
"I bid thee farewell"

It took the Briefs about a month to find the Dragonballs but the struggle was far from over. Other than being sure to evade the public eye completely, Trunks had deeper troubles that bothered him at night. How could Pan ask him to turn her to something she was not. He didn't have the right. If it weren't for the freak wishes, he shouldn't even have the open option to turn her into something she wasn't born into. This was insane.

Pan, on the other hand, was adamant in her decision. She didn't view it as a change for the worse but a new beginning that enabled her to be closer than ever to Trunks' emotional needs. Having gone through the unimaginable in only a series of months, she was sure that if anything was going to change, it was her. Being that weak and unconscious for so long made her stomach turn. She was pathetic. She didn't deserve a strong man if she herself couldn't handle herself. This world's full of horror and cruelty and if she was going to stay with Trunks, she had to be stronger both physically and mentally. The only solution was being a Saiyan herself. Sure the prospect of the entire situation was frightening but she quickly beat that stupid emotion down. It was time to be courageous and sacrifice for Trunks for once. Stupid thoughts like that were only going to slow her down. She had to do this. For both their sakes.


Pan held onto to Trunks' hand to support him as the wind picked up around them. The clouds gathered up in a dark storm. Lightening flashed, illuminating the entire sky with each spark. Trunks sighed then stiffened as the Dragonballs glowed and in lightening bolt, Shenlong's outline formed. With one last glow, there appeared a fierce animal that seemed larger than life. Pan felt the urge to step back but stopped herself after a gentle squeeze from Trunks.

"Name your three wishes!" Shenlong boomed.

Trunks heaved and stepped forward. With determined eyes he said, "I wish the inhabitants of Earth other than the Briefs, Pan Son, and Chestnuts, to forget everything they saw or heard about Saiyans!"

Shenlong's eyes glowed. "Name your second wish!"

"I wish Marron Chestnuts jealousy never went out of control again!"

"Name your final wish," the voice echoed.

Pan breathed. This was it. But Trunks didn't say anything. He hesitated and looked down at his shoes. Fists clenched at his sides and jaw tightening, Pan realized what he was going to say before he even uttered the words.

"I wish –" but he was interrupted by a shriek.


He whipped his head around in panic. Pan took advantage of his momentary distraction and screamed as loud as she could.

"I wish I were a quarter Saiyan!"

Shenlong's eyes glowed one last time.

"No! Pan what the hell are you thinking!" Trunks pivoted and grabbed her shoulders in a tight hold, not realizing his strength. He squeezed and only then did he realize his strength outmatched hers.

"Your wishes have been granted," Shenlong sighed. He shot back into the Dragonballs with a mini earthquake. The balls lifted in the air, circling and finally shooting in several different directions with a sonic boom.

"Shit Pan, are you ok?" Trunks released his grip.

"Never better!" Pan chirped and sucker punched him in the jaw. Trunks flew back a few feet. He landed with a thud.

The Briefs gasped and Vegeta smirked. "Brat, you're fucked now!"

"Vegeta!" Bulma scolded.

He simply shrugged. "What woman? It's the truth!"

Trunks lifted himself up on his elbows, using one hand to rub his chin.

"Damn. What was that for?" he demanded, standing up and dusting himself off.

"For being a near idiot and wishing yourself human!" Pan snapped.

"But –" Trunks protested but Pan raised a hand, indicating that it was the end of the discussion.

"You'll be happy in the long run babe," Pan winked. Trunks had the decency to blush a light pink color. Bulma and Bulla resisted a giggle.


Flying over to the Son house, Pan debated on whether or not to tell her parents about her new transformation since they were wished to forget everything they knew about Saiyans. But landing in front of the lawn with Trunks she couldn't believe her eyes.

Her father was lifting a giant tree from its root. Her grandfather was entertaining himself by juggling a couple of boulders and who knew what her mother and grandmother were doing.


Pan and Trunks whirled around and met the single person she hadn't seen forever.

"GOTEN!" Pan flung herself at him with all her might.

"Pan!," Trunks raised a hand to stop her but it was too late to do anything.

But instead of Goten falling back, he stood his ground firmly and returned the hug with as much enthusiasm.

"Where have you been?" Goten asked.

Pan launched into a short version of what happened, eliminating the Saiyan parts leaving him equally bewildered.

"Damn Pan. I wish I knew about that bastard, I'd of knocked a couple of senses into him. But it looks like someone beat me to it."

Goten directed his attention toward Trunks and the rest of the Briefs and bowed in respect of the elders.

"So are these the in-laws?" Goten joked. Pan blushed profusely.

"Goten," she warned but she was cut off by Trunks.

"Yes. You must be my future uncle in-law," Trunks extended a hand and shook Goten's hand firmly with smile.

Pan was going to faint. She was sure it was going to happen. In-law?

"What?" she breathed.

Trunks winked at her. "What else were you expecting? You can't get rid of me now."

Pan felt silent, celebrating in her mind.

"This is my mom, Bulma, and my father, Vegeta. This beautiful young lady is my sister, Bulla," Trunks introduced with a gesturing hand.

Pan watched her uncle exchange polite words with a special interest in Bulla. She quirked an eyebrow and turned to Trunks who was staring at her.

"Marry me," he mouthed.

Pan nodded, her heart accelerating at the secretive intimacy.

"You'll never guess what happened!" Goten was saying to Trunks who was half-listening and half watching at his future bride. "We suddenly got these supernatural powers out of no where! It's awesome. I can jump so high it's crazy!"

This time everyone was listening.

"What?!" there was resounding shock.

"Yeah! We got powers!"

"But how?" Pan turned to Trunks in confusion. He shrugged and turned to his mother who in turn shifted her gaze to Vegeta.

Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"Making her Saiyan was only possible if the bloodline followed. So you ended up changing your entire family's race in the process," he explained in a bored tone. "How else do you plan on being Saiyan without having any trace of it in your blood?"

"Saiyan?" Goten scratched his head.

"If you show me inside Goten, I'll explain everything." Bulla stepped in front of him with her arms behind her back. Goten nodded dumbly and led her inside.

"We should explain it to Pan's parents," Bulma suggested and pulled Vegeta along.

With everyone gone, Trunks wasn't sure how he felt now. It wasn't only Pan but her entire family that was Saiyan.

"I love you," Pan said. "My family is excited about their powers. Just let it go. It's done."

Trunks sighed. This was wrong. But it felt so good to have other Saiyans other than his family.

He heaved a breath and smiled brightly.

"Lead the way, Mrs. Briefs."

-- END --