Okay for those who haven't found it the sequel is posted on fanfiction it's called 'The Lotus Flower Blooms Twice'. So go read it only the first chapter is up and it will be slow posting but it's up so go read it! Maybe I'll work on it faster if more people read it *hint hint*. But here's a little bit from it if you're too lazy to actually go read it now…


Lee glanced over at the machine; sure he had imagined the sound. After all, that machine had never beeped before; it was there to monitor brain activity, which comatose people didn't have.


Lee saw it this time a spike on the screen that interrupted the usually flat line. He leaned over the bed towards the screen, hoping praying it wasn't a fluke.

Beep. Beep.

"NURSE!" Lee yelled, bolting to the door and ripping it open. "NURSE!"

"What is it Lee?" Several nurses asked in alarm.

"The machine it beeped!"

"Lee?" the nearest nurse said, walking over and touching his arm. "There are lots of beeping machines in her room. I think you're just tired and—," Lee wasn't listening he grabbed her and pulled her into the room.

"That one! The one that's supposed to monitor her brain!"

The nurse looked doubtfully at Lee still believing he was just overly tired, "Well it's not be—"

Beep. Beep.

The nurse gasped and her hands flew to the walkie-talkie at her waist. "We need a doctor in room 156C stat. The patient's brain is functioning. Repeat the patient's brain is functioning."