Sorry this chapter is so short, but it's the finale. It sucks, it's stupid, but i just wanted to finish it so i can get more work done on Malice and Desperation. Not only that, but I'm thinking of something you guys are really going to enjoy. In fact, it might lead to a war on here. This chapter will fill in all the blanks, and will also resolve everything almost at once. That's why I said it was stupid. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I'll find a way to replace this, so thanks again for all the support. Enjoy!

Chapter Seven

It's Getting Hot In Here

Everyone began to rise from their beds. The alarms from their clocks were going off, and they couldn't agree more in thinking that they were the most annoying things on the ship other than Slippy. Thoughts of the mysterious dream the night before flooded their minds. It was about two humans who stated that they controlled all of their lives within reason and boundaries. The two then proceeded to bringing people in to ask them questions and broadcasting it to everyone who knew them. The two were able to bend reality and make things come out of nowhere with a snap of their fingers or something else; everything happened too fast for anyone to notice. What was strange was it didn't feel like a dream. It felt real. Whatever it was, it must've been just their minds playing tricks on them, so they walked into the room they were in the night before.

"Man, weird dream." Fox was the first to say.

"The one where those two brats tell us what to do and have us answer really stupid questions?" Wolf asked.


"We all had the same dream." Roka said.

"Looks like you're back to normal." Bill said.

"Back…with a hangover. Ow."

"Way to ruin that awesome movie line." Falco cut in.

"Isn't it my turn, now?" Roxy asked.

"Kinda. Lyreb's the one who was last it…"

"Who?" Roxy clearly had no recollection of the previous night's events. In everyone else's opinion, other than Roka, it was better that she didn't. "Whatever. Fox, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." He said, yawning.

"Make us all breakfast." A few of them did quiet cheers of approval, while Fox sighed. He figured doing what Roxy said was better than stripping off his boxers.

"Sure. Whatever." He walked into the kitchen, only to turn back for a moment. "But first. Wolf, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." He also yawned.

"Clean up the mess afterwards." Wolf gaped.

"Hell no! Like I'd clean up after-" He was caught in a stare down that seemed to meet no end. All of them had their eyes on him, even his own team. "Fuck. I'm pegged, aren't I?"

"Oh, big time." Then Fox walked into the kitchen. Wolf sighed. He had his eyes closed and remained against the wall until someone whistled.

"Yo, Wolf!" Falco yelled. "Your turn."

"Hmm…Fine. Krystal, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." She answered.

"Kiss Panther." Krystal gasped. Panther's ears shot up. "It's either that, or show everyone one of the two areas." He was pointing at her bra and panties. She sighed and walked over. She reluctantly pressed her muzzle against Panther's, who instantly melted into it. Everyone was chuckling, and it seemed to go on forever, when really it lasted only ten seconds.

"There. Happy?"

"Very." Panther said lightly.

"Falco, Truth or Dare?"


"We keep saying dare. Isn't anyone gonna say truth?" Asked Slippy.

"You just did." Falco answered with a smart-ass tone. "What's the dare?"


"Swiper, stop swiping!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Screamed Falco. He was squirming in the chair, desperately trying to get free. As Krystal shut the door, she bust up laughing. Fox walked in with a huge tray of pancakes.

"What's going on?"

"I just locked him in there and forced him to watch Dora the Explorer." She continued to laugh.

"This is cruel AND unusual! You retards, it's right there, look behind you! Let me out!" Everyone bust up laughing at Falco's remark in the other room.

"So, does that mean I get his turn?" Fox asked. Krystal nodded.

"What the fuck?! Why does he get the turn automatically?!" Wolf complained.

"Cause he made breakfast, douche-wibbler." Bill answered. Wolf paused.

"I'm not a douche-wibbler, you're a-"

"STOP SAYING THAT!!" Everyone yelled.

"Fine. You want the mutt to go next, let him." He began walking off towards the hallway when he stopped. "Say, is it hot in here, or is it just me?"

"You're sick." Roxy said.

"No, I mean it's getting warm in here. Like, desert warm." Now that he mentioned it, everyone began to be feeling the effects of it.

"Damn it, the air conditioning better not be going awry again!" Fox yelled. He then went to go check. Everyone began complaining about the heat while they ate the pancakes. Wolf returned a minute later and sat down by the other two. He had made an idea on the way back.

"Hey guys." He ushered them closer. "I've got an idea. We need to blow this joint, and I know the perfect way to." They began discussing plans, and Bill headed the same way as Fox did.

"Where're you going?" Asked Roka. Bill felt a twinge of annoyance roll it's way up his back.

"I'm gonna see if Fox needs any help." Roka nodded, and Bill resumed. He walked down past many doors before he saw feet sticking out of a vent in the side of the wall. He grabbed one of them and threw Fox out against the wall.

"Ow, what the hell, Bill?!" The canine stared menacingly at him.

"I'm finally gonna get my revenge on you! The kissing dare was just the start!" Fox was confused. Revenge? What did he ever do to Bill? He was his best friend. Before he could ask, Bill pulled out two blasters and starting firing. Luckily, Fox was able to roll out of the way, making the blasts only graze his leg slightly.

"Bill, why are you doing this?!" Bill smacked the side of the blaster against the vulpine's face.

"I'm getting my fucking revenge! You did something that I can't ever forgive!"

"What are you talking about?"


