Hi people...this is actually my 1st fanfic, my other story is coped from my bestest friend supersonamyluver. She said it was okay, so be nice to me on this story.

This story is about Flash the hedgehog, son of the famous hero named Sonic the hedgehog. (wow :P)
He finds a book in his mum's 'secret box' and reads it. Then finds out about Sonic, Amy, Tails, Cream, Shadow, Rouge, Knuckles and Tikal all being heroes and stuff and he wants to be too. So he gets his 2 best friends

Chapter 1

Sonic's POV

I stood up and glared at him, the ugly old fat evil doctor was on a new low. Taking my family as hostages, huh! He's got another thing coming. I looked up to see the beautiful matured Amy sitting there with flames in her eyes. She screamed in terror as a robot grabbed her and squeezed her tightly. She was carrying my child! And yet I stood there watching her. "Sonic!" she cried. I shivered in fear and took a step forward but was knocked out by Metal Sonic. I looked up and glared at him. His eyes moved towards me and his smile widened. "oh great" I said angrily. He laughed at me and turned around and pointed to the robot who was holding Amy. The only thing was…Amy wasn't there!

"Amy? Amy! Amy where are ya?" I shouted. Metal Sonic chuckled and walked away from me to a pink object that laid beside the robot. I screamed and shouted loud but no one would listen. I couldn't take it anymore! I just jumped up and ran for Amy. I didn't care about the pain I had in my legs or chest. All I cared about was MY Amy being safe.

"Sonic? I don't think I can make it" she muttered to me. I panted and collapsed, keeping my eyes on Amy at all times. She bent over me and laid her head on my chest and cried. Tears fell on me which made me cry aswell. I couldn't blame her really…she thinks she was dying and I think I would die thanks to eggman's plan. I looked at her and combed her quills with my gloved hand. "don't…worry…Amy, we will make it" I told her.

She pressed her self onto me and cried more. "I'll promise you that we will both live" I said softly. She stopped crying and screamed loudly. "Sonic the hedgehog! I hate you! Don't you dare promise me nothing" she snapped. I was shocked! Amy would never off told me that!

"A-Amy! Please believe me!" I cried. She stood up and walked away from me and laughed. "farewell Sonic" she giggled. I tried to move but I couldn't and I wanted to…god life is hard!

"Amy! What about the baby?" I shouted to her. She turned around and rubbed her bump that was placed on her skinny tummy. "it's not yours" she stated before running away.

I screamed in terror! Amy was cheating on me!! I couldn't take it. I just shouted out to her but she didn't come back.

End of Sonic's dream.

"AHHHHHHHH" I screamed lifting my body up from my bed. I quickly turned to my side and saw Amy laying there stirring up from my scream. She fluttered her eyes open and looked at me. "Sonic? Why were you shouting?" she asked, letting out a tiny yawn. I trembled and laid back down. She sat up and cocked an eyebrow at me. I had to admit she was cute but she was also looking concerned about me. Then again, your wife is meant to be worried about you…am I right?

"Sonic? Are you okay?" she asked me. I blushed and moved closer to her. I looked at her and smiled. "fine thanks, never better" I lied. She crossed her arms and growled. "Tell me! Tell me!" she begged before pouncing on me. I laughed as she pressed my body onto the mattress and laid on top of me. "come on Sonic…tell me what's up" she begged. I smirkedat her, making her look at me with a puzzled expression. "Amy…I love you" I said happily. She pulled away quickly and jumped out of the bed. "I love you too…blue boy" she laughed. Suddenly she ran out of the bedroom and down the hallway. I slipped off the bed and peeked out side the bedroom door. It was all dark and you could hear shallow footsteps downstairs in the living room. I tiptoed past the hall way hoping not wake up my children who were supposedly fast asleep.

I smirked and jumped down the stairs without making any noise which gave me bonus points. "Hunny? Come out" I whispered.

I stepped forward a little more and travelled into the kitchen where I saw Amy sitting on a dining room chair with a small little pink hedgehog holding a teddy bear. "but mummy…I cant sleep" the little girl cried. Amy sighed and hugged her softly.

"oh Melody…it was only your dad screaming" Amy stated. I smirked and walked up behind Amy and Melody. "um…mummy? Is that daddy?" Melody asked pointing up at me, behind Amy. Amy turned around and giggled. "Sorry Sonic…Melody was here crying" Amy whispered. I wrapped his arms around Amy and Melody.

"don't worry Mel…I'm here" I said cheerfully. Melody nodded and picked her teddy bear up from the floor and walked away to her bedroom. Amy sighed and looked up at me.

