"The atmosphere of this particular planet is--

Danny flew above the skies at lightning speed and barged through the doors of Plasmius' Wisconsin home. "Hand her over, fruit loop!" Danny raised his fists and looked around to see but no one and nothing in the home. "PLasmius?" He heard an echo of his voice. "Anyone?" He walked to Vlad's study room and saw an empty room. "Where are you?" He said to himself. He then put his hand on the shelf, finding one dusty book. He looked closely at it and tried to pick it up but it acted as a lever, pushing down and unleashing a large board that dropped from the ceiling. He turned around in shock to see a large map with X's marked in all the major cities. "Oh no…" He examined it further, touching frighteningly the X's on Paris, Tokyo, London, New York. "He's planning to destroy the whole world…" He then saw a tiny blue circle at the corner of his eye. He turned to it and saw the circle placed smack dab in the middle of the North Pole.

There was a blizzard that night but the sky was a brimming snow like color because of the hail and snow flakes pouring down from the clouds. Danny few through them, destroying the large hails in his way. "This is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack." He said to himself, seeing the completely white ground below him.

"I don't think you understand how dangerous child rebellion can be." Plasmius explained to her, throwing her back into the garden like prison.

She groaned, sitting up.

"Hear that?" Plasmius faked. "That's the sound of your freedom, fluttering away. And the sound of your soul, dying off."

Remi's eyes weakened as she watched him explain.

"You want to protect your town, I understand. Your loved ones, your friends. But you and me. The outcasts. While they're having fun do they know our pain? Does anyone really know what we are living for?"

Danny blasted an ecto blast at the last large glob of snow but saw only hard ice. He hit it in frustration. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the blue circle doesn't mean hiding place." He sighed, sitting on an ice cube. He took out the necklace from his blouse and examined it with sadness.

"I know how you don't like my potions and stuff so…" She pulled a necklace out, grasping it firmly and dangling it before him, still facing away from him. "I made you a good luck charm necklace!"

He closed his eyes and put it back in his blouse. He then looked up, seeing the silver moon in the white sky.

"And I know I hated the moon last night because it was so beautiful and you weren't there to see it with me."

He looked back before him. "Remi, I'll find you. I promise." He then blinked. "Is it just me or is this seat hot?" He stood up and examined the ice block and saw that it opened at the top, a long gray smoke escaped it. "A chimney?"

He stuck his head into the floor and saw a home of metal. "Skulker." He said, seeing the large ghost examine his gun with pride.

"And this little ghost went to the market." He said, shooting at a vase.

Plasmius stepped it, grabbed the bullet with his bare hands. "Quit it…" He said viciously.

Danny flew through the room in a transparent state, flying through rooms to look for Remi.

Remi looked up at the sky, sitting by the lake with her feet in the water. She examined the moon. "Are you looking for me now, Danny? What are you thinking about, Danny? Are we never going to see each other again?"

Danny fell through the wall and looked around him confusedly.

"I pretend like I'm not thinking about you but there's no one in the world I care for more." She said to herself.

Danny stumbled through the trees and saw the familiar back of a beautiful girl. "Remi!" He said joyously.

"Sometimes I can even hear you call my name." She said.

"REMI!" He cupped his mouth and called with a large smile.

"Really clearly." Remi blinked.

"Murdok!" Danny finally yelled.

She turned her head and felt her feet freeze in the water in the most amazing way. Danny ran to her, she who hugged him back lovingly held on to his neck tightly while he excitedly raised her from the air and made spiral waters from her feet and they twirled. He finally put her down, giving her one more hug.

"Remi, you idiot. Why didn't you be more careful?" He said with a smile.

"I didn't think you'd find me."

She lifted her head from his shoulders and their smiles faded. They were caught staring into each others eyes. The two slowly closed them and Danny leaned in.

"REMIRA!" A voice called.

"It's Plasmius!" Remi stepped to the right, causing Danny to fall into the lake.

He stood up again. "What?"

