Hey there now you all might know me as the author of Darkened love, Dark secrets, AND forgotten love, well now I am taking a crack at my very first Naruto story

Hey there now you all might know me as the author of Darkened love, Dark secrets, AND forgotten love, well now I am taking a crack at my very first Naruto story!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot wooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!! Wow that was very long!!

Anyway this isn't the typical Naruto love story no in fact this is a very weird and random story that will have great "games", random drama, Sakura, Ino, Tenten bashing and oh so much more I hope that you all will like it!!


So now let us begin!!

Chapter 1

"Hey wait up Akira!" a voice yelled causing the person in question to stop. Looking back behind her she watched as a blond loudmouth knucklehead ran up to her.

"Jeez Naruto why do you always think that you oversleep then run for your life even though the bell has not even rung yet damn!" panting Naruto looked up to the girl in question that had spoken to him.

She is of average height and weight with long wavy dark red hair that was deeper then any color read should have been that hung low in a ponytail a piece of her bangs hung covering her right eye, her eyes a royal purple in color that you could soon find yourself lost in them, a eyebrow piercing graced her pale smooth face and the makeup she wore was the typical dark gothic makeup, she had earrings that flew up her ears, her clothes where that of almost all in there group of buddies, she wore purple and black chained trip pants, a black tank top that stopped before her stomach a fish net shirt resting on top of that, on her arms she wore studded bracelets and different styled rings, around her neck she wore a studded collar, she was well endowed in the bust category and was slim and slender.

Looking up he smiled at her. "Yeah well what can I say I still haven't changed the time on that thing and at least this way I can be on time and still see you all before school actually starts." Naruto said. Akira rolled her eyes at the blond.

Looking at him she silently complimented his style of dress today. Wearing his pure black chain pants and his black tank top which showed off his nice tan muscles, the blond spikes of his hair seemed spikier with the black tips in them the eyebrow and lip piercing looked good on him along with the small gage he had in his ear, spiked bracelets graced his wrists.

"Your retarded you know that." Akira said as she resumed her walking with Naruto now at her side.

"Yeah and you love me still." Naruto said smiling as they entered the gates of their high school.

"Oh yeah so sure oh Naruto I love you so much take me now!!" Akira said dramatically as they stopped in front of their group of friends. Their friends looked up and started laughing after all is was never a boring time when the two of them started going.

"Of course my love lets go now quick while no is looking behind the dumpster." Naruto exclaimed loudly and dramatically sweeping Akira into his arms.

"Yes of course let us go to the heavens and beyond my love." Akira said throwing her arms around Naruto and gazed passionately into his eyes.

"No we mustn't waist anytime let us kiss as a sign of out deep love for each other forget that the others are here my dear now kiss me!" Naruto said slowly moving her face closer to his to complete what he had said.

"Of course lets" Akira said and began to close her eyes and lean into it as well.

"Noooooooooo nervous, nervous enough you to please I can't watch this anymore!!" Neji shouted before his friend's lips touched.

"Haha haha yes p-p-please e-e-nough hahahahahaha ow my stomach hurts." Hinata said

"Wow how the hell are to so energetic so early in the morning?" asked Shikamaru

"Call it a gift." Naruto said letting Akira out of his embrace.

"Whatever did you all enjoy this little show, sorry Hinata I just had to borrow him for that small amount of time there." Akira said looking at her normally shy friend.

Naruto and Akira's group normally consisted of just Lee, Neji, Shikamaru, and Hinata on occasion they were joined by Choji, Sasuke, Shino, and Kiba but it was rare.

"Ohhhhh how youthful you guys are why it brings tears to my eyes to know that I have two friends that will share in this youthful time!!" Lee exclaimed loudly. Looking at Lee he had finally ditched that GOD AWFUL GREEN JUMPSUIT OF DOOM for a more casual normal look he wore a green tee with Hawaiian trees on the front, light brown khaki's pants and of course his normal bowl cut hair which none of them could convince him to get cut and bugged them to no end.

"What a drag he was actually quite and not as hyper until you two started up with your antics so just so you know I blame you." Shikamaru said in his black ripped jeans and dark green tank top his hair in its normal ponytail and just as spiky as it normally is he wore his fathers old ripped up jacket and brackets and rings graced his hands and face.

" My oh my Shikamaru how unyouthful of you now I shall have to take you to the man that is the wonder and embodies youthfulness so well Gai-sensei here together we must lift your spirits!!" Lee yelled before taking off dragging Shikamaru behind.

"No that wasn't weird and scary at all." Said Naruto as Lee and Shikamaru left.

