A/N: Well hello there, since I have writer's block to any story but this story I will update this one again. I have writer's block for No Need for Jinchuuriki due to the reason of not knowing what being a cop really feels like. I'll get back to that after I hang with my cousin more since he's a state trooper. I have writer's block for Of Demons and Mutants, because I want to have it have a slight crossover arc with Black Lagoon but it needs more chapters of the manga to be released first. If it doesn't soon, I'll just write something better than what I had in mind. Now this story is my second favorite of all the one's I've been writing. The first being my One Piece story due to it having characters based off my close friends. Now, before I go on for people who haven't read either No Need for Jinchuuriki or Of Demons and Mutants, then this really doesn't matter to you and can continue to read the chapter. For those who have, don't come saying to me through PM's that you don't care about the crossover thing and just want me to update it or tell me what being an Intergalactic Police office is like........Frankly, if the chapters aren't out by new years I'll write you a great chapter and follow on with the story as planned. Now, I would love if someone drew a picture of the Naruto in my story and posted it on deviantArt then sent me a link to check it out if colored. For any woman that drew it, I would like you to bare my babies (lol some Inuyasha there), or for guys I'll roll you the tightest fattest blunt ever. And I am an expert at rolling since everyone I smoke with makes me roll when we don't have a bowl. Anyways, you'll have my greatest gratitude if you draw and color a picture and send the link through PM. I'll give you the choice that was at the end of last chapter in the A/N and also I'll show the picture off. Well enough of me and my author note rants/note to the readers and let's get on with it!

Chapter 3: I'll always keep my promise Azula

The group of four came to a stop outside of a large vehicle. It was dark out, but that didn't bother the group as they were prepared to head out. Naruto stared at it for what seemed like an hour, only to have Azula yelling at him knocking from his daydreaming. "Hurry up or you'll walk instead of traveling with us." Azula had a slight smirk on her face as he looked at her.

"What is this thing.........I have never seen anything like it." Naruto looked around inside the giant size vehicle. It was big enough to house about fifteen people and the animals inside the last compartment interested him. He had heard Ty Lee say they were mongoose dragons. They loaded three of them, since he heard that the army couldn't spare anymore.

"It's a Fire Nation army tank, it's used in sieges and to crush ground troops. They mostly use it to go over obstacles and go through them as well. We'll be using it to track the Avatar and his group, as you have found the lead that they were near that village that celebrated Avatar day. Then there's a trail we picked up of what seems to be the flying bison's fur."

"It's shedding now huh? So it's spring already." Naruto had a far off look in his eyes and walked inside the tank passing Azula as Mai and Ty Lee were inside already.

Azula just looked at his retreating figure before heading inside also. As she passed Mai and Ty Lee, Ty Lee spoke. "What's up with Naruto? He seemed a bit like Mai when he came in."

"Has something to do with spring something obviously happened then." Azula sat down as they went into a lounge room inside the tank.

"Maybe it's his birthday?!" Ty Lee said with a bit of excitement.

"No, he doesn't seem to be someone who cares about things like that." Mai said as she put her hand under her chin in thought.

"It probably has to do with where he came from, you did say he has his birthplace after him right Azula?" Ty Lee asked.

"No, he could care less about being hunted down. Since, the people from there run from him due to him being strong and the best they have." Azula said, only to have the person of the discussion enter the room.

"How right you are, I was trained to be so. So, why talking about me ladies?" He sat down next to Azula and leaned Ginryu against him.

"Oh well, Mai and I were wondering what's got you so down?" Ty Lee asked with her usual perk, only to have Mai look at her.

"Don't you mean you were wondering Ty Lee?"

"It's nothing, just this season brings both good and bad memories. Either way we've just started moving and the crew says they had seen the group. Also, it seems someone is following our trail......"

"Zu Zu...."

"Exactly, he's still a ways away but should catch up to us if we stop for rest and engaging the enemy multiple times. Also, I don't think they know how we're tracking them let since it's late at night and I don't think they've had time to rest."

"So, we'll chase them until they collapse and capture them easily........how boring."

"Mai, I don't think they'll be that stupid and unobservant. They've have yet to land yet, and will continue to fly until they think they lost us. So ladies, get some rest because I don't think they'll stop anytime soon." With that, he left the room planning on getting some rest before engaging the Avatar's group.

