I don't have the best grammar. Just in case you catch a mistake though, ignore it. I do that often.

Keep in mind also that this is my first fanfic.

"Please?" I asked again. Jacob called and wanted to see me. Of course I said yes right away, but I didn't know Edward would be so difficult.

"No." Edward's voice was sharp and cutting. "It's too dangerous. Jacob is a young werewolf!"

"He can control himself," I muttered, looking down so he couldn't see my eyes. Jacob had a hard time controling his temper, but he never phased.

Edward's finger lifted my chin up so I was forced to look at him. "I just worry about you."

"Don't. I'll be fine." I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my head against his chest.

He sighed. "All right. You can go." He put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "But I'm driving you there."

"Sure, sure."


Edward drove to the boarder line and I was getting impatient. My foot tapped frantically; Edward was driving slower than usual. I haven't seen Jacob in so long. Since our conversation in the woods before Charlie yelled at me about the motorcycle.

As soon as the car stopped, I jumped out and ran to Jacob. He caught my gaze and smiled big. I waved to him.

"Hey, Bella!" He pulled me up into a tight, bone crushing hug.

"Hi, Jacob," I gasped.

"Oh, right." He put me down. I turned to wave bye to Edward but the silver Volvo was already gone and out of sight. It was silly of Edward to worry. Jacob was completely fine to be around. Maybe that was just in Edward's nature though. Worry at every little thing.

"So how've you been?" Jacob asked.

"Great now that I'm here. It's so good to see you again, Jake."

"Yeah. Same here."

We went down to the beach and just talked, sitting on a log. Catching up, I guess you could say. Nothing new was really happening with Jacob. Though he's taking a short break from the pack. That was good. He told me how much he wasn't sleeping, and now that he's taking a break, he can catch up on those missed hours of rest.

"So...how are you and the Cullens?" I don't know how we got on the subject. It just came up.


"Hmmm." I guess he expected something more interesting.

"But," I hesitated, not sure if I should tell him. Of course I could. Jacob was my best friend. "Carlisle is planning on changing me after graduation."

Big mistake.

"What?!" Jacob got to his feet in an instant. "Changing?! You mean into a blocksucker?!" I could see it now. Jacob was shaking from head to toe. You'd think there was an earthquake.

"What's wrong, Jake?"

"I can't believe it! You're just going to do that?! Throw your life away so you can be one of them?" He grabbed handfuls of his hair, and at first I thought he was going to rip it out from the roots.

"I'm getting older and older each day, Jacob. I can't stay human. Besides, I'm such a clumsy person. With really bad luck." I tried talking calm to ease Jacob but he was still shaking. Harder now.

"NOOOO!!" he yelled.

And then he exploded into a werewolf.

It all happened so fast. The next thing I knew, Jacob's paw was coming straight towards me. His claws scrapped all along my side and stomach. I fell onto the ground and screamed. I looked up at his face. At first it was angry, then horrified. He turned and ran off.

Tears streamed down my face. My side was all bloody and hurt a lot. I gripped my side with my right arm as I used the left to hold onto the log and get up. I cringed at the pain.

And then something accured to me. What would I tell Edward? More importantly, what would he do when he found out what happened; saw me like this? Firstly, he would be furious with me. Not good. And secondly, he would kill Jacob. I didn't want that either. Of course not. It wasn't Jacob's fault he phased. It was my fault. I should have kept my mouth shut. I was such an idiot for saying that. It was like I was just asking for it. I'm going to piss Jacob off so much that he phases and nearly takes my whole left side off.

This was bad. No. It was horrible.

I decided to soak up the blood on my side with my shirt. I went over to the water, made sure nobody was looking, and lifted up my shirt. I splashed water on my side and got the blood off my skin. I felt very dizzy. I hated the smell of blood. The salt and rust sent wasn't pleasant at all to my nose or stomach.

Once all the blood was off I took the sweat shirt that was tied around my waist, and put it on over my blood stained shirt. I would wait for an hour for the blood to dry and so Edward would notice it a little less, and then hopefully he would just think that I just smelled extra sweet today. I shuddered.

I wondered where Jacob was...With Sam? Trying to gain back control? Or just looking for some new pairs of clothing? Maybe he was just too embarrassed to look at my face.

When I guessed an hour was up I pulled the little silver phone Edward gave me out of my pocket. I dialed his number with shaking hands.

It didn't even finish ringing once when Edward answered, "Hello?"

"Edward." I sighed. "Can you pick me up now?"

"Of course. I'll be there in a few minutes." And the line went dead.

I waited by the boarder line. I gulped loudly when I saw Edward in his Volvo pull up. I opened the door nervously and got in.

I would appreciate some reviews so I know what you think and if this is good so far.
