Hey everyone!! I know that I shouldn't be writing another one-shot (maybe story, if enough people review) when I haven't updated my stories in awhile, but i think that this might get my writing juices flowing. So please enjoy this one-shot about HSM3.


p.s. this story includes the whole cast and is not really zoned in on one particular couple... : )

HSM3: Behind Closed Doors

Chapter 1: It's Not Over

(Ashley's POV)

My legs hurt, my back ached, my head was throbbing with pain and it was only the beginning of the 2nd week of dance rehearsals for High School Musical 3. Kenny had given all of us a 30 minute break, enough time to take a quick power nap I decided. Just when I had gotten comfortable on the couch Vanessa came over and jolted me awake.

"Ash, there is no time for sleeping on this set."

"We have 30 minutes!!" I whined like a baby.

"Ashley Tisdale you getch your butt up right now or I will personally drag you off that couch."

I did as she told me too with much reluctance, "What are we doing that is so much more important then sleep Ness?"

V patted me on the back and said, "Just follow me and you'll see."

Yet again, I was never allowed in on any secrets that happened around here, I was always somehow shut-out. While I was following Vanessa it seemed like forever so I took out my phone and text-ed Jared.

Baby, I'm so tired...I wish you where here with me. : )

Jared normally text-ed back right away and when he didn't I figured that something as up. Finally after all this walking that V and I had just done I was thrilled when we reached our destination. Vanessa opened the doors and there stood...Jared. I was so overwhelmed I broke down in tears like a little wuss. Granted I hadn't seen him in almost a month, I was shocked.

I ran up to him, he picked me up and swung me around. He then released me and I asked him, "How long are you here for baby?"

He looked down, "Only 2-days." My smile turned upside down.

He lifted my chin with two of his fingers as he kissed my forehead, "Hey, 2-days is a long time. It's time that we wouldn't have had if Vanessa over there hadn't called me." I let go of Jared and then walked over to ness.

I hugged her so hard and stated, "Thanks V, I know how hard this must be for you."

Vanessa looked at me with puzzled written all across her narrow face, "Hard? Why would it be hard??"

Looking at my best friend who was obviously in denial, "Ness, come on. I know how much you miss him. You might not talk about him as much as I talked about Jared but the whole cast can tell how different you are when he's not around you. You so miss him and you know it."

Just then Momo walked over and added, "Yeah Nessa. Your not as...Your not as hyper as when your around him."

Vanessa laughed and then I said, "Well I think we all know why she's not as hyper."

Vanessa slapped me and then stated, "Ashley, shut-up. Not everyone needs to know about my personal life."

Momo eyed Vanessa in a serious way, "Please child. Everyone knows about your personal life. Just from the way you walk when after you and Zac, you know. And your hair afterwards is so sex-hair."

"Momo!! I do not think that this is the conversation that we shoud be having right now." Vanessa said as she truned to walk away.

Monique grabbed Vanessa's shoulder and turned her around, "Nessa, we all know what you guys do when we're not around. Don't try and hide it. He'll be here in a few weeks though, don't worry."

Vanessa struggled out of Monique's grip and then walked back to the rehearsal hall with the rest of the cast following.

When we got to the rehearsal room Corbin came over to sit by all of us, "Hey. Hey. Hey." He said trying to be cool.

Vanessa shut him down right away, "Never again Corbin, Oh My God never again."

"Well hello to you to Ms. Hudgens." Corbin replied.

He then turned to me and Jared and said, "What's up with her??"

I mouthed Zac and that was enough for him to put the pieces together. I was enjoying my time with Jared but I wished so badly that I could be able to bring Zac to Vanessa.

Kenny started one of his long, supposed to be motivational, speeches. He did this after every break and every morning. I closed my eyes and rested my head on Jared's lap. Vanessa did the same to Corbin, and Corbin didn't seem to mind one bit.

All the sudden when I heard Kenny say that he was going to bring out a very special guest who made spectacular arrangements to get here from a project he was working on, I immediately sat up. Kenny went on to say how this man has rose to the top of Hollywood, I kept on thinking of who it could be, Brad Pitt maybe? But why would Brad Pitt come to Utah to see us?! My anticipation was building although Vanessa wasn't really into it. She still had her head on Corbin's lap, playing with her ring on her finger.

(Zac's POV)

I could hear Kenny talking to the cast and giving them clues about who this surprise guest was and I knew that they would be really surprised when they saw me, all of them thought I was in London. I wonder how V wold react. I could see her lying on Corbin's lap starring into space, not listening to a word that Kenny was saying.

Finally Kenny said, "Let's bring out our very special guest."

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome...Zac Efron." I walked out from behind the wall and Vanessa sprung to her feet as soon as she heard my name.

She ran the quickest I had ever seen her run and embraced me so hard. God how I had missed her smell, and I arms wrapped around me. I looked down at her and we began a deep make-out session so fast we forgot that we where in a room with over 50 people. Vanessa wasn't pulling away though, no matter how much I would try.

"Alright lovebirds, we do not need to see this. Please get a room." Corbin stood up and said. Nearly everyone in the room laughed.

Vanessa still was not letting go of this frickin' amazing kiss. "Well I think that we all know that the kissing scene for them will not be a problem." Kenny said.

Just then Vanessa was brought back into reality or at least i thought, "I missed you so effing much Efron." She said pretty loud, well loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Vanessa..." I whispered to her.

"God I cannot wait until tonight...wait your staying right?!" Vanessa said in the same tone.

"Nessa..." I whispered.

"Your not staying. I got all excited for our reunion sex. God Zac we haven't had sex in like almost 2 months. We have some making up to do."

I slapped myself on the head and then mouthed sorry to everybody in the room.

Vanessa must have realised what she had just said because she froze when she saw everyone still in the room.

"Shit guys, I'm so sorry. You all did not need to hear that. It's just that I was really excited, I mean who wouldn't be?"

"Why don't you two go sit down and we can talk about some things for Zac to expect." Kenny motioned for us to sit down with a wide grin on his face.

"Nice one Vanessa." Corbin said as we sat down.

Vanessa looked evil glared him and then stated, "I was over excited, Ok?"

Corbin laughed, "Whatever you say."

Ashley was still laughing at what Vanessa had said. "You just made my day Hudgens."

Vanessa slapped Ashley, "Shut up Ash, you probably would have done the same if you had not seen Jared for more then 2 months."

"Well considering that Jared and I don't have a sex life, yeah that would so happen."

"Ashley, I thought you said you wouldn't say anything." Jared implied to her.

"What Babe, you cares if they know. I'd rather them know where not doing it, then think we are."

"Wow guys, way to talk about think on the set of a Disney channel movie." Momo said while rolling her eyes.

"Ok everyone. Since all of our minds seem to be in other worlds..." cough, cough "...Zac and Vanessa. You can all have the rest of the day off to use as you with. Although I would rather not know how you use it."

Everybody laughed as Vanessa's face turned bright red.

So? What did you think? Should I continue it as a story?? I have some good ideas to continue but i also like it as an onoe-shot.

Please review!! Tell me what you think!!
