Author's Note: Hey! Ro10tom8os here! I've got a rad case of writers block in regards to "Caught in the Act" and I read Meg Cabot's Avalon High today, and I was really inspired by it because the connections between it and High School Musical are actually really funny. Well not funny, but... Whatever, I had to indulge my writing taste buds. Any who. I hope you enjoy, and then maybe press that review button on the bottom? Thanks!
Important: For the purpose of this story, Ryan is Troy's step brother, and has no relation to Sharpay!
Summary: When Gabriella Montez moves to Albuquerque because of her mother's sabbatical, she has no idea what is in store for her. Who is Troy A. Bolton, and why does Gabi feel like she's known him for all eternity, even though she's definitely never met him before? Is history bound to repeat itself as it is apt to do, or is something different this time? An HSM fan fic based on the story of Avalon High.
Disclaimer: I don't own High School Musical, or Avalon High. OR Macalester College. Although I wish I did, because then I could see my friend who goes there whenever I want.
East Avalon High
Chapter 1
Bedroom; Annapolis, Md; 9:47 pm
For the record, I love my mother. She really is the best mother a girl could ask for. Our relationship is... incredible to say the least. Maybe that's while Lucy thinks that I'm so lucky. You know, besides her whole "creating a new image" thing. Which really doesn't work as well in the physical world as it does on paper.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Well not really, because I know what I'm talking about, and I'm the only one who is going to be reading this, but on the off chance someone comes and decides to read this, I'm going to elaborate. Because really, its not as though I have anything in here that I wouldn't want people to know. But I digress.
For starters, my aforementioned mother is a professor. Which might sound really cool, but in actuality is incredibly boring, because she doesn't study cool things like deep sea animals or global warming. No, she studies the Middle Ages. Apparently she's one of the foremost experts on Medieval folklore, which is really cool, and I'm totally proud of her, but makes her a little difficult to live with. Mostly because we have to move all the time, when she gets called all over the world to study some artifact or something. As such, I'm fluent in French, Spanish, and understand Latin, and archaic Gaelic more than a girl of my age should be able to. Not by choice mind you. French I learned out of necessity, during one of my mother's year long sabbaticals in France. I'll return to that in a bit. I learned Spanish from my parents, though mostly from my father. I grew up in a bilingual household and as such, I consider Spanish and English both to be my first language. I only learned Latin and Gaelic because, well... I love books, and my mother always had books full of translations lying around whatever house we lived in while she was studying. As such, I taught myself the later two.
Now might be a good time to mention the fact that I am a total nerd. Granted, you can't expect anything less considering who my mother is, and the fact that she raised me, but still... I've always been the smartest kid in my class, and when you are the new kid as much as I am, this tends to be a little problematic.
Which is why Lucy was calling me "lucky" Because, yet again, my mother and I had to move. And while I saw this as a royal pain in the butt, Lucy, who is one of my best friends, considered this to be an excellent opportunity for change.
The thing about being the daughter of a professor is that every seven years my mother is given time for a sabbatical. In other words, a year to renew, rejuvenate, and write and publish a book. For reference, professors love sabbaticals. Their children (generally) hate them.
I don't hate them that much, on account of the fact that we move so often anyway, that this is really not all that different. The one good thing is that this move is guaranteed to last a year, as opposed to a few months like usual.
Which Lucy thinks is emblematic of a new start. She says that moving away, but staying in one place for as long as I am, is a golden opportunity. Her reasoning is that I can start school being a totally different person, and no one will be like "Who are you trying to kid Gabriella, you're Geeky Gabi, and that's all you'll ever be."
And I'll admit, it totally appealed to me.
Especially, since my mother told me that our new house had a pool out back. I've never had a pool before, and the possibilities that abounded with such a token were quite enjoyable to entertain.
This was also another thing that Lucy could be jealous of. Which, I will admit, I took some sort of perverse pleasure out of.
But I still don't want to leave. Granted Annapolis, Maryland is not the most exciting place in the world, but its the only place I've really been able to call home. Because no matter where we move to, we always come back here. And I guess technically, home is where the heart is, or some other fluff like that, but our house here in Annapolis is a sanctuary of sorts.
Anyway, I knew I didn't have any choice in the matter, so I just smiled complacently as my mother babbled on about whatever story or artifact she was going to writing this latest book about.
The point is, I'm moving, yet again, and there's nothing I can do about it, so I might as well grin and bear it.