"I don't think it was too weird I like Lee's energeticness." Hinata said. Naruto looked at his girlfriend and some very dirty thought came to his mind and he blushed looking at her. Hinata of course looked beautiful with her long blue and silver streaked hair. Her white tank top complimented her upper figure and the plaid skirt she wore complimented her legs, she wore some bracelets and an angel wing necklace, on her hand she wore a ring Naruto gave her for her birthday.

"So I see you like him more then me Hinata how could you!" Naruto exclaimed loudly.

"N-n-no I like you more." Hinata said blushing. Naruto glomped his girlfriend.

"Good cuz I would've had to fight him for you." Naruto said causing Hinata to turn redder.

"Yeah right like your weak ass could take him on." Akira said.

"WHAT are you saying that you think I can't take him?" Naruto said letting Hinata go and whipping around.

"Yep that is exactly what I am thinking." Akira said smirking as she watched Naruto start to get semi-upset. She knew Naruto hated when anyone told him he couldn't take someone on or that he was too weak to do so.

"Why… you little." Naruto said starting to advance on Akira.

"Oh I see you are eager to have your face wiped on the floor well alright let's go." Akira cracking her hands getting ready for the fight she knew was going to come at her.

"No it will be you who is wiped on the ground." Naruto said.

"Now, now Naruto you already know she will win so is there really a point to do this pointless fight." Neji said. Naruto stopped and turned towards Neji. The silk shirt Neji wore looked too expensive for the school with its burgundy color and his black jeans looked quite expensive as well. Naruto would have liked more then anything to see what would happen if he were to ruin the nice white vans Neji was wearing. Neji hair was in its usual style and the symbol that normally adorns his head covered with what he could only guess as man makeup.

"What did you say?" asked Naruto.

"I didn't stutter did I?" Neji asked smirking.

"No and I really hope that I didn't hear you say that." Naruto said

"Ah and yet you did." Neji said

"That's it is on pretty boy!" Naruto yelled as he and Neji both got into fighting stances the smirk now gone off of Neji's face. He really hated when people called him pretty boy. Hinata moved to Akira and clung to her arm already nervous and ready to cover eyes when the fight began. Akira rolled her eyes already bored with the boys and their antics she knew they didn't really like each other and she didn't know why.

"Alright you two retards enough you're making Hinata nervous and giving me an unneeded headache." Akira shouted causing both boys to stop mid-leap. Turning from each other they looked at Hinata who looked on the verge of tears hanging onto Akira.

"Sorry Hina it's just some playful fighting nothing to really worry about." Neji said clearly lying.

"Yeah babe like he said were just kidding." Naruto said walking to her and wrapping his arms around her. The bell then rang causing most of them to jump and groan.

"Ahhh great another day of hell well see ya guys later." Akira said starting to walk away form the others.

"See ya later Akira." Came Neji, Naruto, and Hinata and the same time. Walking away and going there separate ways Akira started for the art room. Akira felt eyes upon her but just shrugged it off.

Entering the art room she quickly spotted Shikamaru and Lee with whom she shared all classes with. Going over to them she says a quick hey and sits down turning to Shikamaru whose head is in his arms "Holy Crap you're still alive I thought Gai-sensei was going to kill you for sure."

"Yeah I did to damn it Lee had him show me how to leap youthfully and then they tried to get me into the green jumpsuit of doom that thing is going to give me nightmares I swear." Akira and Shikamaru shuddered oh how they hated that creepy jumpsuit.

"Wow that is really scary." Akira said

"You have no idea!!" Shikamaru said slamming his head back down on the desk. Shikamaru's head came up for another bang on the table when the chalk board eraser smacked him in the head leaving a nice white mark on his forehead.

"If you two are done talking back there I would like to continue with today's lesson." The sensei said

"Sorry Deidara- sensei were done." Akira said

"Good now the way you sculpt the fine lines is like….." He was once again interrupted as the door to the classroom opened up and in walked Naruto, Hinata, Neji, and Sasuke.

"Hiya Deidara- Sensei we have you first hour now!!" Naruto exclaimed and Deidara sighed.

"Yes I can see that Uzumaki alright go sit next to someone you know and take the rest with you."

"Yes sir come on guys!" Naruto said walking towards Lee, Akira, and Shikamaru.

"Hey what are you guys doin here?" Akira asked as they sat down. She felt the glares she and Hinata were getting from the skanks in the class and ignored them.

"Schedules got switched for some reason why don't want us in here?" Neji said

"Hey I didn't say that I was just wondering" Akira said indifferently.

"Yeah well anyway I think that we have all classes together now." Said Naruto

"Cool now I hopefully won't be so bored and or freaked out." Akira said.