"I said it's Plasmius." Remi repeated.

"Let's go now!"

"No! He has my powers. I can't leave without them."

"Then I'll fight him now!"

"No! Not now! You have to be ready!"

"I've trained enough!" Danny hung on to her hands but she forced him to let go, pushing him away for his own safety.

"You haven't. You don't know what he's capable of now. Danny, it's not what it seems" Remi said.

"What isn't?" Danny raised an eye brow.

"Remira!" The voice called again.

"Just go! He's coming to Amity Park, till then, wait for me. And be ready."

"I will." Danny smiled, still hanging on to her hands. "I'll fight for you no matter how much it takes."

Remi felt her heart throb at his words. "Yeah."

"And I'll protect you."

"You will."

"Remira!" The voice called finally.


Danny let go of her and ran back but paused, taking off his necklace and placing it on the branch of a tree for her to get later on. "I promise." He took off.

"Remira!" Plasmius walked in. "Did I hear… voices?'

"I-I was talking to myself!"

"About what?!" Plasmius growled, turning his head in the direction of the necklace.

Remi panicked as he almost saw it, reaching her hand out. "About!—"

He slowly turned his head around.

"Joining you in destroying Amity Park…" She said, drawing her hand back.

Plasmius cocked an eye brow."Really? How wonderful!"

Remi nodded.

"How joyous! How incredible! How…" He paused. "Too good to be true." He raised his fist and tore the necklace from the branch.

Remi watched him with a quiver as he walked in her direction.

"I'll fight for you no matter how much it takes. " He mocked. "And he will! He'll fight till his death! And when he dies. I'll make sure you're there to see it."

He stared into her trembling eyes and gave a long laugh.

"Isn't it weird how whenever you want the movie, you can't find it, but if you don't want it, you find it anyways?" Tucker pondered aloud, looking through a collection of DVD's before him.

"Noo, that's just called lack of observation." Sam pointed out.

"There you guys are!" Danny ran in through the doors.

"Oh, hey, Danny. What's u--."

"How are my two best friends in the whole wide world?!" Danny threw his arms around the two.

"Oh god, what did you do, and tell me quick." Sam said, trying to breath through his hug.

"Nothing, I did absolutely nothing." Danny let go of the two.

"Well, either you fell and hit your head or you ate something you weren't supposed to." Sam said.

"Nah, I'm just feeling—well, love. For my family and friends." Danny shrugged.

"Riiight, so, we're renting movies for tonight. Which do you prefer? The Attack of the Neptune Martians?" Tucker lifted a DVD.

"Or Fredina vs. Jasona?" Sam held up a DVD.

"How about something a little different?" Danny grabbed a random movie and tossed it to them happily.

Sam caught it. "The journal?! Even I'm not into this sappy stuff."

"Me neither but it's starting to sound okay. Like-- like love." Danny pointed.

Tucker cocked an eye brow. "Okay then, forget the movie. Let's just rent a CD!" He snapped to the man at the counter. "Hit it."

The man nodded, playing the latest song of Dumpty Humpty.

"Nah." Danny smiled, rested his back on the counter. "Try another song, something elegant. Like—like love." He pointed again.

The man shrugged and played a CD which sang a lovely instrumental.

"Yes! Perfect!" Danny grabbed Sam happily and began dancing around the store.

"What's gotten into you?!" Sam said with a blush between twirls.

"Apparently, love." Tucker scratched his head.

"Love is not something you should trust your life with, Remira." Plasmius threw a few roses which fell to the bottom of the dark dungeon. Remi sat at the bottom of it agitatedly, she was surrounded by a shallow dark puddle and dark stone walls. "Now, friendship… Partnership… That's something you can trust. If you understand that, I will treat you normally."

"I'll never be your partner." Remi shouted up at him.

"Then get used to being treated as a prisoner!" Plasmius yelled back. "Your trip to Amity Park will be a torturous one." He walked away. "Oh, and one more thing." He turned back at her. "Are your eyes getting paler?" He smiled, turning and walking back.