As the group watched him leave, Mai and Ty Lee looked back at Azula with slight confusion. "Did your bodyguard just give us orders?" Mai asked with her usual tone.

"I believe he did Mai." Ty Lee said still confused. Azula looked surprised for a moment before she narrowed her eyes and left the room.

As she caught sight of Naruto, he was entering his room. She walked up to the door with her hand about to open the door, when the door was opened from the inside and Naruto stood there looking her in the eyes. "Yes Azula, what do you need?" He asked calmly as he opened the door a bit wider to let her in if need be.

"We need to talk now." She said in a stern voice that had the tone that she was not backing down or be phased by anything he was going to say in that next moment.

"Fine, come in and we can discuss what is on your mind." And he walked into the room after letting her in and closing the door. His room was simple, it had a bed a bathroom and a chair and desk not that much different from a soldier's room.. Since there was only the crew of four to man it, there were plenty of rooms bigger than what Naruto had. He simply picked that room, since it was the room in the only hallway leading to the emergency exit. He figured if there was an attack on them he would hold the enemy in that hallway while everyone else got away.

As Naruto saw Azula sit on the bed, he took the chair by the desk not five feet away. He set Ginryu on the desk behind him and stared at her. "So?"

She just glared at him for a moment longer before answering him. "You do know you serve me? So you obey my orders and have no right to order me around." Her tone clearly showed she was not pleased, which he picked up on and sighed.

"You don't get it do you? I said what I said not as an order, but it is my job to make sure you're safe. So, go get some sleep an-" He wasn't able to finished as she lashed with her blue fire, forcing him to roll away from the attack and got a sharp kick in side knocking him into the wall of the small room. She was before him as he regained his senses her face have a foot away as she glared at him.

"You don't order me around, you answer to me and my father. I do not answer to you. Do you understand." She made it clear that she wanted what she said to make it through to him by having blue flame linger around her right hand as she placed it by his left arm.

Naruto looked at her, then at his left side feeling the heat from the flame. He then grabbed her wrist and brought it up to his face as the blue flame burned his hand. He looked her in the eyes and spoke without fear. "Burn me, if you want to wound someone who'd give their life for you then burn me and show me how much you detest me."

Azula just stared at his eyes and how serious he was. She was surprised that he grabbed her hand while the fire was still encircled around it, but more so surprised that he thought she hated him enough to scar him or kill him. The fire just needed more strength to maim and leave permanent damage if her were a normal human being. Having two power demon spirits makes things like that seem unimportant as they heal any damage done. But he still held her wrist close to his face in a hold that would make her struggle to get out of. After staring at him for about a few minutes, she looked away as the fire encircling her hand extinguished and went limp in his hold. He let her go and walked over to his bed and sat down on it. "You get it now, I'm here because I care for you enough with my life." He then saw that Ginryu had been blown off the desk and landed on the floor near his bed. He then leaned over to grab it, only to see her feet appear by his desk.

"Why, why do you care for me when we never met before the meeting with my father?" She had leaned up against the desk and looked at his prone form when she spoke. He just retrieved Ginryu and laid back on the bed as the blade lay across his body.

"I don't know, I just felt I'd have someone who'd need me when the time comes. I did and now she's gone..........Then it felt like I let her down......then I had that same feeling about a year ago after finding myself. Now, I do not know about you but I'm going to sleep before we encounter the avatar and his group." With that he turned to the side away from her as Ginryu fell and hit against the wall and lay in a slanted angle against his body and the wall.

Azula then left the room, not looking back until the door was closed behind her. She then entered her own room and fell asleep herself trying to get her mind off her bodyguard. Little did she know, she didn't lock her door.

Naruto stepped onto the bridge of the vehicle the group was riding in and turned to the three people driving the thing. "Report." His eyes showing order from that of a commander would have.

"Sir, we have spotted the bison. Seems they know we are close by somehow, either way with the rotation we have it should be a matter of time before they either fall out of the sky due to lack of sleep or let their guard down." The main driver said as he stopped working for a moment and saluted Naruto as he gave the report.

