Hey you guys! Here is my new story "Tonight". I couldn't resist posting it a few days earlier than I originally intented. But I am very excited about this story. The title of this fic was inspired by the song Tonight by FM Static. It's an amazing song so I highly suggest that you check it out. And I want to give a huge thanks to Brooke for encouraging me to post this story, you are truly a great help girlie! So read and don't forget to review and let me know what you think!

Summary: Nathan is going nowhere fast, drowning himself in self-pity every night his friends and family worry that no one will be able to save him. But Nathan knows the truth, the only person who can save him is the one he pushed away years ago. What happens when Haley returns to Tree Hill and realizes that love doesn't fade as easily as people think. NH

Disclaimer: I don't own One Tree Hill

Chapter 1

There is no person in the world who is made to handle every punch thats thrown at them. We arent made that way. In fact, were made to get mad, upset, sad, be hurt, stumble & fall. We arent supposed to be able to handle everything. But thats what makes us stronger in the end, by learning from the things that hurt us most. -- anonymous


"Nathan come on buddy," Lucas said while trying to get a grip on Nathan's half-conscience body. "You gotta stand up so I can get you home little brother." Lucas was trying to drag Nathan's body from the bar they were just at back to his car.

Nathan had overdone it tonight (just like every other night) ordering drink after drink and not knowing when to stop. By the time Lucas had realized this Nathan was way past drunk, he was completely smashed.

Finally Lucas managed to get Nathan into the car. He plopped him onto the front seat and was able to get him buckled in. Lucas let out a long heavy sigh and took a look at his passed out brother in front of him. He shook his head and slowly walked to the other side of the car where he got in and put the key in the ignition. With one last look at his brother Lucas pulled out of the parking lot and drove back home where Nathan would undoubtedly be spending the night so that Lucas could keep an eye on him and make sure nothing happened to him in his drunken state.

Just another typical night for Nathan and Lucas Scott.

"Haley, you're on in ten!" The stage manager ran into Haley's dressing room and threw her a microphone.

"Thanks Billy!" Haley shouted after the retreating figure.

"Haley, honestly you have got to take a break from all of this." Haley turned from her spot at her mirror to face one of her best friends, Peyton who was sitting on the couch opposite her.

"What are you talking about Peyton?" Haley asked incredulously.

"Haley you have not taken a break from your career since you were eighteen years old, you've had five years of non-stop tours and events and late night sessions at the recording studio."

"And I have loved my life for the past five years." Haley said trying to sound convincing.

"Really?" Peyton questioned. "Because I see you looking at that picture of the two of you more often lately. When you're on the tour bus and you think everyone else is sleeping."

"Peyton don't start." Haley said while taking a deep breath.

"Fine, I'm not going to make this about you and him. I'm going to make this about you." She started. "You need a break, you miss home and you look like crap."

"Thanks Peyt." Haley replied sarcastically.

"Haley I'm just trying to look out for you, Jake and I both. You love Tree Hill, why don't you want to go back?" She questioned getting up from her spot on the couch and moving to where Haley was standing.

"You know why." Haley whispered.

"You don't even know if he is back there Hales." Peyton said laying a hand on Haley's shoulder.

"Please Peyton, Brooke called me, he's back." Haley said rolling her eyes.

"So what? Are you going to let him control your life?" When Haley didn't answer Peyton shook her head. "Look you better get going, your gonna start your set soon, I just want you to know that Jake and I are starting up a new recording label in Tree Hill, we're leaving LA Haley and we would love it if you would come with us."

"Peyton I will always be grateful for you and Jake for putting me on your label and getting me where I am today. And I would love to go back home with you guys, you're my family, I just don't know if I can." Haley said while sighing and shaking her head.

Peyton looked at Haley and pulled her in for a hug. "You can't run forever Hales."

"Hey Broody!" Brooke shouted while letting herself into her boyfriend's house.

"Shhh." Lucas ran out from the kitchen. "Nathan is sleeping on the couch." Lucas kissed Brooke on the forehead and took her hand and led her into the kitchen.

"Again! Lucas you have got to stop this." Brooke hissed.

"What do you want me to do Brooke? He's my brother!" Lucas whispered back.

"I want you to stop babying him Lucas, I get it he tore his ACL he can't play in the NBA anymore but he has to grow the hell up."

"Brooke he lost all of his dreams, you have to give him time." Lucas tried to reason with her.

"I understand that Nathan is going through a rough time right now, but that doesn't mean he has to act like an ass and drown himself in booze every night. And it sure as hell doesn't mean that you should condone his actions." She said incredulously.

"I am not condoning anything, last night I caught him watching that damn game where he got hurt and then he stormed out of here and before I knew it he was walking on his crutches halfway to the damn bar three blocks down. By the time I got there he refused to leave, I had to stay and make sure he was okay." Lucas explained. Brooke took a deep breath and shook her head while taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Brooke I have to get to school, I scheduled an early morning practice with the team." Lucas said referring to the coaching job he had at the high school. "Please don't be mad at me pretty girl." Lucas said while walking over to Brooke and grabbing a hold of her hand.

