Disclaimer : Arina does not own CCS nor any CCS characters that appear in this story!...So, yeah. xDD

Water Blossom

Chapter 1

By Arina

12: 27 at Tomoeda Beach Club (yeah, the name is lame...So sue me - 3-;; ..NO! I WAS JUST KIDDING! NO SUING! I'M BROKE!)

"Ohh, that guy is pretty hot. 8/10!"

"Really? I think he's okay…So, 5/10."

"What the heck? Are you BLIND woman? LOOK at that 6-pack! So…so…so—"

"—So what? That's the only good part about him. I mean…look at his face! Ewww!"

Said hot-body-ugly-face guy turned towards the bickering girls with a scowl adorning his face.

"…I think he heard you."

Two girls were sprawled across a beach towel with sunlight slapping at their skin. Yes, you read right. Slapping. They had, somehow, stupidly forgotten their puffy hot pink umbrella with cute little hearts painted on. So, here they were relaxing, or trying to relax, in the demented oven, which was, ironically enough, right next to wintry salt water.

"How the heck DID you forget our umbrella? Didn't I remind you at LEAST 5 times before you came?"

"What are you talking about? I was the one who reminded you!"

"Oh, no. YOU were supposed to bring it!"

"Okay, now you're making things up. Stop LYIIING!"

"Ouch, shut up! Your squeals are waay too high-pitched to be listened to in the morning."

"…You call this morning? When the sun is directly above our sorry asses and our shadows are directly underneath our sorry asses, you call this morning?"


"You know, when you don't answer, that means you CAN'T answer. So I WON!"

"No, I've decided to be the mature one in this quarrel, and let you believe whatever you please."

"Since when did you start talking like that? And I'll disregard your "I'll be mature" comment for now."

"Since just now. And oh no you won't."

"Oh yes I will! Just like I'll disregard that big pimple on your butt cheek. Oh wait, that IS your butt cheek..only sunburned… Haahaaa! Sooorry!"

"Oh no you didn't.."

"Oh yes I did…So whatcha gonna do about it? Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?"

"THIS!" Shrieks of laughter could be heard from a girl with shimmering arsenic hair and carnelian irises who was currently being straddled by another girl. She, the one straddling the other, had charcoal hair undulating like the waves in the ocean and Persian indigo eyes.

A rather compromising position to all bystanders, no?

"OH MY —gasp— GOSH! Haha—WAIT—ehehe—STOP! It's —gasp— SYAORAAN!"

"WHAAT? WHERE? Ahh! There he iss! He looks sooo cute today…"

And so, the two girls, Tomoyo Daidouji and Meiling Rae sat up and began gawking at Syaoran Li, their previous "quarrel" temporarily, or more likely eternally, forgotten.

So there Syaoran was. Leaning oh so sexily against his lifeguard chair with his russet hair, chaotically sweeping across his forehead and toned abs glistening with sweat. He grinned at Tomoyo and Meiling before flicking his wrist as a gesture of greeting.

"Oh my gosh! He SMILED AT US! Ahh, I can die happy right now! And if this is a dream..Don't pinch me, I want this moment to last!" Meiling swooned before falling backwards against their towel.

"Honey, trust me. I have NO intention of causing you any harm 'cause I'm loving this dream too!...Even if I have to share it with you."

"Haha, yeah—wait, WHAT?"

"Nothing! Ah! Look, it's Kisaki."

And true enough, a fashionable Kisaki was strutting towards Syaoran. Fashionable as in a Navajo white tank top with a white off the shoulder shirt with puffy sleeves and a flax colored pleated mini skirt with a cream net lining at the bottom. Kisaki also lugged along cascade citrine earrings and a coin pearl and crystal cluster necklace. Basically, Kisaki was wearing what you would never wear to the beach if you were going there to hang out next to the water and get sunburned. The only beach appropriate piece of clothing she wore was her flip flops, and even those were exceptionally flashy.

"Syaaaoraaan!" Kisaki dragged out Syaoran's name in her soprano pitched voice. Her voice wasn't really nasally, if it were, she'd be too ashamed to come out wearing all her flamboyant clothing. Actually, contrary to popular reader belief, she has a rather pretty voice. Of course, to Tomoyo and Meiling, anyone who tries to flirt with Syaoran automatically counts as disgusting. So, if we went along with Tomoyo and Meiling's firm beliefs, Kisaki would be disgusting. But I digress.

So, back to the story. Syaoran turned his head towards the direction in which he heard his name. And saw Kisaki.

"Oh, hey Murakami!"

"Ah, ah, ah! Syao, how many times do I gotta tell you? It's Ki-Sa-Ki!"

"Er, okay Kisaki. Well, how've you been? Enjoying your summer?"

Abruptly, Kisaki began giggling…at nothing. Well, I guess a question doesn't necessarily count as nothing. But she was laughing at something that was not funny. And since she laughed at something that was not funny, she laughed at something that had nothing funny. See where the nothing came from? Okay, I'm getting sidetracked again. Anyway, Syaoran was obviously befuddled with Kisaki's sudden fit of laughter.

'Did I…say something funny that I didn't know about? Maybe I said something I didn't mean… Only one way to find out.'

"Kisaki, did I say something funny?"

