Sorry for the long delay in update, guys. I'm going to make this chapter extra long to make up for it. Thankfully, I got sick over the weekend so I had an excuse to stay home and update! I couldn't update before because of all these major assignments I had, and plus, I had writer's block terribly. So, on the with chapter now.

Chapter ten

Melainia's P.O.V.

I glanced over my shoulder as the sound of horses' hooves upon the dirt road met my keen ears. Impa stopped in the middle of her lecture, as well, following the train of my gaze.

When my eyes met those of red over the distance, the widest smile broke out over my face and I took off like a rocket. I tripped over my own feet once, twice, before I skidded to a stop in front of Sheik's horse. He barely had time to gain his balance as I practically dragged him off the horse and into my arms, crushing his slender body to me, crying, "You had me so worried! If you ever get captured by a maniac, evil ruler who stalks powerful little girls for fun then I will kill you if you aren't already dead!"

Sheik sighed against my breast. "I won't. I promise. But, you must let me breathe, Melainia."

Blushing with embarrassment, I released him, glancing up at the Sages upon their own horses. Most of them were watching us with smiles on their faces, and it made me blush even deeper. But then I concentrated all of my attention on Sheik, tucking my arms underneath his shoulders and helping him towards the castle, babbling on about anything to distract him, since I knew he was in a great deal of pain from the lack of sleep and food. His eyes were drooping closed all the time, and I noticed he wore a lacy purple veil over his face. I didn't question it, but dragged him inside into the infirmary.

Once I secured him to the bed so he couldn't get up if he wanted to, I rushed to the kitchens and soon returned with a long tray laden down with hot, steaming food. I wanted to help Sheik eat, but he cast me a weary, though amused look, and I subsided.

"Something urgent has been brought to our attention." Sheik said abruptly, his voice seeming to sigh with every word from exhaustion, before he took a hearty gulp of his wine.

"Okay." I waited.

"Ruto claims that her magic, along with her physical strength, has been waning of late and that Nayru no longer speaks with her in her prayers. The sky has lost its blue color and Zelda's magic is also less potent. However, Darunia and Saria claim that their two goddesses, Farore and Din, remain steady." Sheik explained.

I took advantage of his pause. "So something's happened to Nayru?" this thought horrified me. I felt a rush of instinctive fear. "It . . . it doesn't have anything to do with Ganon, does it?"

"I'm afraid that's the only conclusion we can come to." Sheik said regretfully, as he took a bite of bread. "There is no one else that has the assets to be responsible, even if they were planning on defeating the gods."

I knew he was right. I bit my lower lip. "What are we going to do?"

"We are going to pursue Ganon, and end this once and for all. He has wreaked too much havoc and the time has come for justice." Sheik said determinedly, glancing briefly up into my eyes.

I nodded in agreement. "But how will we find him? He always finds us."

"There are methods, Melainia. Don't doubt the skills of the Sheikah and the Sages." Sheik held my gaze with these words, and I nodded again, believing him.

"And I will accompany you?" I questioned, already grimacing because by the expression on Sheik's face, I could tell he was going to put up a fight over it.

"Not if I can help it." he replied, as I expected.

"Sheik," I said patiently, "I have to help. This magic that I have . . . even Ganon himself couldn't fend off against it. You can't honestly tell me that you're going to restrain me from going when I have this kind of power at my disposal."

"Though that isn't entirely true." Sheik quipped smoothly. "You see, you still do not know the machinations of this magic, and nor do I or the Sages. The magic technically isn't at your disposal for the fact that you cannot invoke it at will."

"Only technically." I agreed, before I said, "But the point is that with enough emotion, obviously, I can invoke it. We've gathered that much. And I'm bound to be extremely emotional in a battle with Ganondorf. Shouldn't that trigger it?"

"It isn't guaranteed." Sheik argued. "And if you can't predict when the magic will come forth, you'll more than likely be killed. What fighting experience do you have?"

"Impa has been teaching me." I argued right back. "I'm a lot stronger now than you think. I can control a lot of dark magic and I can fight well enough with a sword. I'm good a tracking and stealth. I would be useful."