Fox and Bill's days in the academy

Fox was sitting on his bunk, thinking over the day's events. Failing the test on aircraft schematics, getting hit in the balls by one of the other kids, getting detention just because the teacher was having a bad day, and to top it off Bill getting awarded for his exceptional flying skills in the simulator. This was turning from to worst. He made his way over to the small box on the side of the dresser next to his and Bill's bed. The box was open a small amount and the smell of fresh baked cookies was wafting its way through. He opened it and took the last remaining one. As he bit down into it, Bill walked into the room. He was shocked, but felt that it wasn't that bad. It was just one cookie. But a few minutes later, his stomach started growling ferociously. On top of that, he didn't have any money to get anything from the vending machine down the hall, and he didn't want to have to ask Fox. The mess hall wasn't open, and…the last cookie was gone from the box.


"All because I took the last cookie?! Why the hell could you be angry about that?!"

"I was hungry then and there! So, ready for it?" He raised the blaster to Fox's head, and pulled the trigger.


"So, when do we start it?" Panther asked.

"When I send this little beam out." Wolf pointed to a little attachment to his blaster. "It'll make anyone bend to our whim within reason. We use it, then we just dare them. All we have to do is get to our Wolfens in time. Got it?"

"Yep." The other two said. Wolf got up and went into the kitchen. He turned a corner so that he was out of sight. Just as his plan was thought out, there were two mirrors aiming into the other room, straight at his target. He shot the invisible beam at the right angle at the mirror, it reflected to the other, it was sent straight at Krystal. As it hit her she flinched, but then she straightened up and walked into the kitchen.

"Perfect." Wolf whispered. With the mirror, he could see Fox and Bill walking in. He also noticed that the temperature had barely changed. But he was about to leave, so he didn't mind. As Krystal walked in, she stood at attention to Wolf. "Now, what I want you to do is…"


"Fox, what are you covered in?" Asked Roka.

"Semen. Mr. Revenge sprayed it on me." It was true. The white viscous fluid that covered him was semen.

"Ew, gross!" Katt and Roxy said.

"You shouldn't be complaining. You've swallowed more than that in one session." Falco spoke.

"Ever think I would rather have regular vaginal with you?"

"Didn't really cross my mind much." Katt growled.

"Just as blunt as in the dream. No wonder I dumped him in it." Suddenly, the ship started to rock back and forth violently. Everyone was sent into various objects, most of them vases. "Where do all of those fucking vases come from?!"

"How the hell should I know?!" Fox shouted. Once the ship stopped churning, he ran to the control room. Once there, he saw Wolf standing over Krystal, who was dismantling the directional guidance system in the control panel. "Krystal, what are you doing?!" Wolf pressed a button on a small device as she finished.

"Yeah, Krystal. What are you doing?" Wolf asked mockingly.

"I…What? …I don't…" She stuttered. Suddenly, the door opened behind them to reveal another Slippy. "Two Slippys?! What else is gonna happen?!"

"This one is an imposter!" Shouted the new Slippy.

"No, he is." Spoke the original, or at least the one they thought was original.

"Let's find out then!" Bill shot two tazer spikes, one at each of them. The one who was the original barely flinched, while the other fell to the ground screaming. "Clones have much less nerves than originals when made incorrectly."

"How do you know it was made incorrectly? It could just be a robot." Roka asked.

"Because Slippy sucks at making things of artificial intelligence. I mean, look at ROB." The others nodded and said things of approval. Slippy scowled. The clone was then tackled by everyone and beaten to a bloody pulp. Wolf and the rest of Star Wolf ran to the hanger. As the others realized the situation, it was already too late. The Great Fox was burning into the atmosphere of Corneria. Within seconds, it hit the surface with a great explosion.


Up above, outside the atmosphere, Star Wolf laughed in triumph. They were flying away.

"Finally, that pup is brought down! And I was the one to do it!" Wolf cheered.

"But…It's not much of a victory if Krystal was the one that did the dirty work." Leon commented. The three Wolfens halted progress. Wolf thought for a moment.

"Never thought about that." Just as he looked over, an asteroid hit all three Wolfens. It was strange, because asteroids didn't have that pattern of movement in that location. It was as if someone caused it to do that.


All of them were in the hospital in a few hours. All suffered some damage, and the clone was destroyed on impact. What none of them could believe is that they survived at that, for some reason, Corneria City barely took any damage. They figured they would be dead, along with many others on the surface. Instead, there were no casualties. They all returned to duty after a month, Star Wolf going to prison for all the misdeeds they did, and Star Fox received a new cruiser that they simply named the Great Fox. No need to change anything in the name.


This day, it was similar to a month previous. Everyone was doing his or her own thing, which happened to be the same thing. And, just like last time, the lights went out along with all the electronic devices. Everyone showed up into the hanger, where Slippy was mending the lights. They came back on.

"Good thing that didn't go like last time. Then again, that was just a lie." He said, not aware of what he just said.

"What do you mean, Slippy?" Asked Katt.

"Well, last time I switched on the emergency generator, and it turned on everything." Everyone was shocked. Now they realized, it was true and they didn't notice until now. When they saw Falco streaking, when they prank called Star wolf, and all those other times.

"Slippy!" Fox said menacingly. He inched closer to the toad with teeth bared and claws extended. Slippy walked backwards to get away, only to trip over a toolbox. He picked out a wrench and threw it at Fox. He missed and it was sent at the breaker. Once it hit, it sparked and all the lights went out. They were stuck like that for sure. "Great. Now what?" Fox growled after ceasing his progress towards Slippy. Slippy got up and smiled.

"Wanna play Truth, Dare, or Strip?"

I was planning that last line since, like, chapter 3. If you have read the Q&A that was a spin-off of this, then the asteroid and the crash will finally make sense. Remember, look out for the new stuff. I'm sorry I cut this short, but I'll make it up to you! Thanks, everyone! Keep impressing me! Shadow out!