This is a Supernatural based fanfiction. I wanted to double my readers so I decided to post here along with Quizilla and Deviantart. This story is based on Season One of Supernatural. I hope you enjoy enough to continue reading. Please check my Youtube account under ApparitionMedia for some Apparition features.



She paid no attention to the audible voices heard above her. She ignored the concern, the care, and the hospitality behind the words spoken to her. She stood in the void of silence and solitude, where she felt she belonged. She was numb, stunned.

What had just happened? She kept asking herself, but there was no answer to be received.

She could not feel the tears, the salt water that ran down her pale cheeks like droplets of rain. She could not even feel the burn in her eyes.

The memory of what the little girl last saw continued to replay in her head, and she hoped to God it would stop.

She lost everything in those past few minutes. Her life was gone, the little girl knew. She was sardonic as soon as the police had arrived, followed by the paramedics. Emotions congested within her as she watched them zip up the black body bag.

How can you be sure? Check again, please, check again. He is still alive, I'm sure of it!

However, no one listened to her, just pulled her away from the juncture.

What would become of her? To be sent to an orphanage, someone had mentioned. They were making the call, she assumed.

At that moment, in the dark, cold night, her life was over. How could she live a life without her father?

It was hard to believe it just happened. He died, so painfully, right in front of the little girls eyes. What was she to do now that she had these memories to live with, to have riding on her back as she grew and lived through the years?

It was not fair. Why was she the one that had to suffer? Why did it have to be her father? Did she do something wrong? Did he do something wrong?

The little girl couldn't understand. But now, she recognized the fragility in a human life and how it could die and break in a blink of an eye. One choice, one decision could dome your life forever. What was the decision her father took that forced him to pass away? Did he think of his daughter first before making that decision? Was this decision so important?

He was all she had left, he was her everything.

But he was gone, never to return again.