Plane; The stratosphere; 7:33 am EST; 5:33 am MST
Have I ever mentioned to you how much I hate flying? I suppose I should be used to it by know, seeing as I have to do it a lot on account of moving all the time, but I swear to god, I will never get used to it,
Now I should mention, that being the little nerd that I am, I went and read everything I could about airplanes and aeronautics before my first place ride, (that is, the first place ride after I'd learn to read well enough to understand the books,) so I knew that we were relatively safe.
I'd even managed to memorize the safety pamphlet on account of how many times I'd read it, so I knew exactly what to do in any emergency, but this knowledge hasn't done much to qualm my nerves.
Seeing as it is ridiculously early for summer, and I had wake up even early to catch this stupid flight, I think I might sleep a little. Perhaps sleeping and some music will speed this flight up. Figuratively speaking of course. Because Boeing 747's such as this one can't top speeds of 260mph.
I am such a nerd.
Plane; Some (different) place in the stratosphere; 9:17 am EST, 7:17 am MST
Okay, so the whole sleeping thing didn't quite work out the way I wanted it do. I am by no means a tall girl. At a measly 5'1", I never have trouble with leg room on airplanes, but this is ridiculous. Even a baby would be squished and uncomfortable in seats such as these. Needless to say, I didn't get nearly the amount of sleep that I had wanted.
Oh! I see flight attendants with soda. Hopefully breakfast too, because I am famished.
So apparently food is no longer given out on airplanes. Or at least, not on this carrier. So this can of orange juice and bag of pretzels are going to have to constitute my breakfast and hold me until we land in Dallas.
Can I just mention how annoying it is that there are never any direct flights any more? I guess its safer, and more fuel efficient, and therefore better for the environment, but its still hugely inconvenient. Especially if your flights are delayed. We got lucky, as our flight left on time, but seeing as we only have an hour lay over in Dallas, had we been even a little late we very well could have missed our flight to Albuquerque. So I'm going to count my blessings.
The view from the window is very beautiful. I've always been very partial to farm land. That might come from the fact that we spent some time living in St. Paul, Minnesota. (That one was not for a sabbatical, just a teaching opportunity at Macalester College.) While we didn't live on a farm, as St. Paul is pretty urban, it was still Minnesota, so we couldn't exactly avoid the agriculture. Anyway, I've always loved looking out of the window in airplanes. Which is odd, because its a good reminder of how high above the ground we are. I guess its the only time that I feel like I'm flying.
And okay, I know that this probably sounds really odd, but I often feel that part of me really loves flying. As though I knew how to do it–fly I mean–at some point in my life. Which is completely ludicrous. Which is why I've never bothered to share this tidbit with anyone.
Okay, I think I downed that juice too quickly because I really have to use to the restroom. I'll be back.
Uncomfortable Chair; Gate 47 at Dallas Ft. Worth International Airport; 11:55 am EST, 10:55 am CST
Sorry about abruptly leaving before. When I came back from the bathroom (Which was quite an adventure, by the way) they were showing High School Musical 2 at no charge (unless you needed headphones) and since I had a pair, and I had nothing else to do, I decided to watch it.
I've never been that partial to that movie, but Zac Efron is hot. So whatever.
Anyway, the point is I never got around to writing anymore. But now the plane to Albuquerque is delayed, so we're stuck here in the gate.
Oh, my mom just said something about getting a real breakfast, so I'll write more later.
Different uncomfortable chair, Gate 47 Dallas Ft. Worth International Airport; 12:19 pm EST, 11:19 am CST
They say we can start boarding in about 5 minutes, thank god. Because at this point, all I want is to get to Albuquerque, inflate one of those pool rafts we bought back home and go for a nice long swim.
Well, its going to be more like a nice long float, but still.
Can I just say, the servings here are huge? Don't get me wrong, I love my bacon just as much as the next person, but they gave me enough bacon to serve my class back in Annapolis with more to spare.
Okay, so maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration, but not necessarily a gross one.
I good they're calling my boarding zone number. I think they're showing another movie on this flight so I don't think I'll be writing until I get into the new house in Albuquerque.
And yes it is the new house, not home.
Home is Annapolis, regardless of the amount of time spend there.
Or wherever the hell my heart is.
There it is, Chapter 1! I'm sorry that its kind of slow, I just need to set up Gabi's character. Please review, to let me know if I should continue with this story.