I looked down at her giving her a playful death glare.

"S-Sonic…please tell me why you were yelling" Amy plead. I grumbled and rolled my eyes. "cant be bovered… but if you would want to make me feel better then you could" I said grinning. Amy rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Sonic…I'll make you a nice chilly dog tomara…yeah?" she suggested, taking her self up stairs. I followed her and opened the bedroom door for her to enter. "with extra chilly?" I asked. Amy yawned and nodded. "yes…with extra chilly" she committed with another yawn.

"okay then" I laughed.

Amy's POV -

The next day

I opened my eyes lightly to find the sun shining on me and Sonic. He had his arm round me which made me feel so happy inside.

I was gonna move but then I heard Sonic mumble in his sleep. I didn't want to wake him up but I had to get out of bed…some how.

I rolled over onto my stomach and tried to slip out of his grip but he tightened. "Sonic" I said. He mumbled again but didn't move a muscle.

"Sonic…wake up please" I pled. This time he opened 1 of his eyes and kept the other 1 closed. "huh? What's up?" he asked me. I grumbled and tried to move his arm again but he laid there watching me struggle with this arm that I couldn't move. "Sonic…move ya arm will ya" I asked. He blinked at me and tightened it hard which made me giggle.

"kiss me 1st" he ordered. I didn't have time for this so tried to move his arm again but this time I felt a hand on my leg. "Sonic!" I shouted. He looked at me and chuckled which means he wants to 'do it' but I'm not doing that in the morning. The kids would properly be hungry and If I'm not there, they would get worried. "Amy…I love you, do you love me?" he asked me. I found his annoying. So I didn't answer! It's kinda like the hard to get game but this would make him really upset.

"Amy…I had a nightmare last night and it was about me saving you but I failed, and you was pregnant but after you left me and told me that you was cheating on me, I woke up screaming!" he cried. I laid there shocked! Sonic really thinks that I might be cheating on him? But I would never do that.

I fiddled with my fingers, hoping that Sonic wouldn't notice. Too bad…he did!

"Amy! You are arent you?" he shouted, getting glassy eyes. I shook my head but he ignored it. "I knew it! You are! Who is it? Tell me!" he demanded. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bedroom door. I went to open it but a little mini Sonic stood there with tears in his eyes.

"Flash…what are you doing here?" I asked him. He shrugged and pressed me in a hug which I couldn't refuse. I smiled warmly at him as he let go and walked into the bedroom. I sighed and closed the door, then turned to watch Flash and Sonic playing the tickle game.

"got you now…little blue" Sonic chuckled, tickling Flash's stomach. I skipped over and sat on the end of the bed so that I wasn't in the way. Which was good. "Dad! Dad no! stop!" Flash cried, trying to pull away. I giggled and crawled over, so that I was behind Sonic. Flash smirked at me and I winked. "ha ha ha, I got you good now…and I'm not gonna stop" Sonic added. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him which made him stop and look up at me. Flash grinned and jumped up which made Sonic fall of the bed and land on the floor. "oof!" Sonic growled as his head connected to the floor. I giggled and Flash laughed. "Dad? Are ya okay?" Flash asked him. I put my hand over my mouth so I could stop laughing. But it didn't work! Sonic sat up and rubbed his head then looked up at me and Flash. "that was not fair!" he grumbled. I crossed my arms and stuck my nose in the air. "yeah yeah…" I stopped and looked at Flash, who jumped off the bed to get closer to Sonic. "whatever" Flash finished.

Did you like it ?

Here are the profiles of Flash and Melody since you might not know anything about them.

Flash the hedgehog - also known as Flash Hedgehog.
He's 8 years old and best friends with Knuckles' son named Kipper or Kip for short, and Tails' son called Tyler.
He has fast speed like his dad and loves running round mobius.
He also has a stalker named Crystal, whoses Knuckles' daughter (and Rouge's).
Flash and Crystal are like a scene of Sonic and Amy- He runs, she follows.

Melody the hedgehog- also known as Melody Hedgehog and Melody Rose.
She's 6 years old and loves her teddy bear called Cookie! (aww)
She also has a sad, upset side of her...which is totally different to her mother.
Her best friends are Crystal and Lolly (Cream's daughter) and maybe Ruby (Shadow's daughter)
And her only power is invisablity which she hasny mastered yet but Amy's helping her out since she could do it in Sonic 360 (i think tht's the game)

Son now you know...if there's anything else you would like to know about my OCs or any1 else then tell me ;)
Thank you