"Understood, don't overwork yourselves and make sure he other group doesn't either. After we leave on the mongoose dragons, head to the nearest Fire Nation base restock and get new orders there. Also watch out for Earth Kingdom troops and ambushes when we leave. If you have no choice, destroy the controls and abandon this and flee. Better to be alive to fight another day with even numbers then dead from being overwhelmed. Also give us notice when they stop for a decent amount of time." Naruto turned and left the bridge after he gave a slight nod. He then walked around for a bit getting a feel for the short but roomy area they were given. After about an hour from leaving the bridge, a driver come up to him in a rush.

"Sir, we have obtained sight of the targets and confirmed that they haven't taken off yet." The soldier said in a bow.

Naruto nodded and turned. "Prepare for our leave, I'll let the women know and have a safe trip to a base solider." His form disappeared around the corner as the soldier turned and went to inform the others.

Naruto came to Mai's door first and knocked quickly. A moment later she opened the door with a dreadful look and a knife in hand. "What do you want Naruto?"

"Time to go so get ready and go wake up Ty Lee as I wake Azula. The soldiers are preparing the mongoose dragons." She gave him a quick nod before closing the door to get ready.

Naruto rushed down to hall opposite to where Ty Lee's room was and stood at Azula's room. He knocked the door quickly as he did to wake up Mai. He waited a moment, before knocking again and this time it opened the door. He opened it a bit more and stepped inside the room. He lit a candle before spotting her figure on the bed and walked over silently and slowly shook her. As he did, he couldn't help but remember Makoto when she slept next to him when they watch the clouds when he was inside the village. He was quickly shaken from his memories when he heard her start to wake.

As Azula started to open her eyes, she was met with the sight of Naruto shaking her gently. She sat up and looked at him. "Why are you here?" He got up and turned to the door.

"The avatar and his gang has stopped long enough for us to launch an attack. The mongoose dragons should be ready to go with supplies as Mai went to wake Ty Lee and get ready herself. I'll meet you three in the hangar with my weapons." The door closed behind him as he left.

Azula just watched him leave, before getting ready herself. Her mind was still on the confrontation from earlier.

The vehicle came to the stop as Ty Lee and Mai each mounted a mongoose dragon. As Azula mounted her own mongoose dragon, Naruto jumped and landed behind her on the dragon she was riding. The beast was a bit startled, but quickly settled down as it became accustomed to the weight and the feel from the new passenger. She looked over her shoulders at him with a curious eye. "I'll ride with you since I can support with my abilities. I'm a balance of everyone here, decent hand to hand combat, great use of weapons, and I can bend both fire and wind. Also, since I'm your bodyguard riding with you will make my job easier." She turned and watched as the hangar door opened and commanded the beast they rode on to go forward, followed by Ty Lee and Mai on their own steeds.

As Naruto looked around, he noticed they were on a mountain. They rode up a narrow path leading to the plateau. As they rushed up the path on their steeds, Naruto noticed that Doton techniques were being used by the small girl as multiple rocks tried to block their advancement. They did not help as their steeds just climbed over them. Just as they were three fourths of the way there, the girl raised a wall of rock. Azula charged up her lightning, as Naruto did the same. They both blew a hole large enough for the group to climb through all at once. As the group was just about there, Naruto noticed the girl was the only one that hadn't been on the bison. Mai threw some knives, only for the girl to use her Doton techniques to catapult her onto the bison and evading the knives as they hit the rock that flung her. Azula just stared out as their target flew away. "We'll need the tank one last time to get us out of this area." She turned the mongoose dragon around and heeded back toward the tank.

"They'll be tired as the sun will raise within the hour. They probably haven't been up days at a time, meaning they will land soon due to either falling out of the sky or taking a break to resupply." Azula nodded at the words from Naruto as they went back to the tank.

As the group stopped at a river, they saw fur in the river going downstream. Naruto continued to look around, he crotched down near the trail of fur. "Wads of wet fur, how delightful." Mai commented with her usual tone.

"Hmmm. They're not wads, they're more like bundles or bunches? Its got an 'ah' sound to it." Ty Lee pondered as she put her hand under her chin.


"Clumps! They're clumps!" Ty Lee hugged Mai as she found the word. Naruto shook his head as he examined near the trail of fur.

"The trail leads this way." Mai told Azula as she let Ty Lee go.

