A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!! I know I'm kinda late on this, but I haven't updated anything at all in quite some time. Feel free to kill me in your minds, I feel bad about it, but schools a bigger bitch than it usually is, and it may be because of the fact that one of my teachers is the biggest ditz on the planet She's so stupid, one of my friends convinced her that I'm deaf in one ear, which is why I'm so loud in class! Can you say "IDIOT!"? But enough about that. Exmas are coming up so I won't be working on anything until I'm done my last exam on February 1st at 10:10 am. So I'll work on stuff then. So did everyone have a good Christmas? Haunaka? Kwanza? Whatever else you people celebrate? I did! Right now, I'm writing from my brand new laptop! I fucking love Windows 7! It'a utterly amazing!!! I also got SkullCandy headphones... that litterally just broke!!!! I'm fucking pissed about that! They're $30 a set!!! And these are my second pair!!!! SOAB! I also got a cell phone so now I'm no longer living under a rock! I got a Bench. Jacket. Does anyone have one of those? They're sick ass! But enough about Christmas...

My heart and condolences go out to all those suffering in Haiti right now. If I could, I'd have been on a plane or boat or helicopter and had my ass down there already helping people, but since I'm only 15 and have school and have no money, I've got to do my part here. My dad is actually gunna DJ a school dance for my school. He's doing it for free as long as all the proceeds go towards Haitian relief. Everyone is super psyched!

I hope everyone watches Hope For Haiti Now! tomorrow night. Rob Pattinson is gunna be the London host, so all you British fuckers.... lucky bitches!!! Hopefully they'll show him at some point on my T.V here in Canada. Did anyone catch The Vampire Diaries earlier tonight? OMIGOD can you say epic? I can't believe all that happened! I can't wait for next week now!!!

So anyway... Cristina finally pussied up and updated (LOVE YOU!) so here it is. BTW... she FINALLY GOT FACEBOOK! God, she's only been living under a rock since forever!! LOL. So here's the next chapter. I'm working on some old stuff as well as new stuff and I know alot of people are probabl like, "She's got too much on the go already, she should update the others and finish them first..." well, you're right, I should, but I love the way my new stuff is going so I'l probably work through that and actually finish it before posting it and by then I should have somethign else finished.

Anyway, until then, here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it!!!!!

Daylight Eruption

Chapter 24

"Carlisle!" Nahuel yelled as we approached the front door. He kicked at the door with his foot, trying not to shake me too much. It figures. The moment when we needed everyone the most, no one was around.


"What?!" Carlisle yelled back, opening the door. "What the hell are you yelling for—Oh my God! What happened?!"

Yeah. I'm sure I looked pretty bad. My head was still pressed towards Nahuel, and there was a huge spot on his shirt from my tears. "Get . . . me . . . inside . . . please," I managed to say between gasps and sobs.

Nahuel ran me upstairs, Carlisle and Jacob on his heels. I was gently laid on my bed, and in seconds my entire family was gathered around me. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. The pain was excruciating.

Carlisle, who had quickly gotten a hold on himself as soon as he assessed the issue at hand, began to calmly and quickly remove all my clothes. "Maybe give the girl a little privacy?" he suggested in a quiet tone which everyone heard.

The room cleared in seconds except for Nahuel and Jacob. After one more worried glance at me, Nahuel turned to leave. "Please stay," I whispered, grabbing his hand.

With a questioning glance at Carlisle, which was returned with a nod, Nahuel knelt at my side. His steady, warm fingers were a striking contrast to shaking, fiery ones grabbing my right hand. "Is she gonna be okay?" Jacob asked in a shaky voice.

Carlisle's fingers were firmly pressing on my ribs, taking note when I winced. "Broken ribs," he mumbled. "Not good."

Under my lashes, I saw Nahuel's eyes raking over my completely nude form. "Are you checking me out?" I whispered, a smile forming on my lips. Nahuel's head dropped to hide a smirk. I chuckled and looked over at Jacob. My expression sobered immediately as I watched the tears slide down his face.

I squeezed his hand, and he looked into my eyes. "Does it hurt bad?" he asked me.

"Not at all," I lied, flashing a reassuring smile. "Is the baby going to be okay?" I asked, turning to Carlisle.

"Screw the baby!" Jake mumbled, then catching my look of daggers, ducked his head.

"It looks like both mother and baby are going to be fine," he assured us. "Although I would suggest some human blood for faster healing. I'll go get some."

"I'll come with you," Jacob quickly volunteered, with a penitent look. He never could stand it when Carlisle prescribed human blood for medicine, and always made an excuse to leave the room.

The two of them walked out, leaving me with Nahuel, who still had his head down. "Why did you lie to him?" Nahuel unexpectedly asked. I jumped with surprise.

"B-Because he already has enough to worry about!" I snapped. I looked at his shocked expression, and apologized. "I'm sorry, Nahuel. Hormones."

He nodded understandingly. "I don't blame you; Jake is starting to look like a wreck. Who's idea was this prego thing anyway?"

"Mine," I admitted. Why couldn't anybody understand why I wanted a baby so bad?

"Ah-ha. Did you ask his opinion on the whole idea?"

"Sorta yes and sorta no. Originally I seduced him into the whole thing--"

"You what?!"

"Shut up! But he did agree to it, as long as I killed the baby if I couldn't handle the pain."

"Which you will never admit to in the first place."

I closed my eyes. "I just really want this, Nahuel. Please don't interfere."

"Keyword in that sentence being 'I'," he observed.