"Hahaaa! Ooof course not Syao! I'm sorry, but I thought of something reaaally funny just now!" Right. Of course she did. She can't even wear appropriate beach attire despite being oh-so-fashionable. Where had the "I thought of something" come from?

I'm being mean…but that's beside the point. The point is, Kisaki began doing the very thing our poor, disregarded Tomoyo and Meiling, who I had forgotten about until just now, hated. Flirting.

There are awkward pauses and dirty implications in Kisaki's flirting that I will not bother going into. I can leave that to your imagination. Yes, I'm giving you a chance to let your mind's eye run wild. Just don't let it run too wild or you might scar yourself. I will take this moment to say I will not be held liable to any damages you do to yourself because you gave your mind too much freedom.

Later that day…well, it's night now…at Meiling's cottage

"That little…Why that little…HOW DARE THAT LITTLE…GOSH, I HATE THAT LITTLE…"

"Yes, yes, we get the point, she's little. Elle est petite, oui?"

"SHUT UP! Just because you're taking French, doesn't mean you can rub it into my petite face at every stinking petite chance you get!"

"Er…I'm not that good at French right now, but I THINK you're using petite incorrectly…"

"QUIEETT!" whined Meiling. That's really all I can say. There's no other way to make "whined Meiling" sound less...blunt. Because that's the way it is. Well, at least, that's the way I want it, so there. Okay, now I'm sounding whiny.

"Well, you know that I need to learn French as quickly as I can…"

"…Can we please not talk about this right now? We're having a nice sleepover—"

"—because of my leaving to France…"

"But still! We're supposed to be having fun right now!"

"And we are! It's just hard not to remember the reason we're having this sleepover, ya know…"

"You're right…Oh! I've got an idea! Let's do voodoo and curse the guy sending your mom off to France! It might not help with you leaving, but at least we'll feel better knowing your mom's boss died a painful death in the hands of two sixteen year olds!"

"…Or better yet, let's just make a little song about how we hate me moving away. You know, just in case voodoo really works, and we really do kill the guy… We'll get in trouble, go to jail, be in separate cells forever, and die a lonely life. Or, we could be put on the death row. And die a lonely life right away."



Meiling : Jeeez! I hate my liiife!

Tomoyo: I have no more hooope

Meiling :So I should stab myself with a kniiife!

Tomoyo : Or snort some stinking dooope!

Meiling : Anything will be better than thiiis!

Tomoyo : Because I'm a faaailuuree

Meiling : Crap, I gotta go piiiiss!

Tomoyo : Aww, I don't wanna go outside..grrr!

Meiling : C'mon Tomoyooo, don't be a pollo!

Tomoyo : What the heecck? Why are we talking about chiickenn?

Meiling : Because you siiicken…me.

"That didn't rhyme you know…"

"What?! I know that, but there are those songs where they add words at the very end! Ya know?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah…Whatever..."

"Wait, shh! Did you see that?"

"Uhh, no. Honestly, Meiling, are you SURE you don't need glasses? I've been wondering about this for a long, long, long time now. I mean, if you don't want glasses to cover your beautiful eyes, contacts are always the way to go! Or LASIK! Yes, cut off a part of your cornea. It'll help. Of course, if something goes wrong, they might end up burning a hole in your sclera and choroid. And then vitreous humor stuff will spill out and you'll be like some freak of nature. 'Cause you'll be walking around with a goopy eyeball with goopy crap dripping out of your eye. And people will look at you weirdly, and some brave soul will ask you, "Are those tears?" And you'll answer, "No, it's my vitreous humor." And they'll laugh saying you're so funny even though you're crying. And then when they find out you're not lying, they'll scream and run away. And then you'll live a lonely life."

"SHUSH! And Tomoyo, do all of your stories HAVE to end with me living a lonely life?"

"Ohohoho! Yes."

"…Well, anyway, take a look at the pool."

And take a look they did. There was some strange glowing light in the deep end of the pool, near the diving board. So, a freaked out Tomoyo and a "brave" Meiling, really, she was just walking in front of Tomoyo so Tomoyo wouldn't see Meiling's trembling lip, twitching eyes, and, well, her hysterical expression overall, walked to the other side of the pool.

When they arrived at the deep end, they sat near the edge for a couple minutes, but nothing popped up.

"Uh, Meiling, let's go…It's probably nothing but a flashlight at the bottom of the pool. Maybe it got knocked into the pool from the storm a couple hours ago… And you need to go to the restroom, right? So, let's—"



So there Syaoran was. Leaning oh so sexily against his lifeguard chair. Unfortunately, he hasn't had to save anyone lately, so he gained a bit of weight just sitting on the chair day after day for hours on end. So, when he leaned against his chair, the entire thing toppled over, bringing our dear chubby Syaoran down along with it.

A/N : Hey guys! I've decided to put this story up! I've been thinking about this idea for a reaally, really long time now. And here I am, letting you readers..read..it. And yeah, it might not be that good, but TOO BAD! xPP But seriously, no one is forcing you to read it, so any flames will be very stupid. Now, if it's constructive criticism? Then, I'll welcome it (: ! Anyway, I hope you liked my little blooper! I was just typing the story and like when I typed the beginning, this image of him losing his sexy coolness popped into my head. So, there it is! Haha! All right, I'm talking a bit too much! And most of you will probably not read this anyway...But remember to revieww (: Feedback is always welcomed :D