Rating is for future chapters.

Pairing: Caleb/Tyler

Tyler Simms was furious. He was actually a little more than furious, he was downright pissed. The youngest Son of Ipswich rarely got angry, but when he did the person he was mad at knew to run for the hills. Caleb and Pogue took a different approach and avoided the boy like crazy until he had calmed down.

Who had the misfortune to make the brunette mad? His best friend Reid Garwin.

Sure the two had known each other since they were in diapers, which is what made it all the worse. Because Reid knew what upset him and what didn't. He knew that nothing aggravated the youngest son more than the blonde leaving his crap all over the place.

He was fine when he tripped over a pair of Reid's boxers when he woke up in the mornings. Because when told the blonde to pick up his dirty clothes, Reid would do it right then. Just to make sure Tyler didn't get angrier than an aggravated snap.

This morning Tyler had woken up and gotten a call from Caleb to come over. Knowing his boyfriend needed his help on a writing assignment, he'd told him that he was on his way. Reid following him outside, deciding to tag along wherever Tyler was going.

When he'd gotten to his Hummer; his annoyance had turned to cold fury. He noticed not only the nice dent on the driver's side of the car, but also the large amounts of trash in the car. Crumbs on the back seat, with coke spilled on the leather interior. Wrappers from various snacks were littered all over the car. The windshield had something on it as well, that Tyler didn't want to know what it was.

But what really irked the youngest son was the bra in the backseat.

"So Baby Boy, where are we going today?" Reid asked, as the brunette turned to him.

The blonde took a few steps back at the anger in Tyler's eyes.

"What are we going to do? I am going to go to Caleb's. You are going to shut up, stay quiet, and drive me there." Tyler said smoothly.

Reid opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Tyler smirked. He knew Tyler was mad, because Tyler never smirked. He never smirked unless he was mad. The calmness in his voice scared Reid more than the boy yelling as well.

"You, my dear friend, are going to go clean my car." Tyler said, stepping towards Reid.

The blonde backed up until his back hit another car in the parking lot.

"That means every wrapper, every crumb, and every drop of liquid. I want the car washed, and the windshield to be spotless. Most of all, I want that damn bra out of my car and tossed in the trash can. You are also going to find a way to fix that dent in the driver's side. Without Using, because then I'll let Caleb beat the hell out of you and I won't even stop him. I won't let Pogue help you either." Tyler said, his voice eerily calm, "And if I don't think it's up to what I think my standards are then your ass is mine. Got it Garwin?"

He played with the collar of Reid's jacket, seeing the older boy nod. If he shook his head, Tyler would hit him. He'd done it before. And the boy could hit hard when he wanted to.

"Good boy. Now let's go." Tyler said, going to the passenger side.

When Reid slid in, Tyler handed him the keys.

"And after you get it clean, you can drive it back here, because that's going to be the last time in a good long while you're going to be driving it."

When Reid opened his mouth to argue, Tyler sent him a glare, which quickly shut the blonde up.

Because when Tyler was mad, it was something to be frightened of. More so than any torture that Chase could come up with. Because Tyler knew what annoyed Reid as well, he also knew what scared Reid.

And one of those things was Tyler being mad.

A/N: This is my first time using this site so if anything is messed up, please tell me and I'll fix it. :) I'll also take prompts from anyone. So if you're interested let me know.