forbidden fruit;

He runs his hands through her hair, and skims them down her body until he reaches the curve of her waist. His eyes are filled with so much pure, unadulterated longing, and something akin to disbelief that he's finally holding and touching her this way. She pulls his face down to hers and crushes her lips against his desperately.

What they have now, after six years of dodging their feelings, seems so intangible to her, so precariously fragile, and yet on some level she's always known it would end up like this. Even if she's not entirely sure what 'this' is yet, aside from a few amazing kisses and a Chinese takeout shared on her living room floor. All she knows is that he makes her feel like they're the only man and woman alive when he looks at her that way, and they're in a world of their own so far removed from their day-to-day lives, from Assistant Director Skinner and from crappy motel rooms, and especially from little grey men. A place where nothing matters except how their lips move together, and how kissable his jaw seems tonight.

She wonders if they should be doing this, jeopardizing their friendship and professionalism, but he tastes of dim sun and six years' worth of pent-up lust, and a whole lot of other 'what ifs' fly into her head. His kisses tantalize her like a forbidden fruit; she knows now that they will never be able to go back to whatever they were before. And if this is the alternative, she thinks they'll both be okay with that.