"Huh?" He already lost me.

"Did you ever stop to think what Jacob wants? Maybe he wants his wife alive?"

"Don't," I whispered. "Don't even say that."

"It's true! Jacob doesn't want you to be a corpse while he is holding the child that you wanted at the cost of your own life!"

"Stop!" I screamed, turning the opposite direction as tears began to stream down my face. How could he even say that to me?


I ignored him.

"Renesmee, I'm so sorry; I didn't mean it. Honest."

I let out a strangled sob. "I love him. I would never do that to him."

"I know," Nahuel nodded. "And trust me, . . . he does too."

Somehow I felt that that was not what he was about to say.

Carlisle took that moment to walk back into the room. "Here's the blood," he announced, placing a cup into my hand. I could tell he was pretending he hadn't heard our conversation, but didn't feel like addressing the issue of eavesdropping. It was kinda hard to help that; being a vampire and all.

I drank the blood slowly, savoring the flavor. It wasn't often any of us got to taste human blood, so I figured I might as well enjoy it while I could.

"Do you feel any better?" Carlisle asked me, touching my ribs again.

"Yes. Thanks, Doc," I smiled. I could already feel myself healing.

"Let's clear out and leave these two alone," Carlisle suggested, nodding in the direction of the doorway. I hadn't even noticed Jake's presence.

Seconds later, we were both alone. "I can't . . ." Jacob trailed off.

Another tear rolled down my nose. "I love you."

In two huge strides, Jake was across the room and had me in his arms. I held his face, and kissed his bottom lip gently. "We're in this together," I reminded him.

"I can't watch you in pain," he insisted. "It hurts too much."

Jacob's lips moved along my jaw line, then kissed my eyes, nose, and finally, mouth. He began to kiss me urgently, with an edge that I had never felt before. It was as if he felt he was going to lose me.

When I pulled away to breathe, Jake's mouth moved down my neck to the top of my breast. "He loves you too," he randomly stated.



"I know." I placed my hands under Jacob's shirt, running my hands over his chest. "But I love you first and foremost. And nothing will ever change that." I pulled Jake's shirt over his head, and leaned my cold body against the heat of his.

Jacob laid down on the bed, pulling me tight against him. He slid his hands all over my skin, then stopped to rub my stomach. I took his hand from my stomach and kissed his palm. Jake leaned closer to kiss my lips.

* * * * * * *

I didn't sleep all night. I didn't want to sleep. I just wanted to think about everything Nahuel had said. Was I being too selfish? I decided the only way to get a good answer was from Mom.

In the middle of the night, I planted a gentle kiss on Jake's chest and climbed out of bed. It was time to get some answers.

Since Mom and Dad don't sleep, I was very careful to knock on their door before I went in. The last thing I wanted to walk into right now was a sex orgy.

"Come on in, Nez baby." Of course Mom would know I was coming to see her; Dad would have arranged that.

"Hey. Couldn't sleep?" I joked.

"Nah. Your father arranged that," she laughed. Too much information. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes. Everything," I sighed. "But it basically comes down to this: is it stupid and unreasonable for me to want to have a child?"

"Of course not! It is perfectly natural and totally understandable," Mom assured me. "I mean, look at me. If I hadn't made that choice, I would have never had you. That would've been the mistake of my life."

"But if it's at the cost of my own life . . .?"

"It won't be. Carlisle is the best doctor in the world, and he won't let anything happen to you."

"I wish I could make Jake understand that," I sighed.

"He does. I think that on top of all of this, Jacob is getting a little jealous," Mom smirked. "At least that's what a little bird told me."

"You mean he thinks I won't love him as much if I have to love my child too?" I asked, shocked. How stupid did that sound?


"That is completely . . . idiotic! I need to talk to that boy."

"If you want my married advice," my mom suggested. "You would show 'that boy' instead of talking to him. Now go back to bed, honey. You're gonna need all the energy you have." Mom winked at me.

"Okay. You can come out now, Dad," I announced just before I walked out the door.

Dad emerged from the closet with a huge smile on his face. "Good night, honey."

"I'd say 'good night' to you two, but I already know you'll have a good night," I chuckled, heading back towards my room.

My mom was probably right; Jacob was probably as jealous as hell. Between me and him, baby and me, and Nahuel and me, Jake was in over his head. I definitely needed to remind him that he was still the most important thing in the world to me. I mean, I already told him. But what beats showing him?

I walked into my room and straight into my closet. I was sure that it wouldn't be too hard to find something sexy in all the lingerie shit Alice gave me. And it wasn't.

Three words to describe that outfit: lacy, skimpy, and sexy as hell. Okay so that was more than five words . . .

That midnight blue color seemed to highlight every single shade of bronze in my hair. So what if it made my eyes look redder . . . you can't have everything.

I was pretty sure it was safe to have sex when you were pregnant, and I didn't feel up to asking Carlisle. Besides, my stomach was still reasonably tiny, so the baby couldn't be that big to harm it.

I climbed into bed, smiling at Jacob, who was dead to the world. Normally I'd feel bad for depriving him of much needed sleep, but in this case, I was positive he wouldn't mind.

I kissed Jake gently over and over again. "Wake up," I begged in a whisper.

Jacob's eyes slowly opened. "Renesmee? Are you okay?" he whispered back.

"Never better," I assured him. "I was just thinking . . . that maybe you wanted to do something . . . you know . . . to take your mind off everything that's been going on . . ."

"Oh really? And what did you have in mind?"