Remi gasped, looking into her reflection from the small puddle to see her eyes growing to a sad shade of grayish green.

"Today's the day." Tucker said, looking into the sky with his arms folded.

"They could come any minute." Sam said.

"I still can't get out that thing Remi told me out of my head." Danny thought aloud. "It's not what it seems…"

"Maybe he's going to come with a disguise." Tucker shrugged.

"Or maybe he wants to force riddles down your throat." Sam folded her arms.

"Or maybe she means that despite everything we know about him, his power is unpredictable." Danny rubbed his chin.

"What does that mean for us?" Tucker said concernedly.

"That means we need to get everyone to safety before he comes."

"Everyone, please remain calm. Enter the gym room in a single file." Mady assisted the public into Casper High. "Everyone stay calm."

"What are we doing here? Don't tell me another ghost is coming." Paulina howled.

"Everyone in Amity Park is in here." Dash scratched his head.

"People, remain calm, remain calm. I'll make sure that this town is kept to safety." The mayor stood on his own portable stage in the gym and flashed a smile at the cameras who took several picture of his white teeth.

"And so yet again, the safety of the people is the mayor's first priority." Lance thunder announced to the cameras with a few Casper High students making faces behind him.

"Hey, hey, Didn't I tell you NO CAMERAS?!" Sam shoved her fingers before the T.V cameras.

"If the entire school can fit in the auditorium, we can sure as heck make the entire town fit in the school!" Lance stood up a chair with his necktie messily tied around his head. "We've reached the climax of our on going plot! I will not have one hair on my student's head harmed!" Lancer threw his hands in the air.

"The anti ghost shield is ready for activating." Jack put his thumb up.

"Thanks you guys." Danny said, standing by the entrance.

"You haven't explained anything to us yet, Danny." Mady put her hands on her hips.

"I promise, it'll all be clear when they come." Danny put his hands up defensively.

"When who come?" Jasper stepped in.

"You'll see." He smiled.

"Do you know when he's coming?" Sam stood up, looking out the window.

"Not yet. It could be soon." Danny replied.

Suddenly, a loud cackling laugh rang loudly throughout Amity Park, shaking the walls and causing a few to fall to the floor.

"Or now." Danny looked up. Danny ran out the school and stopped once he saw the ground quake before him and Plasmius approach with Skulker behind him.

"Daniel." Plasmius grinned. "Come to hand me over your town?"

Skulker held Remi's wrists,

"Who is that?" Mrs. Fenton squinted.

"No…" Mrs. Murdok said, tip toeing to see out the window. She grabbed binoculars from Jack's neck and broke through the crowd. "Oh, could it be?" She examined through the window.

Dan dragged his body through the floor, crawling under people's legs. "It's Remi!"

"Remi! Eagle Egg!" Mrs. Murdok raised her hand and waved.

"Mom!" Remi jumped up but was set back down by a overwhelming feeling of tire.

"Are you alright?!" Jasper stepped on the window ledge.

"Just tired." Remi said.

"I thought so." Jasper sighed.

"You know what my only concern is." Danny said.

"You'll be dead before she dies." Skulker laughed.

"I hate to admit it but Skulker could be right about Remi's time. Her eight day time dies out in three hours." Tucker looked at his hand held which had a timer set on the screen.

"Hand her over." Danny said.

"Oh, that's not important. Come, let's have a chat." Plasmius raised his arm and called Danny forward with his two fingers that nudged towards him twice.

"Better yet, lets fight." Danny stroke a fighting stance.

"You read my mind." Plasmius leered.

"Not so fast, Plasmius. I've gotten you this far. I expect my reward now." Skulker reached his hand forward.

"Very well." Plasmius frowned, raising his hand and inventing before him high tech equipment complete with high class ecto guns and other crafty creations. He handed them to Skulker.

"Finally!" Skulker cheered, letting go of Remi.


Plasmius flew above him. "I wont make the mistake of under estimating you again!" He raised his arms.

