Okay, this will take a while to be completed, I'll probably put up a chapter every week, I don't really have time for more because of my GCSEs, I'm in my exam year at school. Hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: It's such a pity But Stargate's not mine All that I own Is the storyline. I wrote this for fun, I didn't get payed, I really need money so It's a terrible shame. If you want to borrow, Please just let me know, And link to my page, I won't say no.


Chapter 1

Sam looked around. No trees, she noticed, and no sand. General O'Neill would have liked this planet, she decided idly.

"Sam, did you hear a word of what I just said?"

Sam looked up at Daniel and grinned sheepishly. She found herself glancing round for Teal'c, and then remembered that she and Daniel were alone this time – Teal'c was visiting Bra'tac, Ishta, Ry'ac and Kar'yn on the world that the Free Jaffa occupied.

"Excuse us," a voice called. Sam and Daniel looked up, and saw a middle-aged man with a boy of about twelve and a young woman, no more than twenty-five, approach.

"We have not seen you before," the man continued. "Do you come from a World Beyond the Ring?"

"Uh, yeah," Daniel said. "We're from Earth – we're peaceful explorers. I'm Daniel Jackson, this is Sam Carter."

"Forgive me," the man said with a smile. "I am the Father. This is the Son, and Ai'ri, our ambassador and our guest from a world from Beyond, just as you come from."

"Hi," Sam said, and Ai'ri and the Son smiled and nodded back.

"Perhaps we could show you to the Settlement," the Son suggested.

"A worthy thought, Son," Ai'ri said.

"Yes, Son," the Father agreed. "A worthy idea indeed. Will you come?"

Sam and Daniel exchanged a glance.

"Sure," Sam said, and they started to head towards the little village on the horizon.


Look, it's Ella the purple button... she's only ever been clicked three times and it makes her so sad... click her and you will make her happy!
