Haha, didn't mean to scare you guys there. After all, this is a partial Naitlyn story xP Oh, and Now or Never won't be the sequel after all. It'll just be my new story! I was tired of the same old plotline (Plus, I couldn't make the living situations work). So you should still stick around because I got some awesome stuff for it.

Ellie had to use the bathroom before we went, so as the opportunity presented itself, punched Nate in the shoulder.

"What did you do this time?!" I scolded him.

"Oww!" he said, rubbing his arm. "What was that for?"

"You're supposed to be going to the dance with CAITLYN," I whisper-yelled.

"I am! When I asked Ellie if she was ready to go, I was asking for Jason, who's waiting in the golf cart outside. I'm your chauffeur."

"This is great. Shane got Ellie a date who is about six years older than her? And now, you're going to have to tell her that you're not her date."

"I was hoping you would."

"Nope, you're on your own. Good luck," I said as Ellie was walking out.

"Good luck on what?" she asked.

Nate thought quickly and swept me off to the side. He lent a hand to Ellie and said, "Good luck with my leading you to your mysterious date."

She seemed rather disappointed that her date wasn't Nate but once we got outside and she saw Jason from Connect Three, another smile appeared on her face and all was well.

We were both escorted from the cabin along with all of our other luggage since we were moving back for the last day. I made sure in advance that I didn't want a huge extravaganza from Shane since that would just make me miss this camp even more.

(I realized how incredibly boring it can be to write a whole two paragraphs about a dance…So I think I'll save that for the epilogue – if I decide to write one!)

While couples swayed and twirled, Shane and I were laughing it off in the back, having punch-chugging competitions. Easy to say, we weren't the fondest of cliché-y events. We danced to two slow songs and a few songs with a fast tempo. It was nice just to hold on to Shane, forgetting all my worries. Plus, this wasn't arranged as well to fit a crowd that was full of hormone-enraged teenagers.

Before I knew it, the chaperones like Kay and Mandy were hurrying everyone out the door so we could make our twelve o'clock curfew for the night, which was pretty stupid since we only had a day left.

Even though I had only been away for about a week, I was already unused to going back to my cabin with Caitlyn.

"I'm glad you're back!" Caitlyn whispered to me as she and Nate, Shane, and I raced up the hill to the cabin. Like the good old days, Shane and Nate would probably sleepover.

In the morning, everyone was frantically running around making sure they could bring back everything they brought. I was all set ahead of time and by now, I was waiting for the phone call from my dad telling me he was here to pick me up.

I got a text from my dad's cell.

I see you; I'm right by the cafeteria door. I missed you so much! Love, mom.

I shrieked. Of course, Shane wouldn't go anywhere until he was a hundred percent sure I would make it home alive. He gave me the weirdest look.

I was too happy to answer, so I shoved my—very expensive, might I add—phone and started running toward the cafeteria.

There she was in all her glory.

"MOM!" I ran toward her and gave her a huge hug. I let out a few tears and held her in an embrace. "I missed you so much, Mom. I'm so sorry for making you go to the concert. It was all my fault and I shouldn't have and it was just—"

"Shh, shh," she murmured in my ear and smoothed out my hair. "Don't say that. It was inevitable. I'm just so glad to see you. Let me see that smile of yours." She pulled back and looked at me.

I couldn't help but to do just that. I took a deep breath. "I just can't believe you're actually here."

"Me neither. Now tell me, did you have a good time at camp? Did you meet any guys?" she teased.

I bit my lip to keep myself from revealing a rather major new person in my life, but failed.

"What's his name?" she teased again. Just like before, like nothing ever happened.

Then, Shane came up behind me and put one arm around me and held his other hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Torres. I'm Shane."

She looked slightly overwhelmed. As she shook his hand, she looked back at me from his face to mine and back.

"Aren't you—" she started, but I cut her off by pulling her off to the side.

"Yes, he's Shane Gray and I know what you're thinking. He was into all this bad stuff before, but he's completely harmless now. He changed, and he's my boyfriend. Just don't think too much of his celebrity status, okay?"

"Okay, okay," she muttered as we walked back. "It's very nice to meet you, Shane."

Shane slipped my phone into my front pocket and walked away. He probably realized how I needed a moment with my mom.

"I just have one question," she said.

"What? Ask me anything."

"How the heck did you manage to get Shane Gray? You never fail to surprise me."

"It's a long story. Anyway, are you ready to go home?" I asked, since she's usually the first one at offering to leave.

"Not really. I was hoping to meet some of your other friends here. Care to introduce me?"

"Sure," I replied, dragging her by the hand toward Caitlyn.

I introduced her to everyone I knew here. I told her about how I was really close to the members of Connect Three, how she should expect them to be over quite often since they didn't live too far away.

She went to go get the car after meeting everyone. I turned around to my closest friends.

I first went up to Caitlyn and embraced her. "Thanks for everything. I'll miss you so much! Promise to keep in touch, okay?"

"Okay," she said with a wobbly voice. I wouldn't dare to ask if she was crying, even though I knew she was, because she would totally deny it and kill the moment.

Then I went to Nate and hugged him, too. I fixed his collar before saying goodbye. "You're an awesome person. I can't wait 'til next year. I'll miss you."

"Don't be crazy. Shane's definitely planning on coming to see you. And guess what? I'm gonna tag along. So see you then."

I gave a hug to Jason afterward. "I know you had to finish your college courses or whatever and I just met you, but I've heard so much that I feel like I know you enough to call you a very good friend. And thanks for being the center dot for Connect Three."

I gotta admit that was the corniest joke I have ever cracked. And yet, Jason laughed. "I'll miss you, too."

And finally, Shane.

Instead of my hugging him, he beat me to it and hugged me first.

"I'm coming to visit you very, very soon," he remarked.

I chuckled and looked away. "I know. But I'll still miss you no matter what."

"Me too."

He leaned in for a kiss, and I leaned right in and met his lips. This time, it was different. Not like a goodbye kiss, but like this was the beginning of a whole new chapter of my life.

I said goodbye to everyone including the all-too-sweet Alix, Megan, and Sarah with the gothic hairdo and even the girl who always wore too much perfume.

As I hopped into my mom's '87 station wagon, I waved at my friends and newfound boyfriend again, I realized that even though this may be the worst summer of my life considering everything I had gone through right before it, it was also the summer that everything in my life clicked into place and I actually learned something about myself:

This is me. And no one can change that.

I know it was a really abrupt ending, but I seriously needed some closure. If anyone would like to help with the epilogue, just PM :)

I'd like to thank everyone who read this story and put it on story alert. Thanks so much, guys! You guys are awesome and you should totally read 'Now or Never' later on. I had great time with this fic and thank you to those who dealt with my constant "Gargh!! I have too much homework!" excuses. But leave a last remark for me to read!