Azula looked around near the trees, and noticed a couple treetops had been ripped away. "The avatar is trying to give us the slip, you three head in that direction and keep a look out for the bison. I'll follow this trail." Naruto stood up and turned to the three girls.

"There's two people in this direction the trail takes. Footprints, barefoot ones probably by the girl that uses earth since the waterbender and the others all had footwear. It's an ambush a cleaver one at that, using the fur to hide the footprints was cleaver. So, I'll come with you Azula and since we still know Zuko is following us we can easily take account for the unknowns." Naruto brushed aside some of the trail to show the small footprints left behind.

The girls nodded and began to group up. Before they left, Naruto took out a map of the area and marked a couple spots where he and Azula would be heading in. "So, those are possible ambush spots?" Ty Lee asked as she looked on, only to get a nod from Naruto.

"This is the possible destination the avatar and the earthbender would be and have a perfect chance to ambush. Since there's two routes we can take the shortcut and meet up later." Naruto said as put his hand under his chin.

"There, we can regroup there and set up camp if it is too late. Ty Lee and Mai, you two take the equipment with you, since you two will probably be at the rendezvous point first if you take the bison group first." Azula marked a point a few miles downstream from their position.

"Zuko probably has a map, so I can ambush him on the shortcut about three fourths of the way there. Then regroup with you soon after." Naruto pointed out a small spot with mostly trees on the path he and Azula were going to take.

"Good, then we know the plan. Let's go Ty Lee, before they get further away." Mai said as she got on her mongoose dragon, followed by Ty Lee and soon left.

"Shall we?" Naruto said with a mock bow as he let Azula on the mongoose dragon first.

"Let's go." Azula made the steed run off in the direction of the fake trail.

Ty Lee and Mai soon found the bison and saw that the waterbender and the other water tribe boy was with her. As they neared the river, Mai shot some arrows up towards the boy on the bison and missed as he threw himself backwards. The bison crash landed across the river giving them false hope, only to be crushed as Mai and Ty Lee crossed the river with their mongoose dragons. The waterbending girl sent a giant wave at them, only for Mai to evade to the right while Ty Lee jumped on top of the wave as a stepping stone before leaping to a tree on the river bank. As her mongoose dragon was hit by the wave, some of the camping equipment got washed as the animal swam back to the other side of the river. As Ty Lee reached the tree, she used it as a spring board to jump to other trees like an acrobat before charging at the waterbender and attacking. Her attacks however, were evaded barely as the waterbender tried to strike her with disks of water after she evaded. Ty Lee just somersaulted away to avoid from being injured.

Mai still riding on her mongoose dragon came and shot three arrows from her wrist at the girl, only for them to be knocked away by the boy with a club and boomerang. He then threw the boomerang at her, thus causing her to dismount and shoot three more arrows at him from the hidden arrow shooter on her ankles. Only for them to be knocked away with his club. Mai then rushed the girl and past the boy. Ty Lee then landed behind the boy, and striking his arm making it useless. He tried to counter with a roundhouse from his other arm, only for her to strike it and making it also useless. He tried to counter again with a kick this time, only to get the same result. He then lost balance and fell forward into her fist. Ty Lee got a bit frustrated as she cupped her fist. The boy then spoke as he got a cocky look on his face. "Good try, but no."

Mai followed the waterbending girl to a tree by the river. As the girl tried to bend, Mai pinned her arms to the tree by her wrist warmers. The boy then hopped by Mai and landed in front of the girl. Who then spoke. "How ya doing?"

"Well you know." She said in a worried tone.

As Ty Lee walked up beside Mai, she spoke. "I thought when Ty Lee and I finally caught up to you guys, it would be more exciting. Oh well, victory is boring." As soon as she finished, the bison sent a wind gust behind the two sending them down river and into the water. About five minutes later they get out of the river by their mongoose dragons. As they ring out the water from their person, Ty Lee spoke.

"Was it just me, or was that guy kind of cute." Mai just looked at her as if she was crazy.

Naruto was crotched down in a tree waiting for Zuko if he came the path he thought he would. Sadly, Zuko followed the fake trail left by the avatar to where Azula was now. Naruto, however wouldn't figure this out for another five minutes.

