A/N: A special thanks to my lovely beta, Grace, for being awesome.

Disclaimer: If it were up to me, then Grissom and Sara would be in bed 24/7 on CSI. Since that hasn't happened yet, you made the correct deduction in assuming I do not own CSI.

"Sara!" Catherine exclaimed softly, pulling her into a quiet corner of the lab after the brunette had emerged from the ladies room.

When they came to a full stop, Sara reflexively placed a hand over her stomach as she asked, "What's wrong, Catherine?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"Okay?" Sara's eyes clearly displayed her confusion. "Then why did you pull the whole cloak and dagger routine on me?"

"I just wanted to see if there was anything that you wanted to talk to me about," Catherine said.

"Uh, sorry? Not that I know of...?"

Catherine sighed audibly; she should have known that her friend wouldn't make things easy. Getting any kind of personal information from Sara was like pulling tooth and nail. "I was in the restroom earlier," she explained.

Sara's stomach began to drop when she realized what Catherine suspected, but she quickly decided to play dumb. It was worth a shot at least, she thought. "That's good, Catherine. Did you remember to wash your hands?" she inquired with a smile that she wasn't really feeling.

Catherine rolled her eyes at Sara's poor attempt to change topics. "What I meant was that I was in the restroom earlier – the exact same time that you were. I heard you throwing up."

She shrugged, as if saying, Oh, is that all?

"Well?" Catherine tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for her friend to actually say something.

"I think I might have a case of food poisoning from last night's dinner?" Sara responded with hope in her voice.

Before speaking again, Catherine paused and looked thoughtful for a few moments, making Sara think that today just might be her lucky day and, for once, Catherine wasn't going to demand to be 'in the know' about every little thing that was going on around the lab. Then Catherine spoke and quickly shattered Sara's illusions.

"I might have been inclined to believe you if I hadn't heard you throwing up a couple of times last week, too."

Sara felt as if she might get sick again. "Um…?"

Tired of not getting a straight answer, Catherine decided to be blunt (subtlety could only get you so far in life, after all). "Are you pregnant?"

"Shh!" Sara immediately hissed. Realizing that the best way not to cause a big commotion was to just come clean, she let out a deep breath. "You figured it out, Catherine. Want a prize?"

"Oh my God!" Catherine squealed, barely managing not to shriek too loudly. "Congratulations! This is so exciting! What does Grissom think?" She wanted to know all the details – she wasn't called the 'Queen of Gossip' for nothing.

"Not so loud, please," Sara groaned. Rubbing a hand over her tired face, she began again, "First of all, thanks. Secondly, um, well… Gil doesn't exactly know." She tried to hide her wince as she admitted the last statement to her friend.

Sara's confession that she hadn't told Grissom yet stopped Catherine's mind (which had been busily planning a baby shower) in mid-track. "Wait. What do you mean he doesn't know?" she asked in a low voice, completely incredulous on behalf of her best friend.

Adverting her eyes, she laid her hand on her stomach again. "At first, I thought it was just the flu. I wasn't sure… I'm kind of new at this whole being pregnant thing! So, I took a test… well, I took like five tests yesterday. They all came back positive, Catherine," she finished, looking up into her friend's eyes.

"Sara, I still don't understand. Why haven't you said anything to Grissom?"

"Because, Catherine, I'm scared. I know Gil loves me. I know that, but we haven't really talked about kids… having kids. I don't know what he'll say. What if," she swallowed before she continued, "he's not happy about the news? What if… what if he doesn't want the baby?"

"Sara, that's not going to happen," Catherine said. "It's not," she repeated a bit more forcefully when she saw doubt in Sara's eyes. "Why don't we talk about this after work? Where we can have some more privacy?"

"Yes," she readily agreed, eager for the topic to be dropped for the time being.

"Okay, good. Since we have that settled, why don't you come help me process some evidence on the Davis case?" she suggested, taking Sara's arm and leading her away.

Seconds later, after watching Catherine and Sara's retreating forms walk down the hallway, Grissom stepped out from where he had been standing…