"So says you. I don't have time to stick around and see if you can prove that theory, for as soon as I finish this," Sheik gestured to the tray of food, "then I must pack to be on my way."

Now wait a moment. If this was now concerning Sheik's health, I was damned if he was going to go on a mission in this shape. "Sheik, you're half-dead!" I said angrily. "I'm more likely to survive a battle with Ganon right now than you are! You're nearly collapsing with exhaustion! You cannot go on a mission right now! I'm strong enough to restrain you right now, if I want, and no one will stop me."

Sheik glared at me as I glared right back. "Go to sleep." I insisted.

"No. Not until you agree to stay behind."

"No." I said right back. "I won't do it, Sheik, not when you and the Sages can use all the help that you can get. That's final. You can glare and glower all you want but you aren't my father and I can make my own decisions."

"It's your life I'm concerned for." he said through clenched teeth.

"And I'm flattered, but I'm not staying behind while my love goes off into battle without me." I said, softening my tone and reaching forward, gently tugging down the purple veil. I stroked his warm, smooth, tan cheek with the backs of my fingers, and Sheik sighed.

"We'll talk more about this later when you aren't attempting to seduce me." he murmured, holding my eyes. I smiled at him, leaning forward and gently kissing his hot, soft lips.

I was pleased that it was he who made a sound of protest when I pulled back. "You need to sleep." I whispered to him. "I'll come back later." I stood up from the bed, looking at him one last time before I turned and headed from the room.


"Impa, were you planning to make me stay behind when the rest of you were going to go after Ganondorf?" I questioned as I found the Sage of Shadows moving down the hall.

Impa let out a long breath. "I was going to let it be your decision, Melainia. You are nearly a grown woman now so I believe you can take care of yourself. I have taught you the skills essential for survival and you cannot learn much more from me."

I felt a rush of indignation. "So Sheik is the only one who doesn't want me to go?" I asked, annoyed, because I'd asked all the other Sages and the Hero of Time their opinions on me going. They'd all said it wasn't a problem, and that I was perfectly welcome.

Impa's lips quirked with amusement, and this irritated me further. "He's concerned about your safety, Melainia. Sheik would lock you down with chains if he so much as heard that you wanted to go through town by yourself. He's protective of you."

"Yeah, I gathered that." I muttered darkly.

Impa chuckled. "Do not take it personally, Melainia. Just consider it this way: Sheik loves you. It's very obvious in the way he acts around you. If you would like, we'll hold a meeting on the matter. Just remember, Sheik cannot physically restrain you from going. He can be angry for a time, but he will get over it eventually."

I nodded, agreeing. "Okay. So, have you found anymore out about what's going on with Nayru?"

Impa immediately sobered. "No, unfortunately. The only conclusion that I can come to is that she is . . . gone."

"Gone? As in . . . as in . . . dead?" I had to choke out the word.

"No, not dead. Just . . . gone. If she were deceased, the water would cease to flow and exist, and law would be nonexistent." Impa explained. "We do not have the slightest clue as to where she has gone, though."

I absorbed this, slowly. "And did you manage to obtain the Staff of Souls when at the castle?" I asked abruptly.

Impa nodded. "Yes. Zelda is keeping it within her chambers, studying it. We have not been able to find the wielder of it, yet, though." Impa paused, her face thoughtful as we rounded the corner of the hallway. "We've also discovered that attempting to touch the Staff without some sort of coverage on your hands will result in a magical shock. A very painful shock. So, if you ever grow curious of the Staff, I suggest you do not touch it without gloves on."

"So it's true that there's only one wielder?" I questioned, bewildered.

"Aye." Impa glanced down at me briefly. "None of the Sages, even Zelda, are able to access the magic of the Staff, much less control it. The Hero of Time is also incapable. We will try Sheik, next."

I contemplated this. "Where is the wielder, I wonder?" I mused.

"Obviously not around anywhere." Impa replied. "But for now, I suggest you go and pack for a long journey. Ganon will be running relentlessly now for escape now that we are all together and strong, with the Staff, and we will pursue him relentlessly. We will end this."