"AAH!" Danny cried, flying up towards him with a punch which sunk into Plasmius like water. Plasmius disappeared. "What?" Danny paused.

"Over here." Vlad teased, apprearing behind him. Danny quickly turned around and gave another punch which only had the same affect. Confused, he turned around to see this time, two Plasmiuses surrounding him. He punched both but they disappeared, with five behind him. "You've done your little magic trick now fight me like a man!" He continued punching the illusions.

"Its useless. Plasmius has great control over Remi's magic." Jasper pointed out. "He's not going to make it."

Mrs. And Mr. Fenton grit their teeth. "Then we will do everything we can to prevent it!" Mady cheered, running out the door with guns in their hands.

"Your power time is over you ghost-monster-witch-FIEND!" Mady cried, holding the gun above her head.

"I'll tackle you harder than I've ever tackled my turkey sandwhich!" Jack roared.

"My, you're on a roll." Mady paused with a smile.

"Hm." The plasmiuses smiled at their useless cries.

Suddenly a large blob of ecto plasmic goo flew at them and pinned them against the walls of a building.

"Can't you see he's busy?!" Skulker cried out, holding his new weapon proudly.

"Mom! Dad!" Danny called to them.

Plasmius grinned. "Don't distract yourself!" He copied a million of himselves to surround Danny and circle him in a dizzy spiral.

Meanwhile, below them, Remi fell to her knees and gave a large cough. Her eyes grew dimmer but thankfully still had a glow within her pupils which indicated life. She looked up to see that the moon had fully risen.

"Mr and Mrs Fenton!" Sam ran out the school.

"Sam!" Tucker called.

Sam jumped up and grabbed one of the Plasmius' feet. "Leave Danny alone!"

"Pathetic!" He laughed, flinging her over next to Jack and Mady and magically molding on the wall over her body to keep her in place.

"Sam!" Remi and Danny called out.

"No one harms my students and gets away with it!" Lancer jumped up and chased after them.

"Don't be ridiculous." Plasmius laughed, raising his hand and turning Lancer into a chair which he threw at Skulker who sat on it comfortably.

"This is…. Highly uncomfortable." Lancer said.

All the Plasmiuses spoke at once. "Are you all done trying to interfere?! Or should I break that school with my bear hands and finish you off before you can even see me ruin your town?!"

Danny gritted his teeth and blew an endless stream of ecto blasts at the illusions and gave up when they finally merged to one.

"Are you ready to fight for real this time?!" Danny said between pants.

"Why fight when you can have others do it for you?" Plasmius raised his arms and soon, the buildings around him transformed to large statues of himself.

"Oh, boy." Danny looked up at them.

"Get him." Plasmius ordered. Suddenly the statues broke their feet off the ground and walked towards Danny.

"AH!" Danny threw ecto blasts at each but as one died out, another one was soon created. He endlessly threw a million of them in every direction, but they kept drawing closer and closer.

"Haha! The boy's cornered!" Skulker laughed, sitting on his pile of new weapons, admiring the fight.

"Danny." Remi said shakily. "What do I do?" She said to herself, giving another large cough.

"What do we do?" The crowd in the school sighed.

"Remi, do something!" Sam yelled.

Remi looked up.

"You're the only one who has the capability of doing so!" Tucker called out.

"Humph." Skulker laughed. "Have you forgotten that all of the girl's 'capability' had gone to Plasmius?"

"He's right." Remi said unsteadily. "The only way I'd still have any power left in me, I'd have to be a—"

"An all-witch." Jasper said. "Well you are."

Remi looked at her curiously.

"Magic doesn't appear in people randomly. It's either genetic or a power within them already. Your nana and I knew right from the start. You were an all-witch." Jasper said.

"You can't prove anything with that. You don't know if I am." Remi looked away.

"You have to try." Her father said.

"You have to, Remi!" Tucker said.

The crowd in the school all stood up. "You can do it" "You have to" "Danny needs your help"

She stood up as they did. "Everyone…" She said with a warm smile.

