A few days went by and things had apparently worked out at the library. Sam had spent the most of his time at his apartment, sleeping or simply spending time with Jessica. His haunting dream hadn't happen again and he was happy about that fact. Maybe it was all the hunting stress coming back in that had made him have these dreams...

Halloween was close, and the campus was already decorated for the event. There was this party going out that night, and Sam knew that it would be to go around with others dressed up. But with all what he knew about the real Halloween, there was just no way he would fall for the costume contest.

When he woke up that morning, an envelope was left on the night table with a yellow post-it on it. The post-it read : "I'm out at Becky's place. Open this up and let me know how you did!" The envelope could only contain one thing: the LSAT score.

Sam dressed up as soon as he could and went out, running to meet Jessica and the others when he ran into someone who fell on the floor.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

It took Sam a few seconds to recognize Hannah under the pile of paper that had fell on her. Sam helped her out and picked up her documents and gave them back to her.

"Sam, you have to stop trying to hurt me man! I'm gonna start thinking that you really do hate me!" She said grinning.

"I am so sorry. Hey! I thought since the job is done that you would be gone by now. What are you still doing here?"

"Honestly, I wanted to take a look at the campus one more time. You know even though I wasn't a real student I still had a small job here so I'm finishing it today and leaving tonight."

They both looked at each other for a small pause until Sam took out the letter he had just received this morning.

"I got my LSAT score today. I scored a 174."

"You what?! Oh my God Sam that is so awesome!" Hannah placed the documents on the ground before giving Sam a hug which she almost had to jump to reach his neck.

"Thank you. I still cannot believe I could do so great with everything that happened lately."

Hannah let go of Sam and took her documents back with a sad face on.

"What is it?" asked Sam.

"I don't know... I just feel this hunt... It's weird the way we got rid of the spirit."

"Well aren't you glad that it's over?"

"Yeah I am, don't get me wrong..." but Hannah really wanted to talk about something else. Sam could see it in her eyes...

"Well there's a party tonight, a Halloween party. I'm sure my friends and I will be out enjoying it. You should come too."

"A Halloween party? Dude you of all people here should know what Halloween really is."

Sam smiled. "Yeah, but that's part of the normal-safe life I guess."

"And that's why you're not gonna dress up, right?"

Sam looked at her intrigued. "How do you know I'm not going to dress up?"

"I just know the type of guy you are. And I do hope that you know it too."

"What do you mean?"

"Sam, if you want to live out like this, fine. I'm sure with that LSAT score that you can go into any law schools you want now, and that you will live a happy loving life. But you cannot escape who you really are, and that's what I've been trying to tell you all along! And your family- I mean come on Sam, I am sure they are really worried about you."

Sam scoffed. "Is this really how you want to say goodbye? By trying to pull me back to that life? I'm sorry Hannah, I do feel like we're friends and all, but we've only known each other for a few weeks and now just suddenly you feel like you're my mother?"

"I didn't say that Sam!" Hannah was angry that Sam didn't get her message, but was showing a worried look instead. "I just want you to know what's best for you."

"What is it? A life of going around the country, killing things most people don't even know of? I do know what's best for me, and I've got it here!"

Hannah felt her heart break. "Fine. I am sorry about pulling you into this again. I am sorry for asking for your help. I am sorry for ever caring about you and your safety!" She could feel tears running down her cheeks as she turned around.

"Hannah-" started Sam.

Hannah turned around. "Please take care of yourself Sam." And then walked away.

Sam took a few seconds to get in what had just happened before he left for his apartment. He had even forgotten why he had stepped outside in the first place, remembering only when Jessica came back from Becky's.

"Hey sleepy head. Did you see my note?" She said as she lied down next to her boyfriend on their bed.

"I did it Jess. I scored a 174." He said it with sadness in his tone. Jessica, on the other hand, thought he was only still asleep.

"Oh my God! That is wonderful news" She told him as she kissed him on the lips. "You have any plans yet?"

"I already gave Stanford a call. I have an interview on Monday. If everything goes well this would mean we'll be here for another few years like we've planned to do already."

"I cannot believe it! I am so proud of you Sam! We are so going to celebrate this tonight!" She got up the bed. "I've got you a present."

"What is it?" Sam asked as he sat on the bed.

"You just wait and see!" Jessica winked as she left for the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later with a sexy nurse uniform on.

"Tada! You like?" She said smiling.

Sam smiled back. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

Jessica got on the bed and sat in front of her boyfriend. "Ooh, Sam's having a fever. Better have a look-up on that." She kissed him on the lips, a kiss he returned.


So there you go; enters the Pilot episode! Hannah is going to be back in another story real soon! Until then keep on reading!! :D