"Oh this is sooooo glorious now we can be youthful in every class every hour!!" Lee exclaimed loudly his eyes twinkling.

"Would you all SHUT UP OVER THERE I AM TRYING TO TEACH THIS CLASS!!" Deidara yelled. They stopped then and sat up erect and looked at the teacher with frightened faces all of then except Akira who looked with indifference but had a slight raise of an eyebrow at the now destroyed sculpture laying in the teachers hands. The class erupted in laughter as Deidara looked down and then screamed no and my baby.

For the rest of the hour they sat in near silence occasionally giving each other silent looks. Every time they tried to open there mouth to talk to one another Deidara would turn and glare giving them that warning that if they talked they were in trouble he was still pissed about his sculpture being destroyed in his anger at them. When the bell rang they got up fast and quickly walked out of the class.

"Man that was crazy huh guys." Sasuke said.

"Yeah no kidding awww damn we have math now man I hate that class." Akira said with her head down.

"B-b-but Kurenai- sensei she is really nice and w-well she could help of you really need it." Hinata stammered out.

"Oh I know Hinata she tutors me sometimes I'm not saying that I don't like her I just don't like math that's all." Akira said looking at Hinata.

"Oh ok then." Hinata breathed out in relief. They turned around a corner and where stopped by what they called the bitch click.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the loser……. Of course not you or Neji, Sasuke." Sakura said she is the leader of the bitch click. In her pink skirt and bright pink heels that matched her pink tank top and white vest a pearl look alike necklace hung from her neck and a white head band in her short pink hair.

"Great and if it isn't the main skanks of the bitch click what the hell do you want?" Akira asked sighing in annoyance she really hated the three girls.

"How dare you!" Sakura shouted.

"Yeah what the hell!" Ino said from the right of Sakura. Ino was dressed the same just in purple and black.

"Yeah your way out of line there bitch!" Tenten said from the left in the same as the other two but in brown and black.

"Oh call us that again I dare you." Sakura said pissed off.

"ok I can say it as many times as you want though I didn't think that you were hard of hearing hmmm guess I was wrong, anyway what the hell do you bitches want?" Akira asked in a bored tone.

"You are a bitch you know that!" Ino said

"I know and I love it to." Akira said smirking watching as the girls face turned red in anger.

"Really what the hell do you want now I am getting annoyed." Naruto said.

"Hmph well we came to save Neji and Sasuke from the likes of you." Sakura said.

"Why would we need saving?" Neji asked

"For better company of course after all we know for a fact that Akira and Hinata can't be good company and then the rest are either retarded or boring." Sakura said.

"They are better then you guys are by far." Sasuke muttered to himself.

"Did you say something Sasuke my love?" Sakura asked hopeful.

"Nothing you need to know about." Sasuke said.

"Ok now you call Naruto a retard and yet you forget you dated him so who is the real retarded person here Sakura." Neji said

"It was a mental relapse I assure you on my part but I am all better now." Sakura said.

"Ok not this is any fun and it isn't but can you three go your going to make us late and so help me I will hunt you down don't forget we know where you live." Said Naruto now in a very bored tone.

"You shut up Naruto no one cares about you I mean look at your past and the fact that you live alone your nothing but a pathetic orphan that no one cares about." Ino said and the other two started laughing. Naruto expression turned to pain which pissed Akira off walking the short distance she grabbed Ino by the shirt and slammed her into the wall.

"Look you good for nothing whore if you say anything like that to or behind Naruto's back your ugly ass face will be even uglier trust me on that." Akira said darkly.

"I-i-is that a threat?" Ino stuttered out.

"No it's a promise." Akira said.

"I don't believe you your nothing but a bitch." Tenten said.

"Really now you don't." Akira said the darkness in her voice starting to thicken. Bringing her hand back she made a fist but before she could move it forward Hinata shot to her and held her arm back.

"Please don't there not worth it there not ok come on or well be late." Laying her hand back down at her side she let Ino go and turned around.

"See you can't do it can you, your all talk and no action aren't you." Ino said and started to laugh. Her laughter was cut short as Akira fist came down and slammed itself into the wall beside her head officially shutting her up.

"what were you saying now let that be a warning to you stay the hell away from us or the next time you piss me off what I did to the wall will be to your face." Akira said and removed her hand and walked away. The others fallowed Tenten and Sakura ran to Ino looking over her with worried expressions. Looking up at the wall they say the HUGE indent the brick wall had.

Catching up to Akira they looked at her darkened mood and gulped. "God I hate those girls."

"Yeah I know they need a life." Sasuke said.

"There just troublesome." Shikamaru said.