The stone statues crowded up around Danny and he was completely cornered.

Remi turned to him with a worried expression and nodded to the public. "Please, work." She put her hands to her heart. She looked up and ran towards the statues. "I'm going to have to borrow that!" She said to Skulker, grabbed a few of his guns. She threw them up in the air and pointed at the statues and they quickly transformed into petals which flew before the statues eyes and proceeded in circles, making them lose balance in dizziness and fall.

"Yeah!" The crowd cheered.

"Remi!" Danny looked up at her with a bright smile, breaking free from the toppled stone figures.

Remi smiled back but her happy façade was soon broken once she felt her eyes grow dimmer.

"Oh no, don't tell me she's still going to lose her soul." Tucker cried.

"It doesn't undo the spell. She, right now has no magic." Jasper said.

"How can that be?!"

"Magic isn't just about spells and potions. Some have magic that comes straight from the heart. But its not enough to keep your body balanced. It's only enough to save a life before yours is taken."

"Can you do more of that?" Danny flew up.

"Definitely!" Remi looked up and smiled.

Remi raised her hands. "Re-direct your focus!" She said with a smile. They quickly turned and charged for Plasmius.

"Don't make me serious." Plasmius grinned, raising one hand and releasing the life from the stone creatures, they fell and merged with the ground to disappear.

"Don't make me laugh." Danny said cockily with his arms folded.

Plasmius grinned. "Try laughing at this one!" He raised his fist and pounded it against the floor.

"Uh-oh." Danny said.

Soon, there was a sound of shattering glass inside the floor followed by the breaking of the ground and making a crack on the floor which continued down the road. Remi jumped off in time as the crack passed her and headed towards Casper High and broke off a bit of the school as the students cowered, running to the safe side of the building. He then raised his fists and ordered long vines pop out from the crack and chase after Danny and Remi. The vines, with sharp thorns sticking dangerously out of the tips were as fast as Danny was.

Plasmius laughed, standing on the head of the giant stone version of himself, chasing Remi who ran hopelessly before him. Danny flew from above and sweep himself under the stone figure's feet and grabbed Remi before the foot smashed against the floor. Remi held his neck tightly and looked at him. "Drop me." She smiled.

"You don't have your broom!" Danny looked at her.

"Trust me." She smiled.

"Okay." He smiled back, dropping her on the stone's head.

"Hey, Vladamir!" She smiled.

"Huh?!" He turned around only to see a fist fly at his face and throw him to the ground.

He laughed as he approached the still sunset. Remi turned around to face another statue and continued her fight.

"You wanna fight, fruit loop? Let's fly!" Danny made twirles and tumbles into the air and circled Plasmius. He stopped in front of Vlad with ecto blasts in his hands.

Plasmius aimed for Danny's head and threw his blast, Danny dodged it and struck for his chest. Their spar continued on while thoughts ran through Plasmius' mind.

This is it

Plasmius turned to the right as Danny charged with another blast. Vlad turned back to face him.

His weakness

Plasmius flew around the buildings with Danny on the other side. They watched each other as the walls stood before them.

"I know what you are!" Plasmius laughed while they circled the buildings.

"I am about to beat you!" Danny laughed back.

"You are a tragedy!" Plasmius smiled, anticipating the end of the fight.

"Me?! Tragic?!" Fenton laughed once again, twirling the ecto blast in his hand. He flew forwards and in between the buildings, ready to strike once more.

"She was leaving you, Daniel." His words stuck him like thunder. He smiled evilly. Danny paused as he stood between the clouds, feeling himself listening to Plasmius' words as he spoke his inner thoughts. "Your Remi. Was leaving you." PLasmius now twirled around Danny in large circles as he stood still in the same spot, speechless and at loss for words. He was twirling in a sea of secrets as Hook read them all to him like a pathetic story book one reads to children. The sky behind them turned to a shade of the deepest most disheartening plum colored wine.

