Disclaimer- I have nothing against these characters. I am a total twilighter. This was just a random thing I did in my spare time. Also, I am aware there are other lists like this. This is all copyrighted by Rosalice Do not steal. I will know.
20 Ways To Annoy Edward Cullen
1. Ask him to bite you.
2. Ask him to bite you... again.
3. Show him a copy of Twilight, and ask him if it feels intruding that every single move he does is on paper, and being sold across the world.
4. Ask him if he thinks Robert Pattinson (Spunk Ransom) is hot.
5. If he says no, accuse him of self-hatred.
6. If he says yes, accuse him of being gay. (Noooooooooooo!! NO NO NO NO NO! I will NOT believe this! :P)
7. Once again ask him to bite you.
8. Ask him to eat a sandwich.
9. When he refuses, ask him why he won't eat.
10. When he still won't respond, tell him anorexia is unhealthy.
11. Put a penguin in his room.
12. Hide Bella, and replace her with a Spider Monkey.
13. Convince Alice to tell Edward she saw something horrible in his future, but not tell him what.
14. Bring him to a tanning salon. (Waaaah... I like your pale skin!)
15. Tell him that Bella will love him more if he gets a tan.
16. After he's nice and tan, say Ooops, and tell him it was actually Jessica Stanley that wanted the tan skin.
17. Make him bleach his skin back.
18. RUN, RUN, RUN!
19. Ask him to bite you AGAIN.
20. Move Bella's house down to LaPush.
20 ways to annoy Bella, coming soon!