"I'm not mad Lucas; I just worry about you, both of you." Brooke said while shrugging. "Doesn't Nathan have a therapy session today?" She questioned him as he got his stuff together.

"Yeah I'm going to stop by during my free period so that I can take him." Lucas said while pouring a cup of coffee into his mug.

"You know what don't worry about it, I'll take him." Brooke said wrapping her arms around Lucas from behind.

"You sure Brooke? Don't you have some stuff to get done at the store?"

"Yeah but I don't have to head over to Clothes Over Bros till around three, I'll take care of Nathan." Brooke said nodding her head.

"Thank you." Lucas said and pressed his lips onto Brookes.

"No problem." She responded.

"I've gotta go, I'll see you later?" Lucas asked.

"Uh-huh." Brooke said giving him one last kiss.

As soon as Lucas left Brooke let out a sigh and walked into the living room to see Nathan passed out on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him. She but her bag down on the coffee table and ripped the blanket off of Nathan's body and smacked him on the stomach causing him to wake up and let out a groan.

Nathan slowly opened his eyes to see Brooke standing in front of him with both her hands planted firmly on her waist.

"What the hell Brooke?" He questioned in a groggy voice.

"Get up, your ass has physical therapy in an hour and FYI you drink way too much."

Nathan scoffed. "This coming from Brooke Davis ladies and gentleman, I'm not in the mood." He responded while closing his eyes once more.

Brooke rolled her eyes while once again hitting Nathan square on the stomach. "I don't give a shit if you're not in the mood, get up."

"You really hate me don't you?" Nathan questioned while sitting up on the couch.

"Yup." Brooke said curtly, moving to get out of the room, but Nathans voice stopped her.

"Why?" He called out.

"Why what?" Brooke asked impatiently.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Are you kidding me?" When Nathan shook his head Brooke scoffed. "Let's see you leave after high school and stop talking to all of us for five years, you come back and basically use Lucas not thanking him once for everything he has done for you, oh yeah and you broke Haley's heart."

When Nathan became silent, Brooke spoke up. "I'm not in the mood for this Nathan, just get up and get ready; I'll take you to physical therapy." Brooke walked out of the room leaving Nathan alone.

Nathan sat on the couch for a couple of minutes before reaching into his shirt and pulling out a long chain with a golden ring at the end of it. He held the ring in between his index finger and his thumb for a while before slipping it back into his shirt and getting up from the couch grabbing his crutches and limping out of the room.


"Just take me home Brooke, I'm not feeling this today." Nathan told Brooke as she walked besides him into the pediatric ICU.

"Maybe not, but the doctors are." She responded with an annoyed look on her face.

"Yeah well the doctors aren't the ones who tore their ACL a fucking month ago. Besides it's not like I'll be able to play basketball again." Nathan responded solemnly.

Brooke took a deep breath and gave him an exasperated look. "Okay." She stopped walking and stood in the middle of the hall in front of Nathan causing him to stop too. "You know what," She said with her hands on her waist. "First of all shut up, and now take a look around you." She said referring to all of the sick kids who were surrounding them in the ICU. "You have a life that anyone of these kids would die for," Brooke paused and looked Nathan square in the eye. "And what's really sad, is that most of them probably will." She shook her head and walked away leaving Nathan standing in the hospital.

"Peyt, I don't think that she's coming." Jake said from his spot beside her as they waited outside of the LAX airport, Peyton trying to see if she could catch any glimpse of Haley.

"She's coming Jake, I know she is just give her five more minutes." Jake nodded at his wife laying one of his hands on the small of Peyton's back. Peyton and Jake had been in love with each other since they were 14 years old. Everyone expected them to be together forever. They were always the rational ones, the ones who everyone could count on to be responsible. But during the middle of their senior year they decided to get married, it was a shock to everyone considering they were so young but everyone supported them nonetheless. And five years later Jake and Peyton were still going stronger than ever.

After ten minutes passed and there was still no sign of Haley, Jake decided to speak up. "I want her to come with us as much as you do Peyton but if we don't leave we're going to miss the flight." Peyton looked over at Jake and nodded.

"I just really wanted her to come with us." She said with a sad smile.

"Me too, but sometimes it's hard to go back home, especially for Haley with him being there and all." Peyton nodded and turned towards the airport entrance following Jake when she heard a voice cry out to her.

"Peyton, Jake!" An out of breath Haley ran up to them and dropped her duffle bag to the ground.

"You weren't actually going to leave without me where you?" She questioned with a smile on her face as she tried to regain her breathing.

"Hell no!" Peyton yelled while pulling Haley in for a hug.

"So you changed your mind." Jake said joining in on the hug.

Haley pulled away from the two. "Yeah, Peyton was right, I need this, and I've been working way too much."

"Haley James actually listening to me, well that's a first." Peyton responded jokingly.

"Yup, Tree Hill here we come." Haley said with a wary smile on her face.