NOTE: I do NOT own the characters in this story nor do I own Chobits. Chobits © Clamp.

This is a FanFiction between the characters Zima x Dita. This takes place before the Chobit's

anime/manga and afterwards. Hopefully, it will be over thirty chapters in length, each being at

least five pages long for each chapter. This is my first time publishing a Fanfiction or publishing

one really. So I hope I am doing alright so far! Enjoy!


"Please, take your time looking." said Mrs. Hibiya. She stood near the door along with two scrawny looking government officials. He did not understand why there was a need for extra security. He could not sense any threats in the room, let alone a small disturbance. It was probably him that was the disturbance in their eyes.

He chuckled at the thought of him being dangerous in any way, shape, or form.

Zima was a persocom, designed to be the Government's National Data Bank. At the time, he was created to protect all information and to be connected with persocoms all over the planet. He would be in charge with the most sacred duty in the world today, to protect the information and persocoms from any harm or danger. Sadly enough, due to large capacity of the files, he would indeed need a partner. A protection system of sorts.

He remembered the conversation with his master, Mrs. Hibiya. 'You will need someone to protect you. With the information stored in your memory, you have next to nothing to protect you. The officials believe that the most efficient way to protect you would to have another persocom. I believe it would the best way. I came here to ask you if you would do the honor in…creating the persocom.'

He was somewhat excited about this decision. He would get to choose who this person would be, and possibly even care for this person. They would be a person of his choice, his special someone.

He walked into the room slowly and began to analyze the scenery. The room was completely white, with hints of silver on the corners. Cables were scattered everywhere along with excess wires, chips, and fragments from discarded persocom bodies. He looked along the walls.

On the left side of the wall was a row of female persocom bodies, held down by silver straps against the walls. They all looked so peaceful, undisturbed. Their skin looked as if it was made from pure porcelain.

It was very unnatural looking, even for a persocom. To his right were male bodies. Though he showed no preference to these.

He turned around to face the two scrawny guards and Mrs. Hibiya. "I think I prefer the female ones. May I see more choices, master?"

"Certainly." She replied. She walked past Zima to the front wall on the other side of the room. There was a small keypad latched onto the wall. She began to press a series of numbers. The room began to shift and suddenly, the room walls were covered in female body shells. He smiled to himself. He would definitely prefer a female partner.

He stepped out further into the room. He was cautious not to trip over any of the cables that covered the floor. He began to scan each of the rows carefully, making sure to analyze every one of the bodies.

He found no interest in any of them. All of them were the same to him. Fifth row, tenth body- long blonde hair, slender form, pretty. So generic. Eighth row, twenty-seventh body- long brown hair, slender form, pretty. Why did they all look the same? All of them had long silky hair, busty bodies, and drop-dead gorgeous. They all looked like the models he saw in the magazines spread throughout Mrs. Hibiya's work station. He felt disappointed. All of them appeared as if they would only care about their personal looks and about themselves. They looked so generic, so plain. They looked like the same generic female persocom that walked the streets.

Mrs. Hibiya let out a cough to disrupt the silence between them. He had the feeling that it was awkward for her to be here looking at these empty bodies. All of them were probably beautiful to human eyes, and would make any girl jealous and emotional about her own personal appearance. She let out another cough and lifted her head to look at Zima.

"Is there any that you are particularly interested in?" she said. She sounded anxious to hear his answer. Zima let out a sigh. "No. I do not like any of these." he said in a dull voice.

He could see that Mrs. Hibiya's eyes grew large by a fraction of a inch. He wanted to laugh at this, but knew it would be impolite to do so. He tried to keep a serious face.

"Oh, you don't? Um…." She looked down at her papers and began to search for something. After a few moments, she stopped and looked up at him again.

"I'm sorry you do not like any of these….we could always custom build a specific body that appeals to you, if you'd like. It would take a bit more time though…" she looked down at the papers again, caught in her own thoughts. She was probably wondering why he showed no interest in the bodies that covered the walls.

She looked up again and now waited patiently for his answer. Zima gave a final look around the room, and let out a small sigh. "Yes, master. If you don't mind, that is. These bodies seems boring, don't you think? She should be unique. I would love a girl who had a unique look rather than one who looked like something out of your magazines."

Mrs. Hibiya let out a small smile. He could tell that she approved of this, and that there would be no problems. "Of course, Zima. We can get started right away. Come this way, please." She quickly pressed the same number sequence and the bodies disappeared, and the walls were white and spotless yet again. She walked past Zima and out the door into the hallway. Zima followed in normal stride.

