starts."

"Great!" He said with enthusiasm. "I think I'm liking the camp already." Mark added as Mitchie couldn't help but blush at his comment.

There was a slight silence where they both just stared at each other for a bit. Mark was hoping she could read his flirting. It was true. He truly did like the camp, as long as Mitchie was there for him to like. He was quick to crush on Mitchie, but she didn't mind at all.

"Uhm, so here is the famous lake. Nice for looking at during the day as well as right after dinner which is my personal favorite time to come and just stare and admire." She said breaking the silence as she looked out into the lake stopping herself from staring at him.

"I think I like it here already." Mark said in reply, continuing to look at Mitchie. His smile failed to disappear from his face.

Mitchie turned on her heel attempting to hide the blush that spread across her face, but Mark caught it. "Uhm, so let us continue our tour then."

They walked for about forty-five minutes passing by all of the famous camp rock stages, the mess hall, the music rooms, the dance rooms, and lastly ended where his cabin was. The time went by fast for the two. It consisted of camp rock stories and intense laughing. Mark was impressing Mitchie by the minute and he was glad to find someone so down to earth.

After letting out at a last laugh Mitchie let out a sigh. "So, I guess this is the end."

"Already? So soon?" Mark asked with a cute pouty look.

"Well, I am flattered, but we have the rest of camp to hang out. Don't get too upset." She said with a smile. "So I'll see you later for dinner then?" She asked.

"Yeah, sounds good." He said, smiling back. "Thanks for the tour, it was fun." Mark then added opening his arms for a hug.

She smiled and accepted the hug adding. "It was fun, I'm glad you liked it."

Just then the cabin door flew open and the two broke from their hug. "Hey roomie!" Said the one and only Shane Grey.

"Shane?" Mitchie said with wide eyes switching glances from Mark to Shane.

"Hey I'm Shane, it's nice to meet you..." He said extending his hand to Mark.

"I'm Mark." He said accepting the handshake with a nice friendly smile.

"Uhm, so I'll just leave you two to bond." Mitchie said backing away slowly from the two guys.

"I got it from here Mitch." Shane said with a salute and a wink.

"Thanks…Shane." She replied unsurely as she turned around, shaking her head. Mitchie was confused as to how that cabin partnering happened but she was hopeful that it would work out. She glanced down at her watch and saw that she was already five minutes late for her kitchen shift. With that known she took off at a jogging pace towards the mess hall, the two in the cabin now at the back of her mind.

Back in the room Shane decided to try and get to know the enemy. "So Mark?" He said jumping onto his bed. "Where you from?" He asked as Mark was putting things in drawers.

"Uh, L.A. Home to Connect 3's Shane Grey right?" Mark said with a laugh jumping on his bed to face Shane.

"Yeah, you aren't some crazed fan right? Cause not to sure I can handle that dude." Shane said adding a small chuckle.

"Naw man, my sister is the one you should be worried about, but it's good she's not here." He replied. "So, you friends with that Mitchie girl?" Mark asked, changing subjects trying to find more about Mitchie.

"Well yeah." He said.

Mark smiled. "But I wouldn't get too interested in the girl." Shane said quickly.

Mark's smile faded a bit as he said, "Why is that exactly?"

"Uh, she has a boyfriend back home." Shane replied with a shrug. "Sorry man." He added getting down to pat Mark on the back. "Well, I gotta head to do a kitchen shift, make yourself at home, if you need anything. I'm here for yah man." Shane said on his way out of the cabin. The lies spread from his lips like butter, he was glad he did it. Now there was no one in the way of his plan to get Mitchie back.

"Okay, see you later." Mark said as Shane was already out the door. He let out a sigh and went back to unpacking which consisted of throwing things into drawers rather than placing them in.

Dinner time came around and the mess hall was now packed with hungry campers. Mitchie finally put away her apron from her shift and grabbed a plate of food and made her way over to the table excited to see Mark there. She smiled and picked the seat right next to him. "Hey!" She said excitedly as she sat down.

"Oh, hey Mitchie." He said plainly as he went back to a conversation he was having with Tess.

"So, how's your day been?" She asked trying to get his attention.

"It's been good, thanks for asking." He replied with a smirk, then turning back around to the conversation with Tess.

Mitchie's excitement for dinner faded quickly as her conversation with Mark went nowhere. She decided just to keep quiet and push her food around rather than try to enter one of the other table members' conversations. This went on for a good fifteen minutes. Once everyone seemed to be done with dinner she decided to try one more time at the whole Mark situation.

"So, we still on for the lake viewing?" Mitchie asked him with a smile standing up with her plate in hand.

"Oh gosh Mitchie, I'm sorry. I totally forgot. I made plans with Tess. We were gonna take a canoe out into the lake. Maybe another time?" Mark replied giving her a pat on the shoulder. He really didn't forget. He tried to find another person to fill those plans. He didn't want to have his heart set on a taken girl. If only he knew it was all a lie.

"Uhm, yeah. Sure. Another time. Have fun." She said, trying to keep her smile up.

"Thanks." He said as Tess called him over to the door. "I gotta go."

"You go have a nice time." She said as he smiled and walked to where Tess was. Mitchie's smile faded with every step he took.

Mitchie turned and walked in a hurry towards the kitchen door pushing past people on their way out to enjoy the rest of their night. She opened the door to the kitchen and grabbed her apron with an upset sigh.

"Oh, Mitchie sweetheart, what happened to your plans with that Mark guy?" Her mother asked, surprised to see her in the kitchen.

"They fell through, it's okay though, we made a rain check." Mitchie said with a believable smile as she began to take her frustration out on the dishes.

"Oh, okay then." Her mother replied, leaving the conversation be and letting her daughter continue to wash.

A couple minutes later Shane came walking in, putting on his apron and greeting the fellow clean up crew members. "Hey Mitch, what'd the plates ever do to you?" He said with a laugh walking up beside her and continuing to help with the dishes.

"Nothing. They're just so damn not clean!" She said, letting go of the plates into the dirty water as her head fell.

"You mean dirty?" Shane said, stopping to look at her.

"Yeah, dirty. Sorry. I just need to clear my head." She said removing her washing gloves along with her apron. "Can you finish this? I'll make it up to you." She said giving him pleading eyes.

Shane nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"Thank you so much Shane." She replied continuing on her way out.

As she trailed out the door Shane murmured a quiet "No problem." And went back to doing the dishes alone for the night.

Okayy, soo. Not a very good ending, I'm sorry. I've had this done like a couple months ago and never got to posting it. But I'll try to keep the posts coming. PLEASE REVIEW:)