Impa's fierce determination rubbed off on me, and I nodded once. I turned away, heading for my own room. As I packed my own belongings and tucked my sword into the back of my pack, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called.

Link entered, to my surprise, smiling briefly at me, his handsome face breathtaking. It took me a moment to get over being dazzled by his smile, before he said, "I take it you've put Sheik under bed arrest?"

I laughed, relaxing. "No. Well, yes, actually. But that's only because he needs it." I added.

I sensed that Link was here for something important, but didn't know how to approach it. He shifted a bit awkwardly, before he said abruptly, "You already spoke to me about accompanying us on our journey."

I nodded, waiting.

"I hate to ask this of you, but you see, it's--- well, I don't want to drop the wrong impression--- and I wish . . ." Link stopped, fumbling, looking embarrassed and frustrated at the same time. I continued to wait, patient and sympathetic. He flushed. "When we finally find Ganon, and manage to initiate a battle with him, I believe I'll be too distracted with taking care of him to really . . . protect the Princess. Or Nabooru. I hate to ask this . . ." he repeated, "but will you mind . . . keeping an extra eye on them, while Sheik and I, and the rest of the Sages, dispose of Ganondorf? If you can just keep the Princess and Nabooru safe, then I'll be so grateful. If Ganon captures Zelda, and I'm already within his grasp . . ." Link hesitated. "The entire Triforce will be within his hands. We can't let that happen, Melainia. Can you promise me?"

I nodded. "Of course, Link. I promise I'll guard the Princess and Nabooru with my life, but I doubt Nabooru will want a scrawny little runt like me in the way." I winked at Link, and he laughed at the way Nabooru would have phrased it.

"Thank-you." Link said softly, nodding to me, and I sensed how thankful and relieved he was that I'd agreed. "How can I pay you back?"

"Just protect Sheik with your life." I said, solemn immediately.

Link nodded. "I can do that. I'll leave you to your . . . packing." The door closed after him.

Somehow, I was unsurprised when the Princess herself entered my room next. "Melainia," she started, and I was glad she didn't even hesitate, "could you come with me for a moment?"

I nodded and followed her down the hallway, trying to match her quick pace. Her pink skirts billowed out behind her, and she was obviously in a hurry. I had to break out into a small jog to keep up with her hectic gliding.

Zelda led me to the scrying room where we'd watched Sheik after he got captured by Ganondorf. She closed the door tightly after us and turned to me briskly, saying, "What all do you know of the Staff of Souls?"

Taken off guard, I answered, "I know that it was used a long time ago to imprison the souls of those who were evil, and that the souls could be released. I also know that there's only one person who can wield the Staff."

Zelda didn't even blink. Her cerulean eyes were fixed upon something past me, and I turned, seeing the long, alabaster Staff that leaned against the window, the green gem nestled within white gold at the top of it thrumming lowly with powerful magic. The hairs on the back of my neck and on my arms stood up, as I stared at the Staff of Souls.

"No one can wield it, that we've discovered . . . yet." Zelda said quietly. "Yet." she repeated. "Melainia, what do you believe has happened to Nayru?"

That question also took me off guard. "That she is . . . gone. Something has happened to her." I said slowly, feeling more and more confused by the moment, as I turned reluctantly to look at Zelda.

"You have no other theories?"

As Zelda let this sink in, I wasn't sure how long it remained silent, as I put two and two together in my head. Ganondorf had possessed the Staff for a long enough duration of time . . . Nayru had disappeared . . . Ruto's magic was waning and Nayru no longer answered her . . . the legends Sheik had told me about the one that could release the soul imprisoned within the Staff that would bring law and order back to Hyrule . . . Law and order . . .

"The Staff!" I gasped out, my eyes wide as I whirled toward Zelda. "Nayru is imprisoned in the Staff!"

Zelda nodded. "Precisely, Melainia. Now, can you figure out the other reason that I brought you here?"

I was confused again. "No . . .?"

"I want you to touch that Staff, Melainia." Zelda said quietly.

"T-touch it?" Wouldn't it blow me up?

"Yes, Melainia. Trust me." Zelda said patiently.

"B-but . . ."

"Do it, Melainia. There is something I must know." Zelda ordered.

