My Sister is the slayer
Disclaimer: I don't own The amazing Twilight or the fantastic Buffy the vampire slayer!
Note: OMG. I am a horrible person. I feel like a horrible person. I have been neglecting my duties as a writer. I feel like I should be shot in the foot. Well, I greatly appreciate all of you who have been reviewing and adding me to their favorites. Here's another chapter for you all lovely people!
(Edward's POV)
"Alright, now explain" I told Buffy and Bella. We were all back at my house, surrounding in the living room. Buffy was sitting on Angel's lap, curled close to him. I saw that love in her dreams the one time she was sleeping. Looking into both Buffy's and Angel's thoughts, I could see how strong their love truly was. It almost felt like their love could match mine and Bella's.
"Explain what?" Bella asked as she leaned into me as we sat on the spot next to Buffy and Angel. "How you two are sisters!" practically everyone shouted at the same time. The sisters flinched before laughing. "Alright, basically before my mom left Charlie, she got pregnant with Buffy" Bella told us before letting Buffy take over. "We lived in LA for most of our lives and then lived in Arizona. then Bella decided to come live with Charlie and mom and me moved to Sunnydale" Buffy looked at Bella. "So, Buffy and I made a pact. New lives, single child" Bella shrugged.
"But...even when we visited..." I was beginning to get confused. And that was something I didn't like. "I tended to be off with Giles trying to stop some demonic trouble" Buffy explained. "Plus, Buffy and I had mastered this lie. Can you imagine? me good at lieing about something" everyone laughed at Bella's little joke. "Well, I guess we can call Giles to get us" Oz stated calmly.
Buffy nodded in agreement "I'd like to see my dad first, he's supposed to check out of the hospital" Buffy added her finger entwined with Angel's. "I apologize for what happened with Charlie as well" Angel murmured. "Don't worry about it Angel, you weren't yourself" Esme said generously, Happy to have us all back safe and sound A piercing howl cut through the air. The wolves?
"What is that?!" Willow asked as she covered her ears. "Werewolves" I growled as my family and I ran out to the back yard. Sam was there in wolf form, along with the rest of the pack; well of course one was missing. Bella stayed behind me as her sister and the others stayed indoors, looking through the glass.
Cullen. a woman was killed a few days ago. Know anything about it?
Sam was not happy. I knew he was more level headed then most, but this was seeming to piss him off. "They found out that woman was killed" I told the others.
Oh no
These were Angel's thoughts. He stepped out and walked up beside me. I raised an eyebrow at him as drops of rain began to fall from the sky. "Its my fault. I killed the woman and I'm sorry. Kill me if you wish" Angel walked forward more and got on his knees acceptingly.
(Buffy's POV)
No. No. No. They wouldn't kill Angel, would they? A growl came from the alpha and the large brown one at it's side moved forward. "NO!" I shouted and ran out of the house, jumping over Angel and Kangaroo kicking the large wolf in the face as it went for Angel. It growled at me as I landed on my feet, pulling out two daggers that were hidden in my boots.
The grey one with speckles launched at me, growling and ready to kill. Angel was quicker though; appearing in front of me, grabbed the grey one's fur and throwing it into a tree. All the wolves were on alert now. Angel and i were back to back, ready to fight for eachother. Something amazing happened.
Bella and Willow ran up to my side, hugging me. Oz wasn't far behind. All the Cullens formed a circle of protection around us. "Why do you protect them?" Edward spoke in a monotone and something told me he was speaking for the alpha.
"Angel was under a spell. You should know by willingly giving himself over he cannot be evil" Jasper of all people spoke up, and for that I was grateful. "He has to leave before the day is over, or we hunt him" Edward spoke for the Alpha again before the wolves sunk into the forest. "Looks like I wont get to say goodbye to dad" I grumbled and put my daggers away.
Everyone calmed down and faced Angel and myself. Willow and Bella let go so I took Angel's hand. "One more question" Bella asked as Edward put an arm around her. "Angel went evil because he lost his soul correct? Does that mean Some vampires have souls, and some don't?" I looked up to Angel for that answer.
"I think I always had a soul, even when I was turned. It was just tainted. And I think that's true now. Its not about having a soul or not. Its about evil covering that soul or not" Angel stated firmly. I saw Bella smile up at Edward a bit smugly.
I couldn't figure out what that whole ordeal was about.
(Bella's POV)
Giles was quick to get here. I was a bit surprised. I hugged Buffy tightly "I'll tell Charlie you love him, say hi to mom for me" I told her in a sisterly way. I looked up at Angel who nodded to me politely "Take care of her. I can tell you love her alot" I patted his upper arm approvingly.
Edward and Buffy stared at eachother for a moment before my litle sister cracked a smile "I guess you won't be such a bad brother-in-law" Buffy told him as they shook hands, her smile making the dimple on her cheek show. "I'll take that as a compliment" Edward chuckled.
Alice skipped up and kissed Buffy's cheek in only the way Alice would. Buffy laughed and pulled the pixie into a hug. "See you soon, sis" Alice stated knowingly. We all looked at her, but she just skipped back over to Jasper.
Willow and Oz waved as they climbed into Giles' van. Buffy and Angel smiled at us one last time before climbing in as well. "Hey Alice, what were you talking about a moment ago?" Rosalie asked as the van started away. "Buffy won't be the slayer forever, and we will see her soon. trust me" Alice chirped happily.
"Cool" Emmett muttered goofily. "Cool indeed" I agreed as I watch the van drive away with the slayer. With my sister.
20 Years Later....
Edward leaned in and kissed me passionately. We were alone today, our family back at the house. We lived in Wisconsin, which was pretty good to keep cover for a while. We were in the snowy streets not caring who saw us. I loved being a vampire.
"I love you" Edward whispered agaisnt my lips. "And I love you" I whispered back before kissing him again. With my enhanced eyesight, I caught a flash of gold. I broke the kiss to turn my head in the direction of the shining gold. For a split second I thought it was the sun breaking through.
No, it was hair. An inhumanely beautiful girl sat on a bench, her long hair shining like real gold. Her skin was nearly as pale as the snow, she wore layers of clothing like everyone else, but didn't seem affected by the cold. A tall man with equally pale skin and short crew cut dark brown hair sat by her and wrapped an arm around her, giving her a soft kiss.
I noticed they shared the same topaz eyes as Edward and myself. The girl smiled and I saw a dimple appear on her cheek. "Edward, look" I murmured hopefully. "I know" Edward took my hand and we both paused for a moment.
The couple looked at us for a moment, then they both smiled.
Edward and I walked across the street to Buffy and Angel.
END!!!!!!!!! That was my perfect ending to my story, Its sort of what I wished would happen between Buffy and Angel. Thank you for all you have done for me! I appreciate all the reviews and adds you people have given me. I can't believe it took me over a year to write this. Well, what's done is done. Love all of you Buffy fans and Twilight fans. Have an awesome life!!