Story Title: Lovesick
Rating: T
Summary: On his mission to rescue Rukia, Ichigo is faced with a life changing decision that ends up ripping apart his heart and mind. Ichi/Shuu and Ichi/Ruki (one-sided). This is a yaoi fanfic.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Bleach.
Chapter 1 – What About a Girl?
Ichigo fought on Sokyoku Hill, using every bit of power he could conjure to defeat his opponent. As he charged his eye caught the petrified eyes of a man standing on the sidelines. Time seemed to slow as he looked at the man who stared after his Captain. Ichigo felt a pain in his heart like he had never felt before, not even towards Rukia, the girl he risked his life to save.
Ichigo sighed as he dragged his heavy feet up the pavement towards his school. Another boring day, he thought as Keigo, followed slowly by Mizuiro, came running up to him.
"Heeeeeeeeey Ichigo!" Keigo yelled as he slapped his orange haired friend on the back.
"Morning, Keigo, Mizuiro. Have you seen Rukia?" that morning Rukia had eaten breakfast and left home before he had even woken up. He was curious why she would leave like that without telling him.
"No, I don't think she's here yet," Mizuiro replied, and then continued to confess that Keigo had been waiting at the entrance for Ichigo since they had arrived.
"Wouldn't you of all people know? The girl does live with you," Keigo said quickly to change the uncomfortable subject.
"You'd think, wouldn't 'cha?" The bell rang, and Ichigo lazily went into class.
Rukia knocked on the door of the Urahara Shop. She had a few kinks in her gikai and needed some help with it. Ginta answered the door and informed her that Urahara was actually here this time.
"What brings you here, Rukia?" Kisuke asked with a smile on his face.
"My gikai is acting funny, and I'd like you to fix it for me. Do you think you could do that for me? I'm mission school because it's really starting to irritate me," Rukia explained to him. Kisuke stood up and began to examine the gikai.
"Lift your arm…yeah, okay. Say, how's Ichigo doing?"
"Fine, I think. He has been acting a little strange lately…"
"Strange? How so?" he asked as he felt around her wrists and hands.
"I'm not exactly sure…" now that the question was asked she couldn't really place what was wrong with him. She just knew that his behavior was different. "He seems less energetic," she said finally, but shook her head deciding that wasn't quite the right word.
"Less energetic, you say. Maybe he is just exhausted. There have been quite a few hollows around lately, more than usual."
"No, I don't think that's it either," she moaned, frustrated. "It's not a physical exhaustion, it's more of a mental – maybe an emotional – exhaustion. And not so much exhaustion, either, it's more like…distress? No, that's close, but still not the word I'm looking for."
"I see," Kisuke lifted up her left leg and she winced. "Is that painful?"
"Yeah, right here in the hip."
"Maybe he's tired of school?"
"He's always tired of school."
"What about his family? His father doesn't exactly go easy on him."
"Maybe being a shinigami is too much for his spirit…ha, I don't even believe that one." Rukia chuckled. "Is that better?"
"Much, thank you!" she jumped up off the chair he had placed her on.
"What about a girl?"
"A girl? What do you mean, Urahara?"
"Is there a girl, at school maybe, that Ichigo may fancy? He is quite straightforward, but he's never dealt with something like this before. Maybe he's nervous, and can't stop worrying about it."
"You mean…a crush?" Rukia asked as a shade of pink spread over her cheeks.
"Yeah, maybe a crush. It seems the most likely, anyway."
"Ichigo having…a crush…"
"Anyway I'll see you later, Rukia! Come back if you need anything at all, and take care of that lovesick strawberry of yours!"
"Okay, Urahara! And thanks again!" she said as she walked away waving.
"Oh, and don't tell Ichigo I called him strawberry or he'll skin me. Buh bye!"
Half the day had passed and it was obvious Rukia wasn't at school. Ichigo was worried. Where could she have gone? She'd better not be out there killing hollows that are rightfully mine. Knowing her she probably is, maybe trying to get some soul society brownie points or some such thing. He thought as he stuck a bright red strawberry in his mouth that came off of his store-bought cheesecake.
"Is something wrong, Ichigo?" he turned around to see two giant, pink basketballs staring him in the face. He cringed and backed away. Dude, he thought to himself, those are seriously just TOO BIG!
"Ichigo?" Orihime asked again. "Is something wrong?"
"Wha--uh, no, nothing's wrong."
"Are you sure? Because I can tell when you're in deep thought, and normally that means something is wrong."
Heh, oh thanks Orihime! He thought sarcastically to himself. "I was just thinking about Rukia. She's not at school today."
"Yeah I noticed that, and I was wondering the same thing myself. Rukia almost never skips without a good reason, though."
"I suppose…" he stared at his plate and played with his food with his chopsticks. Just as was making a promise with himself to kick Rukia's ass the next time he saw her, she came prancing happily into the room, a smile on her face, her lunch in her hands, and she came over and sat by Ichigo.
"Hiiiiii Ichigo! And how are you this lovely day?" she said in a singsong voice. "Good to see you too, Orihi…"
"Where the hell have you been?" Ichigo snapped. "You run off in the morning without telling me where you're going, stay gone for hours, then show up at school at pretend nothing happened!"
"I was at Urahara's…"
"Next time, tell me, will you?" his strict voice turned strangely soft and caring. "If something is wrong you can come to me, and don't run off without letting me know. For all I know Aizen could have captured you. Rukia, I was worried."
"Ichigo…" Rukia's face flushed as she thought of what Urahara had said.
Ichigo, Orihime thought as she watched how he looked lovingly into Rukia's eyes. When did I think I had a chance?
"I'm sorry, Ichigo. I'll try my hardest to never do that to you again," she smiled softly, forcing a smile to Ichigo's lips as well.
Yay, I'm so proud of this chapter, plus I got to knock Orihime a little! xD That's always fun.
Anyway, thanks for reading, I'll try to update soon.
Oh, and in case you're not that great with the pairing abbreviations like myself, 'Shuu' stands for 'Hisagi Shuuhei'.
Thanks again!