As Azula got off her steed, the avatar spoke. "Alright you caught up with me, now who are you and what do you want?"

She just put her hand on her hip and had a small smile as she spoke. "You mean you haven't guessed? You don't see the family resemblance? Here's a hint." Her face turned serious and she put her hand over her left eye. "I must find the avatar to restore my honor." Her voice mocked her brother and got a look of indifference from the Avatar. "It's okay, you can laugh it's funny." A small smirk find its way to her lips.

"So what now?"

"Now, it's over. You're tired and you have no place to go. You can run, but I'll catch you."

"I'm not running." He stood up and got into a combat stance.

"Do you really want to fight me?"

"Yes!" Zuko came riding in and dismounted in a combat position. "I really do."


"I was wondering when you'd show up Zu Zu." Azula folded her arms not worried about the new comer.

The avatar giggled with his hand over his mouth. "Zu Zu."

"Back off Azula, he's mine."

"I'm not going anywhere." She got into her combat stance.

Naruto cursed as he knew his target should have been there by now. He then turned to where Azula went and sped off in that direction on the trees. "Should have taken in account that her brother would be fool hardy. I'm coming Azula, your backup is on the way."

Azula attacked first with a strong blast of fire at Zuko, who couldn't evade and guarded the blow somewhat with his own flame before being sent into a pillar of a wall hard. The avatar tried to fly away on his glider, but Azula sent a long wave of fire down on his, causing him to protect him self with his staff as he landed on his back. Azula on a nearby building now jumped into the air and tried to stomp on him, only for him to evade and then evade her fire leg sweep. The avatar kept dodging attacks from both Azula and Zuko. Then Zuko tried to burn Azula with a fire stomp, only to dispelled by her own flame defense. Then forced Zuko to back flip away as she aimed a stream of fire towards the ground. Then forced the avatar to jump back from his would-be attack at her rear. He then lured both Azula and Zuko into a building while floating in the air over the the destroyed floor. Azula catch herself before she fell into the building and used the small footing by the door to stay up, while Zuko rushed in and fell down to the bottom floor.

Azula then shot more fire at him, only for him to evade and shove her down to the floor below. She landed on her feet and evaded a blast from Zuko, only to him into a wall and back outside with her own blast. Thus, temperately knocking him out of the fight. The avatar then tried to evade her blasts by sticking to two close buildings like a spider, but was knocked down under some rubble as she cut the roof he landed on. As she walked into the building, she set the boarders of the room on fire and slowly progressed inside the room. When she was about to deal a killing blow, her arm was swallowed by water and she was thrown down for a brief moment, as the girl cut some of the rubble with her waterbending.

Azula sent a blast of her fire out the door at the girl as she ran away. Azula then gave chase around the corner, only to dodge a boomerang armed to take off her head. She then backed away seeing that she is outnumbered. She then countered any attacks at her, only to be knocked down by the earth under her moving. She then shot some blasts at her enemies, seeing an alley to escape through only to run into Iroh and Zuko. As she backed away into the corner of a ruined building surrounded she looked at the six before her. "Well look at this, enemies and traitors working together. I'm done." She then raised her hands, only to jump back as four kunai landed in front of her enemies and then explode in four small blasts. She looked up and saw Naruto before her with his back to her. "Where were you and what about ambushing Zuko?!" Naruto just stared ahead at their enemies.

"Go and take this chance to escape. I'll hold them off then meet with you at the agreed place." He got into a battle stance with his arms close to his body. She was about to speak against him, only to get a glance from him out of the corner of his eye. "Go now, they're getting their senses back!" She nodded and turned and soon disappeared from the scene of battle. As the smoke clear, the six people caught sight of not Azula, but Naruto as his cloak fluttered in the breeze and his eyes as cold as ice. "Now your battle is with me."

Zuko was the first one to notice him and spoke. "You, you were with my sister on the boat. Why are you here?!"

"Well, it's quite simple. I'm here to help Azula. Now, let's see how you fair against someone prepared...." He trailed off, before sending a low blade of wind with a sweep and propelling himself off the ground and onto a building with a wind blast from his hands. Everyone evaded the blade of wind, though they were surprised that he could use wind.

"He's an airbender! How? Aang I thought you were the last airbender." The boy with the boomerang yelled as he pointed at Naruto.