"Why should she stay?" Plasmius continued. Danny looked down at Remi who now fought with another statue with a smile on her face as she twirled and moved around, flinging her hands as bursts of gold flew from them. "What do you have to offer?!" he continued.

Danny looked up at Plasmius and yelped as he blocked the sudden blow that he struck.

"We are creatures of the underworld, Daniel. We cannot afford to love." PLasmius said strictly. "She'd rather leave than to stay with you, because of what you've said to her!" He continued.

Danny gritted his teeth and watched Vlad circle him once again.

"Let us now take a peep into the future!" Plasmius watched the helpless Danny happily. "She's in her house. The door is shut!"

Danny tightened his grip and charged at Plasmius with his fist. "I'll open it!" Plasmius blocked it with his arm. And they were face to fasce, pushing blows against each other.

"I'm afraid it's locked." Plasmius said in fake sympathy.

"I'll call her name!" Danny continued as he pushed his arm forcefully against Plasmius'.

"She can't here you." Plasmius pushed back.

Danny gritted his teeth once more.

"He can't see you." Plasmius smiled.

"No!" Danny yelled back.

"She's forgotten all about you." He said finally. "She doesn't love you."

Danny face suddenly stiffened and he felt the black sky behind him. He gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and pushed Plasmius with great force, throwing him back. He charged after him, kicking him down onto the floor. And so Plasmius did, making a large bang which turned the heads of everyone.

"Danny?" Remi looked at him.

"Oh no. The time." Tucker looked at his stop watch.

Danny struggled to stand up.

"And you know what's better?" Plasmius raised his hands and slowly increased in size.

Remi grew heavy. "Danny."

"The time." Sam looked up.

"I'm going to kill all your friends."

Danny stood up.

"Right in front of your eyes." Plasmius laughed.

"Oh no." Tucker grabbed a bow and arrow from Mady and Jack's trunk of emergency weapons and stuck it out the window. He aimed carefully, still shaking greatly. "Oh no, please, please, please, please. NO!" He let go of it again and Danny caught it with one hand, gritting his teeth and Plasmius' words.

"You're wrong Plasmius." Danny smiled. "No one was leaving me. And I am not foolish for being a hero. Because in reality, You are nothing but a pathetic fruit loop." He smirked.

The crowd cheered behind him as he threw the arrow directly at his heart.

"PLASMIUS!" Skulker ran.

"And as for you!" Danny raised his fist and hit Skulker's jaw, tossing him back painfully.

Until, suddenly, The stop watch went off.

Remi's eyes turned a pale gray and Danny turned his head around in shock.

"AAAH!" Plasmius yelled and the whole world shuddered as light came from Plasmius' body and pread to different parts of the world. His light restored the powers of the three ghosts and the large Plasmius statues disappeared.

Danny felt him lose his balance and the world grew quiet for a moment. Danny approached Remi who stood lifeless.

"Remi?" Danny approached her, putting his hands on her shoulders.

The crowd embraced each other in sadness.

"It's done now. It's all done. You can come back…" He shook her.

The crowd behind him looked away ashamedly, Remi's parents crying on each other's shoulders.

"Come on…" He said as a whisper. He tightened his grip on her. "Come on! Why now! I couldn't even tell you anything!" He caught his breath. "I couldn't apologize for the things I said! I couldn't apologize for making you think you weren't so important. I wanted you to know that no one would ever hate you! If they ever do, it's because they're stupid!" He cried out in front of her. "They're idiots for not knowing! I mean how could someone not see what's right in front of them?! How extraordinary you are! How beautiful you look! How big your heart is?! I'm not even that smart and I can see it! It's so obvious. You're the easiest person in the world to love." He put his hand on her cheek and felt no response. He lowered his head and felt his heart drop, he slowly put his arms around her and embraced her for the final time. "For what it's worth… I love you."

"Danny?" he heard a beautiful voice say. And he looked up the moment he heard it.

Right back to where we started from- Cleopatra

The sun rose from behind them, releasing a lovely melon shade with sprays of pink and orange.

