Dreams and Neji
I touched the ground with my palm and an image shimmered to focus, Sasuke was sitting down on the park bench in the light drizzle. I lay on the ground and stared at the picture and watched him, slowly I felt my eyes droop as I watched his too. And before I knew it, I was out.
I opened my eyes sleepily, sunlight poured into my eyes and I felt my irises squeeze my pupils narrower. I stretched my hand out as usual to hold a part of Sasuke, I was greeted gently by Sasuke placing his fingers in mine and I smiled. I sat up and realized I was sitting on the bench that Sasuke was on when I was watching him.
"Sasuke?" I smiled. "Finally, I can touch you, I can feel you." I clasped my fingers around his and his smile shone at me.
"You came back Sakura, I'm glad. I've missed you too much. I don't think you in my dream is even enough for me," he frowned at me and I smiled at him reassuringly.
"As I promised," My chuckle sounded like wind chimes in my ears. "Didn't you get my signs?"
"I felt you in the wind, Sakura."
"I am the wind Sasuke, I'm sending you signs everyday. And as I said, I'm watching over you,"
"I'm glad that you are, I don't know how to cope with it… are you really in my dream?"
"Yes, I don't know how though." I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. He placed his hand behind my head and pressed harder on me. I felt something wet running down on my face, whether it was my tears or his, I didn't care. I was too happy to let this moment go.
you've changed." He held my hands and glanced at my new body, my
new clothes and my new face.
"But you can never be more beautiful than this," He kissed my forehead and I leaned against his chest, his heart beat echoed in my ears and I smiled.
I pulled away from Sasuke and glanced down to see if I still sat on the bench, but when I looked up, Sasuke was gone. My dream filled with silence, the crisp, brown leaves on the tree didn't rustle, all I could hear was the heavy rain coming down on me. The pitter patter of it falling down on the ground disturbed me and I stood up, looking around for me. My big curls turned into waves and fell straight.
Like my dream, I opened up my eyes sleepily, the sunlight poured into my eyes and I felt my irises contract my pupils. Even though I knew he wasn't here, I reached my hand up and flexed my fingers, waiting for his soft hand to touch mine. I let my hand fall by my side, angry and upset that I couldn't touch Sasuke.
I propped myself up, remembering that Sasuke was still in the image. I looked down on it and saw he was wide awake, he must've woken up.
I saw you again in my dream Sakura… was that really you?
"Seems like your gift would be reaching him in dreams," I jumped at Neji's soft and low voice.
"Down in Earth… I also happened to be the wind. And when I hit Sasuke's radio, it turned on when he didn't even touch it."
"Hah, what a gifted angel you are." Neji's voice chimed in my ears, especially when he had said angel.
"Where do you always go? You seem to disappear so abruptly and then reappear out of nowhere." Neji gave a swift smirk and beckoned me to stand up. I followed him to the wall and he took my hand uncomfortably. He then ran towards the wall and I followed quickly, we both fell from the sky, heavy rain seemed to be falling out from the sky but we weren't affected by it.
Adrenalin filled my body even though we had landed, he still continued to hold my hand and he jumped, higher and longer than I could.
"Let's see your special talent, Sakura." He gave a handsome smile and I pushed off with him, forceful winds followed me which helped us to jump a longer distance.
"Stop here," Neji gently landed along with me and let go of my hand. We had stopped in front of a hospital and I blinked blankly, Neji began to walk as did I.
He walked so confidently as if he knew the way around, but of course he did because this was always where he had disappeared to. He led me up a few floors and to a door that seemed like all the rest. He entered and I hesitated, unsure if I wanted to see what or who was behind it. But I gathered myself together and followed.
My eyes instantly fell on a very attractive girl, her eyelashes were long, I couldn't see her eye colour but judging from her hair colour, it would most likely be the same chocolate brown. Her hair was let down that fell to her shoulders, a beautiful brown colour. She had a cute face, small and pale and her arms were placed up in front of her on top of the hospital sheets. She had a tube along the bottom of her nose and a drip connected to her arm. Several cords connected from her body to a heart monitor where it suddenly began to race faster, not too fast though.
Neji smiled at me.
"She senses me." Neji touched walked over to the heart monitor and touched it, the monitor's jumpy beep gradually calmed down to a constant beat.
"I can control her heart." I didn't know what to say, I was too overwhelmed by Neji and the cute girl.
"Her name's Ten Ten," his tone dropped to a soft whisper and he touched her hair, of course his fingers passed through her. "Even though she's in a coma, and I want her in Heaven. I know it's best for her to stay here, and I'm helping her by keeping her heart a steady beat until she wakes up. That's my gift."
"She's in a coma?"
"Yes, just so happens I can enter her subconscious mind as well." He sighed heavily and looked sadly at her; she looked around a year or two younger than him.
"The only thing I can do for her is keep her alive, it's the least I owe her."
"What?" I was confused.
"It was late at night and I was dropping Ten Ten home, see, we were dating back then and she always snuck around at my place. There were hardly any cars on the road, I was driving. As we crossed the traffic lights, something big and heavy hit us from the side- my side. We didn't even see the truck hit us, it had no headlights on." I gasped out of shock.
"Evidently, I didn't survive but Ten Ten did. She didn't submerge into a coma though when that happened. They say around a month ago she did, just like that. She had just collapsed in the school, and I think it was my fault." He looked down at her, his eyes sparkled from a tear welling up, although he pulled himself together and his eyes were back to normal. Why couldn't I do that?
"I had discovered a new gift then, I could enter her mind. Just for a few minutes though, I wouldn't be able to say anything, but I could do actions. But when I had just discovered it, I instinctively drew into her body and when I came out, she fell to the floor." Neji hesitated, as if he wondered to tell me the next bit. "So all I can do now is to control her beating heart until she awakes one day, I don't want her to be so hopeful just to see me even though I caused this. And she knows it as well.
"Wouldn't this be cheating death?" Neji glanced at me and smiled with a hint of proudness.
"In a way, I assume." We both stood there in silence, a tad awkward for me as he looked at his girlfriend.
"I should leave you two now," I smiled politely and he smiled back.
"Yes, don't make wind in the hospital, remember this is indoors." His chiming laugh sent tingles in my body and I laughed too. I walked out the door and looked around, finding the exit.
As I stepped outside I hesitated, some weird feeling was going through me. What was it? I couldn't put a finger on it. I numbered down the feelings I had currently felt in Heaven and came to one which seemed most plausible.
Oh no.
I had a crush on Neji.