Squaring my shoulders, I turned to face the Staff again. I moved slowly toward it, my heart beating wildly in my chest as I tentatively approached the magical artifact. I glanced helplessly over my shoulder at Zelda, biting my lower lip with nervousness when her expression didn't change. Swallowing, I turned back to the Staff and continued on forward, my hand trembling as I reached for it.

My eyes closed, as I awaited the pain---

But it never came. My fingers touched the cool, smooth Staff, and I locked my fingers around it slowly, feeling the raw power pulsing through my veins, in time with my heartbeat. My eyes were wide with awe, my mouth open in amazement, as I picked the Staff slowly up from its perch against the window, turning to look at Zelda. Her eyes were not as astounded as mine, but there was interest there.

"So, it's as I thought." she murmured, finally. "You are indeed the wielder of the Staff."

I looked down at the Staff in my hands, biting my lower lip nervously again. "So . . . I'm supposed to get Nayru out of this thing?"

Zelda nodded slowly. "It is your duty, Melainia. You must release her now."

"I don't know how." I admitted, feeling stupid and useless.

"You must concentrate."

I closed my eyes, and I concentrated. Nothing happened. "It's not working."

"You must let your own soul touch that of Nayru's, Melainia. You must seek her inside the Staff and she will seek you in return. You will find her." Zelda assured me. "I do not wish to pressure you, but Nayru must be set free immediately."

I nodded. "Okay. I'll try." I closed my eyes again, letting out a long breath, relaxing. I let my mind reach out, searching, seeking . . .

And felt absolutely nothing.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, so I tried again, with the same result. I couldn't find her soul. I couldn't reach her. She was trapped within this infernal artifact, and I was the only one who could save her. And I couldn't do it. I was so useless!

"You are not trying hard enough, Melainia." came Zelda's voice.

"I don't understand what you mean!" I said, frustrated.

"Use your soul, not your mind, Melainia. You will find her only then." Zelda replied cryptically.

I felt myself growing angry. "That doesn't tell me very much. I don't know how to 'use my soul', much less find hers with it."

"Remain calm and patient, Melainia. You will not find her if you are angry." Zelda admonished.

I felt another surge of anger. "It's easy for you to say. I can't 'use my soul' !" I knew I was flying off the handle, but I didn't exactly care at the moment.

"Melainia," Zelda's tone was stern. "Calm down, and try again."

"I will not calm down!" My fists clenched around the Staff. "I can't try if I don't know what to do!"

"Melainia---" Zelda's eyes were wide with alarm, and she began to back away from me.

I didn't realize that my eyes were beginning to glow a bright violet, and that magic was beginning to spark from my hands. I was frustrated that I didn't understand Zelda's words, frustrated that I felt she was belittling me, frustrated that I couldn't release the goddess of water and law even though she was the only solution to the war and that I was the only person that could release her. It was too much.

White hot heat blazed through me, and I felt electricity sear through my body. NO, not again! I thought desperately, because I knew what was happening. I waited for the blackness to take me, but it didn't. I remained aware, and I could see everything that was happening, even though I couldn't control it.

I watched in horror as one of my hands raised and a bolt of purple lightning issued from it, leaving the wall behind Zelda in crumbling ruin. The Princess's eyes were wide with terror, but she raised her own hands and golden magic glowed from her hands as she began to chant a spell. As she concluded her spell, I felt no difference in my body, though I knew she'd been trying to knock me out.

"Melainia, you must snap out of it! I am not your enemy!" Zelda shouted, even as she flattened to the floor to avoid another purple lightning bolt.
"NO!" I screamed in horror. "Stop! STOP!" But my screams came out empty, silent. It was as if I were withdrawn to another part of my mind, writhing against chains. I could hear the melodious whispering in another language beginning in my head, the whispering I'd heard last time. Except, it was louder.

Must not consume . . . must not consume . . . I need . . . I need . . . freedom . . . humans cannot comprehend the magic . . . I felt my eyes widen as I could understand the strange language. I knew it was a celestial tongue, so how did I know it? The whispering went on. It sounded urgent, frantic. Hyrule is chaotic . . . my sisters . . . you must . . . save our people . . . save them . . . save them . . . this girl is not safe . . . she will be consumed . . . I must not consume . . .

