I can't believe I'm doing this... I must be suicidal or something...were the only thoughts in Akane's mind while she was running across the tree branches on her way to the desert.

How did I get myself into this?

"My mission is what?" - I never thought that something as simple as couple of words could leave me speechless.

Then Tsunade began her explanation:

"As you already know, this war with Sunagakure has been going on for far too long... At this point, there are only two solutions, we could either ask for truce, which would save us any further sacrifices but could also be a sign of our village's weakening, or..."

Why did I accept to do it anyway? Her answer to the new question forming inside her thousand miles per hour running mind, was cut short when she successfully missed the next branch and fell painfully on the hostile ground.

Great. Maybe I should kill myself now. I probably won't get very far with this kind of luck anyway.

While trying with all her might to push away her depressive thoughts, she realized that she's been running for (who knows how many) hours, and that it's actually (and visibly) getting dark.

Maybe crushing on the ground was good luck after all. The way I was going, I could've ran into an enemy without even realizing it. I might as well spend the night here.

She knew all too well that all she could do is rest for a while, since falling asleep wasn't an option. Guess I'll just sit here till morning. That's gonna be fun... just like watching the paint dry.

My name is Akane Uchiha, I am a jounin from the Hidden Leaf village, which is currently in war with the Hidden Sand village. I am on a mission to assassinate the Kazekage. Yes, the one and only sand's leader, whom I've never met, and there for have no idea what I'm going up against. The only thing I do know, is that he can control the sand itself, which, if you consider that I'm going into the desert, puts me in a very difficult situation and an extremely death obsessed mood.

I feel so pathetic... I'm supposed to be a first class assassin, and all I can think about is what I'll never get to see or do if I don't come back.

And who's gonna feed my cat? Wait a minute... That's right, I don't have a cat. I don't have any friends either, cause I don't have time for any. All I have are my reptile summoning creatures, since the only thing I ever bothered to do was to become a sage so I could be more powerful. And the funny part is, I'm really not that strong.

Still, I have a lot of enemies. It's incredibly easy to find them when all you do is walk around killing people for someone else's whim.

So why am I sitting here feeling sorry for my life when I clearly don't have one?

Oh, look... the sun's rising. Who knew a self argument could take so much time.

And so, with her new-found sympathy towards death and a surprisingly enemy-free trip, Akane approached the desert. She summoned her reptile "friends" to search the area around her while she was moving, so that she wouldn't have to worry about being ambushed or seen.

If I keep up this pace, I'll be in Suna by tonight. That should give me an advantage, or not.

That's the spirit Akane, way to go! To the other side that is...

I can't believe I'm arguing with myself again. No wonder I don't have any friends! And why should I need any? You're never alone with a split personality, right?

Pull yourself together, you can do this.

Besides, I can always fall back if I see it's hopeless.

Right, there's nothing to worry about.

And what makes you think you'll have that chance? To fall back that is.

That's not helping.

And you're talking (or thinking?) to yourself again. I don't think it's an actual insanity as long as you don't do it out loud. What do you think?

Hmmm... I don't have time for this! I'm picking up the pace and I'll be in Suna by tonight, and if I die...

Well, lets not get carried away now. My life sucks, but that doesn't make me want to end it.

It all comes down to tonight. If I'm lucky, like I've been so far, everything will work out just fine, and I'll be out of the desert by morning.