Hey everyone!

Umm okay so I've been looking over this series and I realized something; this fic is actually completed. At one point I had wanted to to continue on to explain the roles of the rest of the Weasley family, however, it has occurred to me that this is wholly unnecessary. In fact, I should say that it would ruin this story if I did that. The purpose of "The Effects of..." series was to focus in on Charlie and Harry; to build fluff from pretty much random sex. "The Effects of December Twenty-Sixth" was meant to connect the two more and introduce what a possible future between the two would have been like in relation to the Weaselys. As such, this series is over and I hope it wasn't terrible. I know I'm a pretty shoddy updater and I won't make any promises but I do hopeI'll get better at it. Thanks for sticking along for the ride, and please look over any of my other fics; not all of them are incomplete.


Inyx Dawn