"Consume who? What girl?" I shouted.

Melainia . . . Melainia . . . Melainia . . .

Cold chills raced down my spine at the whispering of my name. It remained desperate. "Who are you?" I screamed.

Melainia . . . Melainia . . . Melainia . . .

The massacre continued to unfold before me, as I finished off with Zelda and a purple lightning bolt finally struck her in the chest. She convulsed with the magic before slumping to the ground, unconscious or dead, I did not know. My feet no longer touched the floor, as I glided from the room and out into the hallway, met with screams. I silenced them quickly with surges of magic.

"STOP STOP STOP!!! DON'T KILL THEM!!!" I screamed desperately, tears of anguish and horror running down my face as I writhed against my binds, trying to get control of my body again.

Must not consume . . . can't . . . control . . . it . . .

"You have to! You have to control yourself!" I blathered out frantically.

Must . . . control . . .

"Yes! Yes, control it!" I cried feverishly.

My body turned toward the Hero of Time, who had drawn his sword and was shouting, "Melainia, it's me, Link! You have to stop! Melainia, you have to stop!"

A quick slash of my arm severed his sword in half with a flash of purple light. Link pulled out his hookshot quickly, shooting it into the ceiling above my head, and slammed into me with enough force that it would have hurt, had I been in control of my body. I screamed instinctively as we rolled across the floor, Link pinning my treacherous body to the ground.

His blue eyes were urgent. "Melainia, get control of your body! Come back to us!"

Whatever controlled my body uttered a simple word of magic and Link screamed as something invisible attacked him, writhing in pain on the floor as he rolled off me. My body stood up, gliding past him and on to wreak more havoc.

I couldn't stop my screaming. "PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! DON'T HURT THEM ANYMORE! DON'T!"

Sisters . . . you have . . . abandoned me . . . you will pay . . .

"No one's abandoned you! I'll save you! Just stop!" I cried.

Save me . . . save me . . . now . . . too late . . .

"NO!" I screamed, as my hand opened the door to Sheik's room. I began to fight with a renewed fury, fighting with all I was worth to escape, get free, save my love from impending doom.

Loves him . . . must not harm . . . can't . . . control . . .


I watched in horror as Sheik came off the bed, his cowl still gone, his face bare, his red eyes widening. "Melainia! Melainia, it's me, Sheik!" he said.

"I love you . . ." I sobbed. "I love you . . ." I knew I was helpless to stop what was going to come next, as my body raised its hand out toward him.

Sheik gasped and flattened to the ground to avoid the purple lightning bolt. "Melainia, it's me, Sheik! You must listen to me! I know you're in there! You must listen!"

Can't . . . harm . . .

"SHEIK! MOVE!" I screamed, as my body hurled another violet, electrical jolt towards my love.

Sheik seemed to hear, for he hastily rolled to the side, and this resulted in the wall behind him being disintegrated. "Melainia, I love you, and you must listen to me and stop! You must get control on your body!"

He loves . . . her . . .

"You love me?" I whispered. He'd never told me he loved me before. I'd always known it was true, but he'd never said it aloud . . . This gave me a new strength.

"Stop this now!" I shouted determinedly. "Give me control of my body back! Stop hurting innocent people! Give me control! STOP THIS NOW!!!"

Your . . . heart . . . is pure . . . Was the last of the whispering that I heard, before I let out a gasp as feeling rushed back to my body, and I slumped to the ground. Sheik rushed to me, holding me in his arms.

"Melainia! Are you all right?" he asked urgently.

I stared up at him with wide eyes. "I'm so sorry. I love you." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes and spilling over. I was hysterical.

Sheik just held me to him, as all of the Sages rushed into the room, including Zelda. "Is she back to normal?" Zelda demanded.
Sheik nodded. "Yes. Yes, she's fine." he said, despite the fact that I was sobbing frantically against his chest.

"Then seize her." Zelda ordered her guards. My eyes widened as Sheik's did.

DUM DUM DUM!!!! What do you guys think? Let me know in a REVIEW!!!