He slowly released her and took a look at her face, tears were streaming from her bright green eyes.

The crowd looked up at them with a shocked expression and her mother held her mouth in sheer happiness.

Danny felt the tears in his eyes dry up and grow wet at the same time.

Remi raised her hands and rubbed her eyes with her palms and released them, smiling with a beautiful blush of pink on her cheeks. She gave a small cheery laugh at Danny's shocked expression.

Danny then, shook his head and smiled happily at her. "Remi! I--."

Remi smiled back and turned around and took a few long strides away from him. She turned back with a smile. She drew one foot back, ready to run. "Danny." She smiled.

"W-wait. Remi!" Danny put his hand up defensively.

"I love you!" She ran towards him and spread her arms out and ran towards him with a large smile.

The people of the town stood around the school, some on ladders and some on the floor. They all had a hammer in one hand and a can of paint in the other, fixing the broken walls of the school from the incident before. Paulina laughed, handing Dash the can of paint which he used to dip Kuan and his paint brushes in to paint the walls which were also being worked on by Valerie as she hammered new windows.

"To properly hammer wood, you must be one with the wood." Dan and Lola said in a circle surrounded by many students who nodded in new hippy clothing.

"Boys, girls! We've run out of glue, you can melt the material with some of our ecto guns!" Mady raised one up.

"Tucker, you were supposed to paint that wall white!" Sam yelled.

"It's better in a yellow." He admired his nails.

Sam rolled her eyes. "And where's Remi and Danny through all of this?!"

"Taking a break, what else?"

Sam gave a smile.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah." She took a photo out from her pocket of her, tucker, and danny. She smiled at it and put it back in. "I've got three of the greatest friends I could ask for. I need nothing more."

Tucker smiled warmly.

"Come back and finish the school! I came running after you and now they think I'm slacking." Remi stepped in the room with paint on her cheek.

Danny sat on his bed tiredly. "Cut me some slack! My arms are aching!" He fell on the bed with a smile.

"And we all thank you for it." Remi sat next to him. He sat up with a smile.

"Remi, I never really did get to thank you." Danny said, still laying on the bed but stealing a few lovely glances at Remi.

"Thank me?" Remi copied with a cocked eye brow. "All this time I've honestly just been getting in the way of things. I 'm thanking you."

"Do you really think that?" He sat up with a serious expression. Remi turned her head to face him casually but was caught in shock on a count of he drew his face quite closely to her's, putting his hand on her cheek. He gave a small smile and closed his eyes and opened them again to see Remi's face brimming with a bright red right before their lips met. He gave a small laugh which later turned into a big guffaw. He threw his head back in hilarity.

"Forget it, Danny!" Remi stood up with a pout.

"N-no! Wait!" Danny said in laughter. "C-come back!" He reached out his arm to grab her wrist.

Remi's eyes widened once she stepped on the shirt she made for him long ago that day in the camping trip, and once he pulled her wrist, her body twirled and the two looked at each other shocked as she found herself falling on top of him. They both gave a small gasp before Remi landed on his laying body with her lips pressed against his. They took the unexpected moment to feel each others lips and taste the sweetness of the moment but once the kiss was broken the two parted with great enthusiastic embarrassment.

"I…" She said in shock, drawing back and putting a finger to her lips.

"I-I've been waiting a whole year for that and it took me by complete surprise." Danny said with hesitance.

"I… That…. I…" Remi repeated in a stutter.

Danny coughed. "I-it's not a big deal." He dismissed. "I mean, it's not like you haven't kissed anyone before, right?"

Remi held her lips. "That was my first kiss, Danny." She said aloud in embarrassment.

Danny lost balance for a while and regained it with a strong blush. "WHAT?!"

The End

THERE YA GO! What did you think of the ending?? I didn't really like it that much… By ending, I mean KISS by the way. Express your thoughts to me through this :D email me on your thoughts about that kiss because I'm like-- should I change it? Should I keep it?