"We'll have to first plan her body on the computer through design interfaces. Then, we can get to work on her body." She now had a quick pace, scurrying towards the door at the end of the hallway. Zima kept up easily, without even quickening his pace.

They made their way into the room. Mrs. Hibiya clapped her hands twice and the room illuminated. It was very simple. It was quite a large room, but the only thing that was in there was a desk, two chairs, two potted plants and many windows. It was nighttime outside, and through the windows, Zima could pin point many of the stars that decorated the sky.

She made her way to the desk and sat in one of the rolling chairs. She turned on the computers and the screens flicked to life. She moved her eyes from the computers to Zima. "Please, take a seat." She said, patting the chair next to her. Zima walked in, black coat trailing behind him slowly. He took a seat next to Mrs. Hibiya, and folded his hands behind his back. She suppressed a small smile. "First, let's get to work on her body structure." She began to move the tablet pen in front of her and a blueprint appeared on the screen. It was a generic female body blueprint, very similar to the ones in the room before.

"This body is no good." he said. Mrs. Hibiya's face filled with shock. She turned to the screen again. She proceeded in clicking a few links, finally pulling up a catalogue of female bodies.

"Are you interested in any of these?" She passed the tablet to him carefully. He lightly held the pen and began to move it across the screen. Most of the bodies were the same, but as soon as he was about to close the catalogue and complain about the lack in diversity, the bottom right body flashed before his eyes.

It was not a generic body at all. The body was small, petite. She was surely only half his size. Unlike the other girls, she was flat chested, and appeared as if she could break easily. This body had to be stable enough to take extreme conditions since she would need protection and would need to protect Zima himself as well. But for some reason, this body seemed right. It was unique, diverse. He liked the idea of having a small girl tag around him. She would look pretty, no, beautiful. She would look different, and he liked different. He clicked the body and it appeared on the screen. Mrs. Hibiya looked at the body and began to analyze it carefully. She looked back to him with wary eyes. "Are you sure this is the one?"

"Of course." He said. His mouth formed a smile that threw Mrs. Hibiya off. He was truly satisfied with this body, and this body alone. She smiled back and nodded. "Alright. Now….." She trailed off and began to click a few more buttons with the pen that he just gave back to her.

A new catalogue appeared on the screen, this time with hair designs. This was going to take longer than he thought. But he had all the time in the world, he was a high-grade persocom who could withstand any weather conditions, and even time.

"We have to look through the hair styles by color. Which color do you prefer?" She looked over her shoulder at Zima waiting for his answer. "I think I would prefer brown. Silky brown is annoying. Just a normal brown would be fine, don't you think?" he said slyly. She nodded and opened the catalogue. She handed over the tablet pen and he began to search through. He finally found one after a few long moments. He clicked and the hair style appeared on the blueprint.

It was a jagged brown hair style. It was not silky like the others, nor was it long or graceful. It was short, showing signs of disarray, but in a beautiful, flowing manner. The strands were neatly cut, and at the back was a long strand that was tied back by a small hair band. Mrs. Hibiya let out a smile again. "I believe you now know how to work the program. I will be back shortly to see your progress. I bet she'll look beautiful." She let out a small smile and got up. She walked to the door and left with swift motion.

Zima watched her until she was out the door. Then, he focused on the screen again and began to move the pen. There was so many things to choose from. But it was very easy for him. After a hour of investigating and creative ideas, he finally had a full blueprint.

She was truly unique. She was a tiny little thing, almost a full two feet below him. She had brown dull short hair, with a long strand on the back. She had glowing red eyes, that almost looked like the sun. She was definitely not like any of the other persocoms that were on the streets, but he loved her for that. He already felt a connection to her.

The door opened again, and Mrs. Hibiya walked in slowly to the desk. She looked at the screen and let out a small smile. She turned to Zima who was now memorized by the figure on the screen. "She's beautiful, Zima. You did a great job." Zima let out a smile. He was very happy with the blueprints. She was adorable.

"When will she be built?" he asked with curiosity.

She appeared dazed for a minute, then responded. "Three days should be sufficient for the build. Then, at least two days for all the necessary downloads of her software. After that, she should be functional." He let out a sigh and a relieved smile. "Excellent."

Before she left, she let out a small 'oh' and turned around again. "By the way, how would you like me to format her personality settings?" Zima looked down in thought. He almost forgot about personality. He looked back up and smiled. He let his hands cross behind his head again. "Leave it blank. I would like her to configure her own personality."

