
You can run to me

Disclaimer: Me no own anything but the meanie Oc.

Warning: SLASH!, Abuse, Mentions of rape.

I know this is something I really don't do, but I wanted to try something different. Then this popped up in my twisted little mind.


"C'mon Wally! You haven't gone out for a while." Lantern swung an arm around the runner's shoulder.

"I know, but I promised I would be there when He got home." Flash said somewhat sheepishly.

"You've havn't been anywhere but with James, you think he's the one?" Clark chuckled.

"He's something." Wally mumbled. It'd been a few months since he met with his boyfriend. His friends early on accepted the fact he was gay, Diana and Shyera went out of they're way to find a 'suitor' for him.

Wally checked the clock and bit his lip.

"I have to go now guys, things to do people too see--see ya!" The he was gone in a second.

"he's been lately." Diana mumured.

"he's been blocking his thoughts, for the past hour, he's been thinking about what came first--a chicken or egg." J'onzz informed. Batman stood by the computer, finger's not moving an inch.

He wasn't one to pry, unless he felt the need too...

His prying senses are tingling. Wally was never the one to turn down a meal when someone else was paying for it. Something ws eating away at the younger and he burned to find out what. Yet, He didn't want to upset the younger one even more if there is something wrong.

"Maybe it's something that's happening in his relationship. He has said that James became more clingy." Clark stated in all of his innocents. "we can't pry, He'll tell us when he's ready." Lantern stated in all of his fatherly wisdom. They all murmured agreements and filed out to go do their respective duities.

Batman didn't follow.

. : Later : .

Bruce looked at the number on the door in front of him.

It was Wally's apartment number. His problem wasn't to the Neighboor hood, everyone he ran into loved the kid. He knocked a few tiems and heard something shuffling around.

"bat--Bruce?!" Wally hissed. Bruce let a smirk slid onto his face and leaned the doorway. "aren't you suppose to let me in now?" He asked dryly.

"who's that, babe?" A voice asked from what sounded like the other room.

"a-a friend." Wally responded looking back behind him. He turned back to Bruce and his eyes narrowed a bit.

"right now isn't a good time, maybe--

"anytime is a good time for any of your friends, Babe!" A arm wrapped possesively around his waist and tugged him away from the door. Bruce stepped in and surved the apartment. Spacious, clean, nice view. His eyes turned back to Wally and --who he assumed-- James. James had dark brown hair that fell into his sapphire eyes a bit, he had a strong build and was obviously taller than the red-head in his arms.

Speaking of that...

Wally wore a shirt that was to large for him and loose jogging pants.

"Wally, baby, go get us something to drink." James nudged Wally to the kitchen and watched him scamper off. "Take a seat, I didn't know Wally had famous friends. A secret I am sure." James said a deep tone.

Bruce didn't like it.

When Wally came back, he handed them each a cup of apple juice. Wally seated himself close James but stiffned when he was pulled onto a lap.

"How long have you known Wally Mr.Wayne?" James asked.

"A few years." Bruce responded tapping his fingers on the glass. Clearly Wally wasn't happy about the postion because he wiggled a bit. His eyes widned when Wally's shirt slid down a bit, showing a bright purple bruise. Bruce leaned in without thinking and his tone was strained.

"where did you get that?" Bruce asked. Wally's eyes widened before long fingers brushed agaisnt it lovingly.

"Wally was rushing this morning and knicked the dresser...didn't you Wally?" James cooed softly. Wally nodded and smiled brightly.

"y-yeah, clumsy me." Wally laughed a bit.

Wally never stuttered.

Bruce stiffly looked at his watch and stood. "I should get going." He mumured. "walk him out." James ordered. wally nodded and Walked Bruce to the door.

"see ya later." Wally mumured softly. He jumped when he felt something slip into his hand before staring at Bruce. After a few minutes, Bruce walked away leaving Wally staring after him.

Wally unfolded the note and read quickly.

'come by my place

or i'll come get you myself.'

Wally rolled his eyes and ran fingers threw his hair.

'yep, that's batman talking.' Wally thought to himself. When he heard James footsteps, he quickly pocketed the note while he closed the door. He cried out when he was pushed agaisnt it and his wrists were held above his head.

"so...a few years, huh?" James asked camly.

"I-I didn't t-think it would matter." Wally responded softly without looking at the other. He flinched deeply when James exhaled loudly and leaned his forhead agaisnt his.

" like making me angry? is that it?" James whispered. "" Wally shook his head and nuzzled the other's cheek. Some panic went away when James let out a sigh in response.

"you're my good boy?" James whispered kissing his cheeks. Wally bit his lip.


"yes what?" James cooed carassing Wally's neck. "I-I...I am you're good boy." Wally whispered brokenly. James chuckled softly and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"let's take a small nap." James led Wally to the couch where he laid him down and covered him with the blanket. Wally knew not to object, when James laid down also, he hid his face in his chest and clutch at his shirt.

"I-I am sorry." Wally whimpered.

"don't be, sweetie. It's just a mistake." James cooed. He rubbed circles into the red-head's back and listened as the soft snores began falling from the rosey lips.

'My good boy.'

Love it? hate it? like it? PLEASE REVIEW!

i am still figuring out how to post stories so i am sorry for the little mix up. and also...

THANK YOU PDOTL!! never hesitate to point out errors, i want my stories to be good enough for everyone to read.

that goes to all of you!!

so never hesitate!
