Title : Orange Car of Secrets

Author : Bri

Disclaimer : I own nothing. Except the concept.

Summary : Following "Back in Black" - After Emma, Jay and Ellie return to Degrassi after Sean stays in Wasega Beach, Jay and Emma make a discovery that could change their lives forever.

Authors Note : It's hard to believe I wrote this a little over four years ago, or thought of the concept then. I read over it and didn't think it was that bad of a concept, aside from my atrocious spelling and grammar. So I'm in the process of cleaning and rewriting. Keep in mind, we're in season four, Darcy's family isn't decided yet so I wrote her to be Jay's younger step sister. You can say Darcy is embarrassed of her family (more or less, of Jay) and Jay's mother is Fancy.

Couples : Emma/Jay and references to Jay/Alex and Sean/Ellie

Chapter One : Backseat Blues

You can cut the tension with a knife, on the way home from Wasega Beach. Emma in the backseat looking like she's in deep thought playing with the ends of her golden hair, and you can hear the sounds of Ellie sniffling attempting to hold back tears with no avail causing Emma to look over with a look of concern. Jay sits the front seat his window down, with a cigarette in his left hand. He didn't like the quiet and there weren't many comforting sounds and smoking was comforting. He doesn't usually smoke, and it's only when in a stressful situations, to him silence is stressful. Emma hopped up a little bit to look at herself in the rearview mirror before quickly trying to lean against the door as if she didn't, but Jay saw and flashed a light smile but Emma pretended she didn't see it. Finally, Jay spoke to Emma.

"Greenpeace, do me favor?"

Emma nodded, seeing Jay lean to the right while still keeping his eyes fixated on the road while digging in the glove box to find tissues, throwing them back.

"Here, catch. Pass 'em to Ellie or she'll have to pay for my new seats."

Ellie looked over as Emma caught them, and the tissues were quickly passed over. Ellie went back to looking out the window, as she wiped her tearstained eyes. His voice sounded tense, and angry sounding - Emma knew he never liked her. It was almost like he went out of the way to try to say something to annoy her, or get her mad. Ellie didn't speak, she just cried and Emma didn't blame her. Emma had been in her shoes last year, when Sean decided to roll with Jay and break up with her, heartbreak wasn't fun.

Jay knew Ellie was upset. After the brief moments of silent that the tension had created, he wanted to cause some type of discussion even if it wasn't pleasant. "Ellie what's the matter with you, anyway?" he tantalized.

Ellie didn't speak, she more or less ignored Jay lying her head against the door.

Emma knew she was upset but she didn't defend herself, so Emma did, "Jay, why don't you leave her alone? She doesn't want to hear it." Emma asked Jay as rummaged blindly through her hobo bag for a hairclip for her sweaty hair. She quickly found out and put her hair up.

"So Greenpeace is fighting to stand up for others and her own rights. Why don't she just do a little something called, mind her own business?" Jay asked jeering from the rearview mirror looking at Emma with his soft blue eyes, yet acting in a contrasting behavior. His eyes didn't match the harsh words he was tryng to tell.

Emma rolled her eyes, "Eat this." finally glaring him the middle finger.

His eyes widened, but he mellowed out a laugh and shook his head. "Wow, original. I'm real scared now."

Ellie looked over and laughed as well, but not at Emma but at Jay, before Jay slammed on the breaks pulling over on the shoulder. He opened the door slamming it hard before opening Emma's side door grabbing her hand, "What's the big idea? You could've killed Ellie. . . or me!"

"One warning, Greenpeace. . " Jay snarled before Emma cut him off.

"My name is Emma."

"EMMA, don't mess with me. This is my car and I can just leave you off whenever I feel like it." Letting go of her hand quick she recoiled pulling her hand back quickly.

"Okay Jay, you done?" Emma rolled her eyes sarcastically. Jay glared at Emma, before his gaze softened as did hers. She wondered why they were just looking at each other, it wasn't long of a time, but it was just enough time for her stomach to stir inside. She pondered why Jay even gives her the time of day, or gives her that weird nickname. But she shook out of it fast, because she reminded herself that Jay isn't the kind of person to like her, or have any feelings for her.

Ellie learned over to Emma's side of the car sighing looking at Jay, "I need to get home and feed Bueller if you don't mind?"

Jay nodded motioning Emma who's legs were hanging out of the car to put them back in so he could shut the door. She did put her feet inside quickly before he ran to the drivers side and they continued on their way home to Degrassi, continuing the way home in silence.