A special thanks to everybody who either put my story on Alert, favorited my story, and to those wonderful few who actually reviewed. I LOVE YOU ALL!

Sorry for this update being a little late. I hope you all enjoy it!

Also, thank you for telling me how to really spell 'Neji!'

Disclaimer: I do not own the show Naruto or its characters and I also do not own the game Pokemon or its creatures.

Last time on Masters of the Creatures:


"Now, now, children, don't fight. Neji, I think it'd be best if you left now." Out from the cloud of smoke came a man with silver hair and a mask that covered most of his face. He had on a leaf headband which covered up his left eye.

Neji, figuring out who the guy was, only huffed and walked away, but not before blowing a kiss to Sakura, who blushed a bright red.

"Yeah, I can tell you three are going to be so much fun to train." The man sighed before motioning them to follow him.

Chapter 3: Pupils and their Masters

The silver haired man face led the three of them to stone bench with blue dog sitting on it. Once it noticed their arrival, it gave a big yawn and leapt over to the eldest.

Sakura and Naruto took a seat with Eifi and Kyuubi sitting on their laps, while Sasuke leaned against a nearby tree, his Duskull floating aimlessly over his head.

"As you all may know, each of your old masters has decided for you to come to Konoha to train you all for the Chunin exams. What you may not have been told is that you will have three others to join you on your squad. This will include a sensei, in your case me, and two other teammates which will help you learn about your strength and fix any weaknesses you have!" The man noticed that none of his charges looked that impressed.

'Kids these days. I knew they'd be troublesome.' He thought with a groan and continued his speech. He glared at his Pokemon when it seemed to chuckle at his misfortune.

"Alright, how about this? We all play a little game which will help us get to know each other a bit better and learn how to cooperate with each other. The game is simple. All you have to do is tell us a bit about yourself and show us your Pokemon." He looked up to gage his students' reactions. Naruto had a far off look in his eye and a bit of drool was starting to slip down his lips; Sakura was listening attentively to him, while Sasuke continued to glare at him.

"I'll start us off. My name is Kakashi Hatake and this is my faithful companion, Aeolus, a Magnitrike, an evolved form of an Electrike." Kakashi looked to his students to see if any of them wanted to go next.

"Oh, I love games! Pick me" Sakura jumped around insanely before Kakashi called on her.

"Ok, my name is Sakura Haruno and this little cutie over here is Eifi, an Eevee!" Eifi gave a little bark as if to say hello and waved her tail eagerly.

"Uh, I guess I wasn't being very clear when I said to introduce your Pokemon to us. I meant to say that you should show us all of your Pokemon. That way we can better understand each other and therefore work well together as a team." Sakura just stared blankly at him for a few minutes before giggling in excitement.

"Well, if that's what you want. Come on out: Odin, Tien, and Nerina!" Odin came out with a brilliant neigh, he was a Rapidash with smooth creamy fur and an intense fiery mane made of vivid flames.

Tien was the Pokemon that Tsunade had given to her. She was a Happiny, a Pokemon that was colored pink and hiding something deep inside her pouch.

The last to come out was a female Feebas, a Pokemon that was so ugly it made the others grimace at its appearance. Sakura thought she was really cute and destroyed anybody who made fun of her.

"I'll go next! My name's Naruto Uzumaki and this here is my partner in crime Kyuubi, a Vulpix who kicks ass! Now, say hello to the rest of my team: Giro, Makani, and Grendel, come on out!" Kyuubi jumped off of Naruto's lap and yipped a greeting to everyone.

Giro, the male Poliwag, wagged his little tadpole tail excitedly.

Makani was a female Staravia who was actually quite small even for being a female.

The last member of the team to come out was a male Munchlax, who was sleeping and ignoring the entire ruckus.

"Now, for the last member of our team to introduce himself. Let's all give a round of applause for our brooding little ninja!" Naruto burst out laughing at this comment, while Sakura couldn't help but to give off a few giggles. Sasuke glared heatedly at Kakashi not liking the fact that these weaklings were now laughing at him instead of cowering in fear like they were supposed to.

"My name….is Sasuke Uchiha and this is Erebos, a Duskull made up entirely of my hatred for a certain someone. The rest of my team is composed of: Azrael, Raiden, and Cerberus." Erebos was staring blankly at everyone; his single blood red eye followed all their movements down to a science.

Azrael was a male Magikarp, who was flailing on the stone slab making all the Pokemon look at him like he was food. Sasuke hid a grimace at the sight of him. He couldn't believe Orochimaru had given him such a weakling to train!

Raiden was a male Luxio that looked quite friendly on first glance, but the static coming off him made people get second thoughts about touching him.

The last member of Sasuke's team was Cerberus, a demonic looking male Eevee. His sharp fangs glittered brightly in the sunlight as he growled tauntingly at Kyuubi.

"Well, you all certainly have a "Unique" bunch of Pokemon." Kakashi commented and was about to say something else when Naruto interrupted him.

"Wait just one second, you old geezer! Yo can't possibly be our new Sensei!" Kakashi turned to look at the blonde fox child. His wild, untamed blonde hair blew slightly in the wind and his electric blue eyes sparked with an unknown power. All throughout his observation of the fox child Kakashi only had this question running through his mind.

'Am I really that ancient looking?'

"What he means to say, Kakashi-sensei, is that you haven't shown us any of your Pokemon." Sakura had pulled Naruto into a headlock in order to make him shut up. Kakashi's lone eye crinkled up to indicate that he was smiling under his mask.

"Now where would the fun in that be? Besides, it's better to have the element of surprise on your side whenever you go into battle." Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke twitched in annoyance.

'He tricked us!'

"Now in order for me to decide if I'll really take you under my tutelage; you must pass a test of extreme importance and utmost difficulty." They all watched in anticipation as Kakashi started to put on a serious look.

"Come early tomorrow morning and meet at the training ground situated near the memorial stone. Also, don't eat anything or else you might just vomit it back up" With that Kakashi and Aeolus disappeared in a poof of smoke.

To be continued…..

Praise the Lord it's finally done! Thanks again to all who reviewed and please continue to do so! Also, for those who didn't review just read this.

You are trapped in a lair full of Akatsuki members and have no weapon to defend yourself. In order for you escape with your soul still in tact and for your heart to still be beating, you must press the little blue button that says 'Review.'