The all too familiar strong, firm arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me towards his muscular chest. I gasped, taken by surprise but otherwise smiled pleasantly. If people could see me blush, and I had a doubt the veil could hide it, I would be glowing red like thousands of Christmas lights that illuminated underneath my skin. Maybe I was going bio-luminescent.

Edward gave me a crooked smile, sent my heart haywire and propped me up, placing his hands on my elbows and rubbed soothingly. My knees almost gave way like marshmallow, if I wasn't conscious of the people watching me. My blush never discontinued, flashing brighter than ever as I tried to calm myself. Okay, focus Bella...this is your wedding and you're at the alter. Get the attention off you and let the thing begin.

I took a deep breath and nodded towards Edward, signaling I was okay and able to stand. I had my doubts but it seemed I was able to. The priest began preaching, but I was far too absentminded to listen. My mind was still swimming in the thoughts, surreal as they may be like a dream, of whether or not I really was going to marry such a perfect man.

Several glances and I could see Esme and Renee crying. Renee was unusually happy. I was ready for her fury, waiting for her to lash out on me and say I was too young to marry but in the end, she was overjoyed and even tried to help with the wedding. That was one thing we'd all thought impossible would happen. Maybe she was more lenient towards me now. Carlisle had his arm wrapped around Esme's shoulders and smiled, silly at the emotional outburst of his wife.

"You may now exchange your vows. Edward, please proceed." That snapped me back into reality and I looked at Edward longingly, his return expression equally desirable.

"Originally, I had planned on cliche vow exchanges, but I truly think that is unncessary. Not because I don't feel Bella shouldn't get it, but I really cannot place words and describe the love and feelings I have for her. So what if I can speak five languages? Those extra expressions won't help. So I'll keep it simple. Bella, I love you. I love you with all my heart and I'll die for you. I'll protect you with my life. I will cherish you forever, my soul and my world. I love you." A blush and smile combo lit my face as I watched Edward stare at me intently, probably analyzing my face to see if I accepted his exchange of vows. I wondered if my expression was what he wanted because he smiled crookedly and the minister interrupted.

"And Bella, your turn." The priest nodded. I took a deep, wispy and shallow breath before continuing. Don't mess up, it's just the most important day of your life. Marrying Edward Cullen.

For God sakes Bella, get it over with! My mind seemed to be in a rush.

"Considering we're not exactly a normal couple and the cliche vows don't really apply, I'll keep mine simple too. I will love you with all my heart and beyond that. I can't even begin with how...how...happy I am," Dammit, stammered there, "It's like a fairy tale dream that'd come true when you saved me...the first time. And somehow, that led you to love me. It's been a hard...journey. Rough and patchy to get where we are now, but I will not take those experiences for granted. I will treasure you and even God can't pry me away from you." My smile was huge at the end of that speech.

"You may exchange the rings."

A little boy walked up to Edward while a little girl walked up to me. They both carried cushions with our engagement ring on it.

Edward took my hand, delicately and softly, placed the ring gently on my finger. A tear slipped down my face as I watched him do it. Oh crap, Alice is going to kill me if I ruin the make-up.

My shaking hands weren't helping as I brought Edward's hand closer to me, holding it as I fidgeted with the ring. I was having troubles and after a few more tries and several chuckles from Edward, I finally got it on.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!" The minister yelled out and without a second's pause, Edward gently lifted my veil, gasped and examined me for a few seconds before melding our lips together. Cheers erupted but it was minimal to the sounds of my erratic heartbeats that throbbed in my head. I could have sworn someone else heard it too.

My knees felt weak as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. One of his hands stationed itself on the small of my back while the other held my face up to his. I could only assume we were kissing for too long when Alice began bickering on to Jasper about something. Again, I didn't care about anything except me and Edward.

"...Seriously, we're all here and they're making out for so long! It's been a minute..."

"Alice, just let them be. It's not like we didn't have our moments of passion..."

"Still! It's a wedding for crying out loud."

Hmm...yeah we'll get to the juicy parts soon...