"I thought so too, but he doesn't look like an air nomad." Aang said and got back into a battle stance.

"Whoever he is he let that girl get away. Maybe we can get some answers out of him." The earthbending girl said. Naruto then noticed she was blind at the way her eyes had no pupils.

He then sent a stream of fire to his left and rolled to the right to avoid and block an attack from Zuko and Iroh. He then ducked under a blast at his upper chest and somersaulted backwards with fire to send Zuko off the building they were on. He and Iroh then defected each blast from one another by slapping each other's hands to the side. He then ducked and pushed off with his hands to spin away from a rock directed at him and away from Iroh. He landed on all fours, to be blasted away by a gust of wind through a building. He hit back first into a wall where a rock was sticking out and broke a rib. He then jumped up, put his feet to the wall and pushed off and over a boulder heading where he was. He twisted in the air and sent a stream of fire to knock a whip of water heading at him away. Only to be hit dead on with a gust of wind, sending him skidding on his left arm and dislocating it. Everyone heard the sickening snap of the limb as he rolled along the ground. He slowly got to his feet as the progressed on his position. Little did they know he grabbed a few smoke bombs out of his pocket as he stood up. "Give up, your life is not worth throwing away." Iroh said in a wise voice, only to be drowned out by laughter.

"So you were the only to notice Iroh, no wonder they call you 'Dragon'." Naruto's laughter still hung in the air even as he spoke. He even spit up a bit of blood into his mask. "Wise and powerful, I knew I had no chance with you and that earthbender here. She can see everything yet nothing at all, but it's about time for me to make my leave." He then let the smoke bombs in his hands hit the ground and explode. He even left a small 'gift' in case one of them were foolish enough to run into the smoke as he used a quick teleport jutsu to appear on a building just out of view. He stood up just as the explosion tag he placed on the ground exploded. He looked back and seen that only Iroh was caught in the blast as he pushed Zuko away. It wouldn't kill the man, but it would leave him injured for at least a week. He then jumped away before they started to look around for him.

As Naruto was just ten feet away from the rendezvous point, he collapsed the broken rib had an open wound on it by the rock and he didn't notice until a few minutes after he escaped. He didn't loose consciousness, but he couldn't move that well. He still strained to get up and finally got through a bush and into view of the camp they set up. The three girls had turned at the sound a moment earlier and were prepared for a fight, only to see him limp through the bush with his left arm hanging limply at his side. "Hey." He said weakly and fell face forward, only to be caught by Azula.

"Naruto what happened?" Azula said as she helped him stand up, only to feel the blood leak through his shirt.

"Gave you enough time to make an escape and not be tracked. Make sure I wasn't followed also, but was hard since I couldn't move all that well to this broken rib." He laughed a bit before trying to walk a bit, only to fall and be caught again.

"He's pretty banged up Azula." Mai said as she looked at the small pool of blood at his feet and the blood stain on his mask.

"I just need rest, just need a place to lay down." He said as she started to walk again, only for Azula to stop him.

"Ty Lee, go get some water and bandages. Mai you get something prepared for him to eat." Azula ordered as she helped him in one of the two tents.

As she lay him down in a tent she went to take off his cloak near his face, only for him to grab her hand with his right hand. "Don't take off my mask. You'll get a nasty surprise if you d-" Before could finish he lost consciousness. She then hooked his cloak and reached up towards his mask, only to get shocked and pulled her hand back. Just then Ty Lee entered the tent with some water and bandages.

Naruto came to some time later, and heard the girls outside as he remembered that the blood activated seal on his mask was active. "Azula, you think he's going to be alright?" He heard Ty Lee ask.

"Yeah, you said he had some internal bleeding. Shouldn't we get him more help?" That was Mai as she had the monotone and logical statement.

"That's the thing, he did have internal bleeding when I set the first bandages on him. Then when I changed them later, the bleeding stopped. He wasn't kidding when he said he was an abnormally fast healer." He heard Azula say.

"When do you think he'll wake up?" Ty Lee was heard.

"How about now." He said loud enough for them to turn and look inside the tent. He just noticed that the sun was long set and they had a fire going.

"Good you're awake." Ty Lee said with spunk, a bit too much as Naruto cringed at the loud noise.

