
Rating: Teen

Disclaimer: dont own it


A/N: its getting really hard to pick on things that i can write well or at all really.


Paul was the last person i expected to comfort me.

His attitude, normally mean, vulger and angry, seemed to have smoothed over, soothing me as he sung in a whisper, his deep, husky voice sending shivers down my spine.

I was cold, oh so cold.

I shouldn't be cold, i shoudl be boiling, at fever temperature.

Not dying from the cold that engulfed my heart and body. But i was, dying that is. The reason i could feel the cold was because of that, the death that was seeping through my veins, dampening the fire that had been present in my blood, killing me.

With the Pack around me i felt some comfort, some of the pain dampened but not all, not the numbness that spread like the wild fire i'd never feel again.

I lay in Paul's arms, my hair being stroked by my first ever love, the man who had taken my heart and craddeled it, then smashed it.

I lay within their embrace, and died.


The tense may confuse you a little, but never mind