She suppressed a small smile and continued her way out the door. He let out a sigh and looked at the computer once more. "You are already so beautiful." He let his fingers trail down the screen. He felt anxiety pass throughout the circuits of his body. It was a odd feeling to him, he was so anxious to see what she looked like.


"Zima…Zima…Awake from Hibernation, now. She is ready."

Zima's eyes flickered open that instant. He had longed to hear those words for so long. It seemed as if it was years rather than days that he was forced to wait. He sat up and got to his feet and analyzed the woman in front of him. It appeared to be one of the many employee's of Mrs. Hibiya. Though, just like the rest of them, the woman in front of him appeared to be afraid.

"Y-yes…your master, Mrs. Hibiya, has requested your presence in the other room. The girl you made….she's ready." She quickly turned around and walked out the door.

He fixed his gaze to the door and began to make his way to the other room. He could feel the excitement in his body, how he felt the wires that filled his body jolt with electricity. It was a amazing feeling, something very new to him.

He entered the room, filled with wires yet again. This time, there were only two bodies. The first was Mrs. Hibiya, his master, who was writing something on the clipboard in front of her. She looked very preoccupied in her work, she was a very hard worker and was very determined.

But the second person was the one he was waiting to see for what it seemed like years. She was petite and small as he predicted. She had the same short frizzy hair that he picked out, so beautiful in disarray. It was disappointing to him to see her eyes closed though. But what irked him the most was the fact that the outfit he had chosen for her was not on her body. His smile turned into a quick frown. He began to pace towards her and Mrs. Hibiya.

"Oh…is something not to your liking?" Mrs. Hibiya asked quietly. Zima walked past her and ignored her.

Instead, he walked to the beautiful girl that was tangled in the many wired that hung from the ceiling. He could not help but be memorized by her face, her looks.

"I am curious. Why doesn't she have the clothes I chose for her on?" he asked in a curious tone. She let out a sigh and a giggle. Mrs. Hibiya confused Zima sometimes. A very professional lady, but at the same time, confusing and giddy.

"Oh, that! Her outfit did not come in yet, so I could not dress her yet." Zima analyzed her body carefully. It didn't matter to him now, he supposed, he was just impressed by the outcome. She was adorable and irresistibly cute. He allowed his hand to trail down the side of her face. She looked so peaceful, although she was entangled in the many wires that filled the room. He let his hand rest on her shoulder, and allowed the other one to cup her face. He could stand in silence looking at her forever it seemed.

Mrs. Hibiya let out a cough and turned to face the computers. "I did as you asked, and there is a portion of her personality data missing. Hopefully she will be able to fill this in by herself in time. I am sure you can even influence her decisions and actions as well……"

Again, she appeared dazed in thought. Zima turned his attention to the sleeping figure in front of him.

She was truly beautiful. And it made him light up with electricity on the inside. He would definitely need to reserve power after this.

He moved his hands to both of the sides of her face, and up her hair. She was so soft, so small. He moved his hands behind her back, and grabbed the wires that held her in place.

He kept his hands in place while he turned back to face Mrs. Hibiya. "Master, is the transfer almost complete?"

Mrs. Hibiya snapped from her thoughts and looked at Zima again. She stuttered over her sentences, still lost in deep thought. "Oh! Um…yes. It's already complete. She is just in hibernation now. We are waiting for her to a-awake. She'll be ready soon….."

Before she could finish her rambling, Zima had grasped the wires that secured the persocom and tugged tightly. The wires snapped, and the sparks now sprayed across the ground. Mrs. Hibiya let out a small gasp and took a few steps back to analyze the scene.

The wires that held the persocom in place were now scattered and broken, lying amongst the ground. Zima was now kneeling on the floor, holding the persocom closely to his chest. Her face was buried in his shoulder, his hands wrapped around her small slender form. His eyes were fixed on the girl, until he moved them up to meet Mrs. Hibiya's.

"Sorry, just couldn't wait. She's adorable, isn't she?" He ruffled the persocoms hair carefully with his hand, making sure not to tangle it.

Mrs. Hibiya stood in shock. She was at a lost for words. Zima was not the type of persocom to be so anxious or to show any signs of care or affection towards another being. Yet, from the gentle way he held her and brushed her hair, it seemed so impossible for her to understand.

All of the persocoms in the Chobits series were different, all unique. But now it was clear to her, that they all had one thing in common- the ability to love and care for someone.