"Not really meaning to change the subject but did you all know that we have three new transfer students and I think that they are in all classes with us." Hinata said looking at the others nervously.

"Huh really who are they, do you know where there from Hinata?" Naruto asked.

"Yes I heard the teachers talking about it earlier there from…" Hinata was cut off by the bell ringing telling them that they were now late.

"Oh great now we have to hear it from Kurenai- sensei she hates it when people are late." Neji said and they all groaned. They picked up the pace of their walking.

"So as you were saying Hinata." Akira said.

"Huh oh yes well they are all siblings and I believe the teachers said that they are from the sand village." Hinata said.

"What!!" Naruto yelled and then took off. The others just looking at him.

"Who lit the fire under his butt almost reminds me of when he ate the mystery meat and then had to make a run to the bathroom." Akira said.

"Who knows and who cares lets go we are already in trouble let's not prolong it." Neji said and they took off running. Running into the classroom they where met with eyes that snapped to there direction form everyone in the room including the eyes of three new people.

"Well so happy that you could join us." Kurenai said.

"Were sorry that we are late sensei you see we got caught up in our moments of youthfulness and thus had to run through the field of flowers within our minds!" Lee exclaimed his eyes twinkling. The others rolled their eyes.

"Well alright then whatever but you will not disrupt my class for the rest of the hour do you understand and that goes double for you Uzumaki!" Kurenai said

"Hey why double for me?" Naruto asked

"Because you don't know how to shut up and damn you for taking off like that!" Akira said not really aware of the eyes that were watching her.

"What I wanted to get here fast and you guys were walking really slow!" Naruto said

"Yeah right Akira was walking faster then you were you jack ass opps." Neji said as Kurenai turned to give him that "cuss again in my class and I will give you a reason to cuss"

"Whatever Neji." Naruto said.

"Please g-g-guys stop fighting." Hinata said softly.

"Yes please what did I say about disruptions from the lot of you?" Kurenai asked

"Technically sensei you can't really say that because we can't promise that we will behave." Akira said and walked over to her seat followed by the others. Sitting down Hinata sat to her left, Naruto to her right, Shikamaru behind her, Neji in front and Lee next to Neji, Sasuke unfortunately had his seat next to some of his rabid fan girls and so with a sigh went and sat down.

"Alright as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by the idiot brigade we have three no wait two new students and a new teacher's aid this is Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara Sabaku." Kurenai said introducing the three to the class.

"Wow Akira look there all pretty cute." Hinata said

"Huh what?" Akira said she had decided to ignore Kurenai and put her head down. Now lifting her head she looked at Hinata.

"Look at the new kids." Hinata said


"Oh just do it you never know you might like what you see." Hinata said with a smile.

"Augh alright but you owe me this is cutting into my rest time." Akira said playfully sitting up and looking in the direction of the new people.

The first one she looked at was the girl who she could only guess was Temari only because Temari is a girl's name. The girl in question had blond hair in four spiky ponytails, she wore a black tank top with a bikers jacket over it, black leather pants graced her legs and she wore big black gothic boots, black fingerless gloves graced her hands and she wore piercing's up her ears and when she spoke you could see her tongue ring.

The boy next to her was slightly taller then the girl she didn't know what his name was but just shrugged it off as she looked at him. He had brown hair that was sorta spiked, he wore a dark blue tee shirt and blue ripped knee jeans and black converse he seemed rather plain to Akira but it was the last one she looked at that caught her attention.

He was slightly smaller then the other two. He had blood red hair a few shades lighter then her own blood colored hair, he wore a blood red shirt with a fishnet one over that. Spiked bracelets graced his wrist and rings graced his slender fingers. He had from what she could tell a lip piercing and piercing's that ran up his ears but it was his eyes she really noticed. Those teal colored eyes outlined in what she could only think was eyeliner but the expression in those eyes the pure energy of a hunter who lusted for blood and she felt a weird pull.

"HEY Temari, Kankuro, Gaara!" Naruto shouted bringing Akira out of her musing. She blushed a small pink and looked down as she realized that she had been caught staring.

"Oi Naruto what's up haven't seen you in a while." The boy with the brown hair said.

"Yeah I am aware of that why didn't you tell me you guys were coming Kankuro!!" Naruto asked.

"We wanted it to be a surprise don't make a big deal of it." The girl said.

"Quiet Temari I am not making a big deal of this." Naruto said.

"So the girls name is Temari and the brown haired guy is Kankuro which leaves Gaara for the red head wow that's a befitting name." Akira thought to herself.

"Whatever little man." Temari said. Confusion ran through the rest of the student s especially Akira.

"Uzumaki you know the Sabaku Siblings" Kurenai asked.

