Tokka Week

Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned Avatar the Last Airbender or its characters. But I am glad it was made

Blind Challenge.

Toph was grinning from ear to ear. Why, because she was foreseeing a day full of hilarity at the expense of a certain wolf-tailed warrior. She walked along the marble floors to his room in the fire nation palace. They were there to attend a meeting with Firelord Zuko about reconstruction plans for both areas in the fire nation and the former fire nation colonies in the earth kingdom.

Toph remembered that the meeting went well, even if it was as boring as feeling sap crawl down a tree. However, it was the after meeting event that has caused her no end of delight to see the next day. So she finally came to the door to Sokka's room carrying a piece of cloth in her hands. She quietly opened the large wooden door to reveal a still snoring Sokka.

'Figures. Snoozles you really live up to your name' she thought.

As quietly as she could, she came to stop at his overly large bed.

'Well Mr. Manly-man let's see how you handle this. Please don't disappoint me I have been looking forward to this all night,' Thought Toph as an even wider grin spread across her face.

With that she got in his bed and searched for his head, with the loud snores it was an easy find. Taking the cloth she lifted his head and tide it around, completely covering up his eyes. Running a finger across his face she stopped at his lips and blushed.

'Time-out! Head in the game Toph, this is not what we came here for.'

She removed her hand from his face, a little reluctantly, and decided to get the day started. Getting out of the silk laden bed, she positioned herself and with a simple movement shot half the bed into the air turning Sokka into the Human catapult.

"Aah what-where-who, are we under attack? what's going on I can't see." Sokka panicked in a half sleep state flailing around on the ground trying to gain his senses.

"Relax O-Sleepy one. That was just your wakeup call." Said Toph chuckling at the feel of Sokka moving around on the floor like a crazy squirrel-rabbit.

"Toph is that you, I should have known. Why did you wake my up in the middle of the night?" Sokka demanded finally getting up off the floor while still blinded.

"First off it's morning. Second, Today is the day you walk a mile in my shoes, or lack there of," Toph stated in a Wiseman like voice.

Sokka was dumbfounded. What was she talking about? He moved his way clumsily across the floor and smashed his foot into a couch. Crying out in pain and rubbing his poor foot, he finally felt something around his head. He reached up and came across what appeared to be a blindfold. He was about to take it off when Toph came up to him and smacked his hands away.

"Oh No! I am not going to have you ruin my fun. You are not allowed to remove that blindfold until sunset tonight remember?"

"What are you talking about Toph? Is this some kind of bad joke?" Sokka asked rubbing his hands and 'glaring' at where he thought Toph was.

"Don't you remember last night at the bar?" Toph asked innocently taking a seat on the very couch Sokka just hit.

Sokka was now trying to concentrate on the previous day. He remembered the meeting and how boring it was, and after that he, Toph and Zuko went out for some drinks. But what happened next. The events of the previous night slowly came back to him.


Zuko took them all out to a modest bar not too far from the palace. The bar was a place where nobles and the like came to unwind and relax. It wasn't small by any standard, but also wasn't large at all. It was just right with only about 15 or so tables. They came and sat down at one of the tables and ordered their first rounds.

The night was filled with drinking, friendly conversation and random drinking games that Toph threw in. It wasn't till their seventh round that Sokka made his mistake.

"You know Toph…hic…I have always wondered what it was like to be you, ya'know." Sokka said in a tipsy voice.

Toph was handling herself much better then Sokka could have known. She 'Eyed' the warrior for a moment before speaking up.

"What do you mean by that Sokka?" She asked truly curious.

"Well… you are like the most awesomeness', best earthbender there is" Sokka complimented. "You can move mountains, and bend metal and stuff."

As Sokka took another sip of his drink he didn't notice the red starting to form on Toph's face. Zuko just took another sip enjoying the show.

"And you can do all that while being blind, because you do that thing with your feet." Sokka proclaimed while lifting his foot to the table for effect.

It was then that Zuko had an idea. He put down his mug and leaned forward unto the table.

"You know Sokka you could find out what it is like to be Toph." He smirked as his plan was forming in his head.

Toph turned toward him just as eager to hear what he had to say as Sokka was.

"Really, How?" Sokka asked excitedly.

"Well I don't know about the bending, but you could try being blind for a day." Zuko proposed while slowly turning his head towards Toph.

Toph now grinned, she knew where this was going and she wanted in. She sat upright and put her own mug down waiting for the fun to begin. Zuko took this as a signal and looked over to a confused looking Sokka.

"What…What…do you mean. I can't be blind for a day?" Sokka retorted.

"Yes you can. All we have to do is blindfold you for an entire day and you will know what it is like to be Toph." Zuko declare. "We can even make it a little interesting."

In Sokka's drunken state he couldn't tell what was about to happen. He just put down is mug and put all of his attention on Zuko.

"What do you mean interesting?' Sokka asked.

"A wager. You go the whole day blindfolded and you get a prize." Zuko explained to his water tribe friend nonchalant.

"Like what?" Sokka asked.

"How bout an all you can eat meat buffet," Toph chimed in, "On me."

Toph knew he couldn't resist the temptation. She was already starting to imagine a blind Sokka trying to get through one day. He would even last 4 hours.

", I goo blind for day and you give me meat. Sounds vairly simple enough." Sokka slurred out getting up from his seat extending his hand to Zuko.

"Deal," Zuko took his hand before continuing, "Now we just need someone to follow you to make sure you don't cheat."

Toph lit up, she knew Zuko had this plan and was ever more delighted to go along. She waved her hand in the air to get their attention.

"Oh I can do it," She cheered happily.

"It's done then. Tomorrow Sokka is blind, and Toph will make sure he stays that way until sunset." Zuko announced as if making a decree to his people.


As the memories came back Sokka had clumsily found his way to the couch and sat next to Toph. Regretting ever having made this bet. He rested his arms on his legs and gave a sign.

"So now I have to go the whole day blindfolded"


"With you following me everywhere I go"


"And I can't take this thing off 'til sunset right"

"You got it Sokka"

How in the world was he going to get through this mess in one piece? He doubted he could even put his clothes on, let alone walk and eat.

Toph got up and grabbed Sokka's hand getting him off the couch with a hard pull. She had on a wicked Bandit Grin as she led him to the door for breakfast.

"Come on now, I can't wait to get this day started." Toph cried in a malevolent tone.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all' Sokka thought as he felt Toph's hand hold him tight as he was being pulled from his room. His face slightly turned red. Being with Toph for an entire day might just be worth the troubl…BAM.

Sokka had just walked face first into the corner of his door but still being pulled by Toph.

"Oh you have got to be more careful Sokka. You could hurt yourself." Toph said sweetly.

Sokka could just feel the grin on her face as he rubbed his now bleeding nose. It doesn't seem that this was going to be as easy as he first thought.

I got my review and I am continuing this fic. Please, Please note that I know my grammar stinks; it was and still is my greatest weakness.

If anyone out there would like they can fix my grammar and I will repost it.

Thank you.