Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters presented here and am not making any profit off of this whatsoever.
Title: Unity
Word Count: 548
Rated: PG-13
Romance: Zorc x Yami no Bakura
Notes: This takes place during Millennium World, and was written for the fourth season of the Yu-Gi-Oh Pairings Challenge. Comments and criticism gratefully accepted.
Summary: The power of the Millennium Puzzle is that of unity. It is a power that is held by more than just the Pharaoh and his friends. His greatest enemies hold it as well.

I await their coming. They seek the Pharaoh's name and only by passing me will they attain it. They think it will be easy. Pass a few traps, perhaps solve a riddle or two, and the name will fall into their laps as easily as an apple falling from a tree.

I will not let them have it. If they learn that name, then everything that Zorc and I have prepared for and worked for will be swept away. There has been too much done for that, too much sacrificed.

Zorc and I. It feels strange even to think that, because I am Zorc. A piece of his soul, merged with the soul of his pawn, the King of Thieves, Bakura. Zorc was powerful indeed, but the subtlety to be a thief was beyond him. That was Bakura's gift to him, which created me: the darkness of Bakura.

The darkness of both Bakura Ryou and the Thief King Bakura. I am both of them, truly, and Zorc. I am a creature all to myself, yet still part of Zorc. A reflection of three beings, fused into one.

I don't believe the Zorc that is within the Millennium Puzzle, that now rampages to destroy all of the world of memory, is even aware that I am that little piece of difference. If he does, he doesn't care. Our goals are the same and it does not matter.

I can see him, even now. My awareness is threefold: here in the tomb, with Zorc himself, and with the outside world, where I am playing the role playing game with the Pharaoh's spirit. I pay only attention to Zorc, however, because that is where the real fun is happening. Shortly I will have to bring my mind to the here and now in the tomb, to duel the vessel.

But for now, I can admire the raw destructive power that is Zorc. I will show him what I can do soon enough. Watching him show what he can do is a pleasure beyond words. If he or I were capable of love in the way mortals think of it, I think I would love him. There is little that gives me more pleasure than watching him destroy everything in sight, especially the Pharaoh and his priests.

It would not be love as humans know it, however. Not merely because of his shape, though I admit that would make the physical side of such an action more than a little difficult. But in the end, despite my source and nature as the result of the union of three beings, I am still part of him. We are the same.

I love myself, and myself loves me. Once we have destroyed the Pharaoh and those he calls 'friends', we will be one complete being again, and that will be a union of bliss in the darkness. It will surpass any pleasures that humans have ever known, and the shadows of our power united will enfold all the world.

We are a thousand voices, a thousand names, a thousand bodies and beings, each a reflection of the last, and we are more than the sum of our parts.

Unity is our strength as well, and in eternal union, we will triumph and be one.

The End