"Quiet Ty Lee, he just woke up and still sore. He could also have a headache from the blood lost." Mai said as she shushed her friend.

"That was stupid what you did." Azula said as she looked at him. He just looked at her and then looked away. Ty Lee and Mai looked at the two and slowly backed out the tent.

"What would you have done?" He asked as he continued to look away. He waited and she said nothing. "I made a promise to you and I won't let it down or abandon it." He paused and looked at her and noticed she looked away at him when he asked her his question. "So, I'll tell you this right now. I'll always keep my promise Azula." She looked at him and her golden eyes met his multicolored eyes before turning and leaving as she felt something she hadn't felt before. He just looked as she left the tent then turned his head and closed his eyes again.

Omake The Christmas Special

Naruto was not comfortable as the room was filled with people. He saw Aang, Katara, her brother Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and the one who dragged him to this party Azula. He just leaned against the wall with his arms folded as he listened to the music and people chat. There had to be over fifty people here. He never felt comfortable in groups this large or groups with more than four or five people. He was too busy looking around, when Azula grabbed his hand and dragged him out to the dance floor and wrapped her arms around his neck. She then whispered in his ear. "Come on dance with me Naruto." By the way she slurred her words he knew she was a bit tipsy as he seen her drink off set and knew even though she was underage, she could hold her liquor as well as he did.

"I don't think your brother is liking me much." He noticed the look from Zuko.

"He's just mad cause you kicked his ass on and off film." She then reached down and pinched his ass as they continued to dance to the slow song playing.

"Hey watch the hands, what would your father think." That didn't help as she pointed towards a corner and noticed that Ozai and her mother Ursa were attacking each other at the mouth.

"I don't think he'd mind much." She then reached up for his mask, only for him to stop it.

"Come on, stop that and you need to sober up if we're going to help set up the Christmas tree."

"That's after the party though, and mostly everyone will be smashed. Look at Sokka and Toph." The two were sitting down leaning against a wall, while downing shots of vodka.

"How did we get all these drinks? Doesn't Nickelodeon frown upon underage drinking?" He then looked over by the punch bowl to see the child who played him as a young boy and the young girl who played young Azula and Makoto both smoking and drinking. "Yeah, we are so going to get canceled if they find out." He sweat dropped as Ty Lee got a table and started dancing.

"Relax, it's Christmas and a time to sit back and unwind." Aang said as he and Katara danced past the two.

"Come on everyone it is time to set up the tree!" Iroh yelled as he came through the door. As everyone that was sober and heavily drunk walked outside to the giant Christmas tree.

The four that were suppose to decorate the top half of the tree stood in front of it. Aang stood sober and ready. Toph was swaying left and right trying to keep her balance with an occasional hiccup. Ozai was straightening his clothing. And last but not least Naruto palmed his face and shook his head. Next was the four who were suppose to decorate the rest of the tree. Ty Lee had her shirt off with and was just in a bra with her eyes halfway open. Mai had a blush as the person next to her kept grabbing her ass. Zuko standing next to Mai kept grabbing said girl's ass. And Sokka was face first in the snow with his ass up in the air, dead to the world. Iroh then stepped forward and turned to the crowd of party goers and everyone who came to watch. "As part of the cast from the show Balance of Worlds, we will now decorate the Christmas Tree in the town square." Iroh said into a microphone.

Naruto then kicked Sokka, only to get no response and have the boy's ass wiggle in the air. Azula and Katara then walked up.

"I'll take my brother and put him in his hotel room."

"And I'll take his spot in setting up the Christmas tree."

"Hey everyone, I'll get all the decorations up with one try!" Toph said with a hiccup at the end as she stomped on the ground and all the decorations went flying into the air, most not even near the tree.

"SAVE THE DECORATIONS!" Someone yelled out.

"ARACK BAR RA!" Some random drunk yelled out.

"HOLY CRAP IT'S AN ALIEN INVASION!" Another random drunk yelled.

"I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!" Toph yelled out for no apparent reason. So, it was up to Aang, Naruto, Zuko, Ty Lee, Azula, Mai, and Ozai with help from Momo and Appa to catch the falling decorations. Luckily for them and the budget they caught or help some safely land the decorations so they wouldn't break. And after about a half an hour and three more shenanigans from drunkards, they finally set up the tree.

