This is just a teaser chapter while I finish the rest of the story. Feedback is greatly appreciated. The POVs will switch back and forth between Edward's perspective, and a narrator similar to the one in the show. This is primarily a Twilight fic, set in the middle of New Moon (so Edward has left Bella)

Oh. And if you haven't seen Pushing Daisies (shame on you!) I've posted a youtube link to the best summary of the show imaginable.

Pain. It was not something I was not accustomed to. I had managed to survive over one hundred years in taciturn solitude; countless days in absolute isolation. The pain of that desperation was my constant companion for many years.

I had one taste of happiness with Bella, and now I was burning in the pyres of loneliness without her.

The pain in my chest was not solely payable to her absence. No, in my cold heart, in the simplest terms, I was a failure. My sole purpose in persuading my only love that I did not need or want her any more was for her protection. My reason for trying my hand at this tracking business, chasing Victoria across the country, was to make sure Bella would live a happy human life uninterrupted by my kind.

My tracking skills failed me when I landed here, in this little town Couer d' Couers, with no trace of Victoria. My anguish and despair caused me to stay, crippled by the forlorn feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Without Bella, I wished for nothing but absolutely miserable silence. Self-mutiliation for the bloodless.

This place was the absolute worst climate I could have ever encountered. The colors were far too vibrant, the people too animated. It was painfully obvious I had come at night, because there would be no conceivable way my secrecy could have survived in this sunny location. The unrelenting sun was, however, an ideal reason to stay indoors, engulfed in my misery.

Time blurred together, the hands on the clock slurring to the point where I did not recognize time at all. Every second passed by, and my despair intensified. Details would resurface of the worst night in my existence. The last little glimmer in her eyes, extinguishing as I told her that blasphemous lie.

With that night on repeat like some broken record, I began wishing for death. Something to end this disgusting existence of mine.

I wasn't sure how long I had been in this vegetative state—time held no interest when marking the minutes without her. I was vaguely aware of the man's thoughts as he entered my hotel room suddenly.

Apathy and misery were the only companions I had now.

I should have moved. Made it look like I was asleep, waking from a terrible dream. But my apathy paralyzed me as the man approached. I did not care as he took my wrist, took my pulse. No doubt I would be reported dead—maybe it was better if I did. They would contact Carlisle, who would fly the red-eye to retrieve me. A fake funeral would give Alice the gothic party she always wanted to plan.

Maybe it was better if Bella believed I was dead—secure her chances at a happy human life without me.

So I said nothing as the man exited the room in a hurry, probably scared by the dead man lying on the bed. I did not open my eyes in his presence, or even care to. My only wish was that I were not pretending to be dead, but to actually be in that state.

Because without Bella, there was no reason for existing.

Reviews? It does get very interesting, I promise!