"Huh oh yeah there my siblings." Naruto said matter –o- factly.

"What wait you have siblings Naruto but I thought you said you.." Akira said and then stopped as a weird sensation went through her.

"Wait let me rephrase what I said technically I have no siblings not by blood at least but the Sabaku family has been close to my non existent one so yeah I guess we just say that we are since where really close." Naruto said.

"Oh I see now." Lee said.

"Very well then both Sabaku Gaara and Sabaku Kankuro go join Uzumaki." Kurenai said

Naruto motioned to Hinata who got up and took the seat next to him. Kankuro walked over looking to find where he was going to sit eyeing the empty seat next to Akira he was stopped by Naruto.

"hey Kankuro sit here." Naruto said pointing to the seat directly in front of him. Sighing Kankuro walked over and plopped himself down into the chair. Gaara just stood there by the empty seat Kankuro was going to sit in.

"Hey Gaara don't just stand there sit down Akira doesn't bite…..much and besides Hina gave up the seat so sit and Akira might be able to help you with this whole math thing right Aki?"

Akira looked over at Naruto with a death glare and Naruto gulped it was like he could see her aura flame around her which it was. " I thought I told you not to call me that!" she said in a cold voice.

"AWWW come on now don't be mad at me remember I love you and you love me!" Naruto said with fake tears falling down his face.

"Oh SHUT UP YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!!" Akira practically shouted smacking him in the back of the head hard. She grabbed her things and walked to the door bypassing Gaara in a haste to get away.

"Namazaki where are you going?" Kurenai said.

"Sorry sensei I will be back later I need air." Akira said and then pretty much flew out of the room.

"What's wrong with her?" Kankuro asked watching her back as she left.

"Who knows she gets like that sometimes." Naruto said

"Yeah and then it is best to avoid her." Shikamaru said making Naruto jump.

"what the hell Shikamaru I thought you were asleep." Naruto said

"yeah well shows what you know." Shikamaru said.

"Shut up!" Naruto yelled.

Hinata who was quiet as she watched her friend leave then got up grabbed her things and then will a quick word to the teacher left the room as well.

"huh now where is Hina going?" Asked Naruto

"probably trying to get away from you and your stupidity." Neji said

"what was that Neji?" Naruto asked

"nothing just shut up and leave me alone." Neji said.

"Well alright then crab ass…. Hey Gaara sit down your making those girls nervous." Naruto said looking at Gaara who was still standing. Gaara sat down and said nothing.

"Alright then class do these problems on the board." Kurenai said and a chorus of groans came from the students.

Meanwhile with Akira

On the rooftop Akira stared at the darkened cloudy sky. Taking out a bottle which contained any type of alcohol she could find she began drinking.

"why does this bother me so much it shouldn't matter if Naruto has another family he belongs to that doesn't mean that he and I aren't family right I mean he won't throw me away as soon as they call just like just like…" Akira doubled over holding her head.


Akira whipped around and looked at Hinata.. "Hinata what are you doing out here?"

"well I…I was worried about you so I came to check on you." Hinata said

"oh how did you figure out I was here?" Akira asked her.

"Well I know you ." Was all she said.

"yeah maybe hnnn do you want some?" She asked holding the bottle out to her.

"no thank you, you really are stressed out huh you normally only drink when you are." Hinata said

"yeah I am."

"do you want to talk about it?" Hinata asked

"no not really maybe later alright." Akira said looking away from her.

"Alright." Was all Hinata said. Silence consumed both of the girls then.

Hinata went back and sat against the wall shielded from the rain that had begun to pour down but Akira sat there in the rain never really moving. They stayed like this for the rest of the hour. When they heard the bell ring for third hour only Hinata moved.

"hey Hinata?" Akira finally said.


"I don't feel like going to class tell Orochimaru-sensei that I don't feel well and if he needs a note then go down into the nurses and she will give you one for me." Akira said

"Alright well I will see you at lunch then." Hinata said only she had a feeling that would not be the case. Hinata grabbed her bag and walked back into the school leaving Akira to her thoughts and in the rain.

"Sorry Hina but I won't be there for lunch I need to think and gather my thought I am confused about my situation and I am not sure why I feel so weird." Akira said to no one at all.

The rain poured down harder and Akira looked up at the dark sky and let the rain just pelt her face softly. Even the rain felt like it was trying to comfort her. Sitting there about an hour later the bells for lunch began to chime. Sighing Akira got up from her spot drenched in water grabbed her bag that had been left out of the rains way and walked inside.

Phew its I finally finished chapter 1!! Yay!!

Ok well please review ok I really want to know what you all think!!