Naruto looked up at the tree and shook his head, it may have been troublesome with certain people but the tree looked really good. He looked on as Aang set the star on the top of the tree and flipped off and landed on Appa. The two then flew down and everyone clapped. Naruto turned and walked to the closest door, only to stop and turn to see Azula, Ty Lee, and the drunk Toph there. "Hey aren't you going to stay for the rest of the party with Christmas songs and stuff." Ty Lee asked.

"Yeah, stay for the show hot stuff." Toph said with hiccups and slurring of most words. Naruto just shook his head at her, since no one seen him under his mask and she couldn't see in the first place.

"No thanks, I'm going back to my room and going to sleep. I was one of the people who had to film today and I'm a bit sore after those action scenes." At this Azula smirked.

"Well then, I'll make sure you get to your room and also I want to give you my present." At this Azula grabbed his hand and for the rest of the night and next day no one seen those two.

Omake II The New Years Bash!

"You do know how much I hate you now right, Sokka?" Naruto said as he was dressed in just a pair of boxers with his mask on.

"Yeah, why do we have to do this? It's not like the ladies are doing something like this?" Zuko said as he folded his arms wearing a pair of boxer shorts.

"You guys don't know? The girls are coming out in bathing suits or lingerie." Sokka said with excitement and flexed as he was in a tight pair of black underwear. Every man just looked away as he seemed to make the tight small pair of underwear get smaller.

"Will you stop flexing god, you're making me want to be Toph right now. This is just torture." Aang said as he covered his eyes.

"Dude, ever heard of a razor at the south pole GOD!" A kid named Jet said.

As the men left the changing room for the show they were in to let in the new year, they waited in line to be called out on stage. "Remind me again, why do you get to wear a mask?" Zuko asked.

"Because, I was voted most sexy person on the cast for the past two months and people want to know what's under the mask but the writers won't let them and thus adds to my overall sexiness and it is a bit of a spoiler as when a certain person sees my face you know?"

"If you mean Azula, she already seen your face right?" Aang asked.

"Yeah, but that's only one half of it. Towards the end of the story when a certain 'other' person sees my face it turns all 'OMGBBQSAUCE'." Zuko and Aang just looked at Naruto as if he grown another head. "Don't blame me, that's what the main writer told me. His name is Lilchaos420 or something. Looks like we're being called out now." And so all the guys were called out on stage. And were shocked to see all the women in tasteful dresses from all around the world as they were in nothing but underwear. They all turned to Sokka and glared evilly, as all the women, people at the dinner, and people at home who watched the televised event laughed.

"It seems someone got the wrong notice." Zuko said with rage present in his voice and every man started to beat the crap out of Sokka.

"I swear that's what the note said! I even got it from Toph!" Sokka cried out as he was getting beat.

Azula, Katara, Mai, Ty Lee, Toph, and two other girls by the name of Yue and Suki giggled and high five each other as they watched the men come out, get embarrassed, and beat up Sokka. Then everyone but Toph and Azula reached into their cleavage or wherever they stored their money and slipped Azula one hundred dollars each. Then slipped Toph fifty dollars each. "Told you Naruto was ripped and had to wear extra large boxers." Azula said as she slipped the money into her cleavage.

"And told you I could make them all come out in their underwear." Toph said as she slipper her money into a little purse that came with her dress.

"This was a good way to see in the new year huh girls?" Azula asked with a smirk.

A/N II: Well, here you go. Sorry this wasn't out sooner, but went away and power outage here and there. Was supposed to be released somewhere around the 21st but was delayed. My new Years resolution is to write more and gain some weight damn I'm skinny only 150 lb at 6'1. Also, going to update Of Demons and Mutants soon. Since what I had in mind didn't work for that story, I'm going to come up with something more original. And this is the chapter where Azula starts to see that Naruto isn't just there to put her down and get in good with her father. Since the next chapter will probably include the drill it's safe to say that what I have planned for Ba Sing Se will be different since Jet will appear and more fights will be seen. As for the Omakes I just wanted to give you guys a gift for the holidays even though it is the day after new years, but who gives a shit?

Happy New Year and Holidays from Lilchaos420!