Zima gently kissed her forehead, then her cheek. He held her even closer to him, as if he could never let go.

"You're adorable. What shall I call you?"

The robot in his arms began to stir. Slowly, she began to move her hands. Mrs. Hibiya let out a small gasp. She wanted to warn Zima, but the words could not leave her mouth.

"Ah. So you have awaken, love." He said in a calm, soothing voice.

The persocom reached above her small body, and began to wrap her hands around his neck. She was still weak, but she was now coherent. Her eyes opened slowly, and the ruby red color greeted Zima's curious eyes.

"You're eyes are beautiful…you deserve a beautiful name." Zima stared at her for a long moment, and now, she was staring back at him. It appeared that she was waiting for his answer. He let himself grin slightly.

"Alright…I think we'll call you…..Dita. Yes, Dita. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. And you shall be my special someone, and I shall be yours, love."

The girl stared at him with dazed eyes for a long moment. Then her eyes closed. She repeated the names, in a elegant and calm voice. "D…Dita. Dita."

Zima held her closer, and let her head relax against his chest. She let out a sigh and held him closer to her.

Mrs. Hibiya let out a surprising squeak. She was taken off guard, yet again. There was no danger, and for some reason, it was the complete opposite. It was affection.

"Enter Password…." She said calmly. Zima suppressed a laugh, causing Dita to hold on to him tighter.

Zima looked over to Mrs. Hibiya, still standing in shock. She didn't even realize that most of the computers were offline now, and most of the equipment was damaged. "Master, what is her password?" he asked curiously.

"Uh…I…the same as yours." She replied quickly. She scurried over to them to see if she was truly alright. She sighed to herself. Although Zima was very anxious, he was very careless in the process. But, then again, he held her as if he was afraid he would bruise her.

Zima looked at Dita, who was still looking up at him. He couldn't help but smile. Her body appeared so emotionless, but her eyes already showed him that she was curious about him. Mrs. Hibiya walked to her side and whispered in her ear the password. Dita nodded slightly and tightened her grip on Zima. Mrs. Hibiya let out a giggle and Zima looked at her curiously. "What's so funny?" he smiled at Mrs. Hibiya, waiting for a reply.

"It seems that she likes you. She will already recognize us. But the only ones she can recognize now are me, you, Freya/Elda, and persocoms and humans, the most basic people and persocoms. She will learn more names and information as she goes, but all she has right now as a main priority is you and her mission- to protect you at all costs."

Zima's expression returned to a frown again. 'And to think, this adorable persocom will have to be the one protecting me. If only it were the other way around…..'

"This is acceptable. She is quite adorable." He said quietly to Mrs. Hibiya. He detested the idea greatly of having her protect him from danger, but rejecting this idea would only cause suspicion. "Great. She seems to be doing fine-" But Mrs. Hibiya was cut off, this time by Dita.

"Zima. You're Zima?" She looked into Zima's eyes, filled with many questions.

"Yes, that's me alright. How are you feeling? Can you perform a quick scan?" he asked. His face returned to a grin once again.

"Performing Virus Scan…..Complete. Self Scan complete."

Mrs. Hibiya and Zima let out a sigh of relief. Zima was the first one to break the silence. "Mmmm….I assume that means you are alright. Very well."

He lifted himself from the ground, along with Dita in his hands. "She seems to be doing well. She is functioning very well, especially since you couldn't wait a little while longer. We can give her a update on her software, to make sure she'll be able to handle all of this…." Mrs. Hibiya breathed.

Zima widened his grin. He looked down at Dita again, while Dita looked back up at him curiously.

"I believe for now though, love, you should rest." He placed a kiss on her forehead again, and waited for a response. She continued to stare, in confusion, at his reactions and movements. She was still new to the surroundings and reactions of others. Zima did not wish to overwhelm her with such.

"She appears to be fine, so we should allow her to sleep for a bit." said Mrs. Hibiya. Zima smiled and looked back down at her. Dita closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Sleep well tonight, love." And he kissed her on the forehead again. Mrs. Hibiya could only sit and stare at the situation that was now unfolding before her. Now it seemed that her and her husband's dream finally is coming true. Though she had to admit, she never expected two persocoms to care for each other. It was something that she didn't quite expect.


First Chapter is complete! My major pet peeve is when people rarely update stories. So I'll be updating this every chance I get. Hopefully the next chapter will be up very soon! Enjoy!